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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Sometimes I'll go back to CE and love every second of it but it still doesn't change the fact there's rarer songs to be played that are just as great live if not more. Also I wanna post this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNB2Fe2b44o
  2. After the last tour though the board has generally gotten more interested in rarer songs since they're more possible. The CE hype train has kinda died down a bit. Obviously from that 20th anniversary poll that's not true for everywhere else but I only go here and I'm not like Fabri who keeps going back to /r/muse so I can ignore that.
  3. I don't really care about it. What was it that made Bliss weaker on the recent tour though? Every performance I saw felt short of what was on the Resistance shows but I can't really point to a specific.
  4. kueller

    Tour Visuals

    Still waiting to get the RBS countdown some day.
  5. He also did the thing with the TV though. I think that was sort of his introduction.
  6. I thought it was IOC who uploaded the video, not Muse.
  7. Not too sure what you mean. He had piano lessons from what I remember and was close to the school's music teacher (I assume some classes were taken there).
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V77WnPUXdSg
  9. Again, if Warner had just gone and shut it down there likely would have been some announcement saying "We got shut down". Site's not big enough to pull a megaupload.
  10. Probably would've gotten some announcement if it was gone for good.
  11. Sippe knew, but I don't know who you are.
  12. I always bring up this non-offensive non-jokingly done mime. [YT] [/YT] It's the same show as the Uprising one. And years earlier for the "what happened to Muse?" crowd.
  13. I'd like to add, in a similar vein to Sippe... 1. The number of people who still deny that they mimed at the Olympics 2. The number of people that assume the over the top movements were Matt rebelling against the man for making them do playback.
  14. How many variations of Foetus have there been?
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