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Everything posted by kueller

  1. It's a really jarring transition. With the live cymbal crashes and bass it's this really epic, loud, and even kind of heavy piece, and then it just goes into Starlight of all things.
  2. Complaining that he's struggling more than he did last tour, which he is, and that's worth discussion because this is a discussion forum. He was struggling in the festival tour too. People are happy about those, it's the gigs that got either none or one (compared to nights that got many) that are getting some complaints. That was one guy mostly and he was being argued against. The best received night had no Origin songs at all.
  3. I generally love the "modern" (jfc it's almost 10 years) sound of Showbiz and Reading's the only pro shot of that so it gets high up. The sound really is so terrible though it deserved better.
  4. Not seen. Micro Cuts Reapers Dead Star Shrinking Universe Darkshines City of Delusion Futurism Ruled By Secrecy Space Dementia Assassin Minimum Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Hate This & I'll Love You Glorious Muscle Museum Forced In Bliss Intro/Apocalypse Please Fury Showbiz
  5. Switching up only really matters to those that go to multiple gigs a tour which is a minority especially at high levels. The understandable grief is when swaps are of varying quality in opinion. But choices are choices regardless if they sometimes play something else. Guiding Light in 2009-2010 would have been complained about even if it was never rotated with MK Ultra.
  6. Monty Jam type in between makes it smoother maybe. Reapers is pretty strong, and I found KoC a bit jarring already. I was watching the Moscow 2011 multicam and it was a really nice shorter set, with the festival stage being a really nice balance to let the band be the focus.
  7. They played more Origin rarities on the American leg than any other ones (granted, it's Bliss/CE vs. AP but still). The "OoS not being released" was more about bringing back AP and play The Groove at Webster but the mindset didn't stick around beyond that. Also consider they've been bringing back new songs but the Psycho Tour returns have still been absent.
  8. It's been discussed before, that it's largely Muse's doing they attract this kind of crowd, whether they regret that or are even self-aware of it or not. It's more than just one getting a better setlist, it's the comments that get more upsetting. France first night got an American tier set but it's mostly attributed to misfortune or "first night syndrome". Meanwhile the sarcastic shots at the crowd and off stage comments from the band suggest more than just misfortune. The setlist is the tangible conclusion from it all, but at core there's this message that US fans are less important fans. That hurts to those who have spent a lot of time and dedication to being a fan, a lot more than just not getting Citizen Erased at a gig.
  9. Every elected leader has been the end of someone or something if you stretch it enough. But we have a thread for that and I'd rather it stay there. Muse have made it almost as clear as they could be without directly saying it they don't like playing here. It's rather insulting, and it's natural then that some fans will feel insulted.
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