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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Make a new track and insert a new midi item, then edit as you please in the piano roll. Might want to look up the documentation on it if you really don't know. You could import the original track as a refernece and go from there but you'd have to have the correct tempos. Guitar Pro is probably an easier method if you just want something that works.
  2. I think in most cases if it's a rare song you can assume it was played in Asia. I wonder what other old Showbiz song they'll pick next tour to arrange, bring back, then drop before I get to see them.
  3. The real idiots are the ones who buy them. Unless they don't have their own internet connection or something.
  4. Missed this part but with you on the sleek production. Makes the songs feel too clean, Panic Station mainly. The mix from a technical standpoint though is probably their best. Its sounded nice on everything I've played the album through. I do agree, I think there's more fun in there (crowd walk helps). But still doesn't interest me too much.
  5. Never really got that kind of thing. Maybe it's just cause I get attached to things I make.
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