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Everything posted by kueller

  1. Glorious Assassin HT&ILY Showbiz Space Dementia
  2. Sometimes it's just being used to the current tuning system and accepted sounds, like for example what's in the top charts today might have been considered radical a few decades ago. And sometimes I find experimental is experimental for the sake of it, which sometimes can also be fine if looked at that way.
  3. Two people... And thinking it's a mess != thinking noise is inherently worse music. I thought it was kinda a mess too.
  4. Repeating again that there haven't been many reasons as to why people don't like it. You're the one assuming that everyone just doesn't get the sounds, and that no one here is knowledgeable about noise/experimental/atonal/etc.
  5. I haven't seen anyone specifically say they hate it because it's different. In fact I haven't seen anyone who hated it give any real elaboration as to why so I don't know where you came to that conclusion from.
  6. Doing different things doesn't equate to something being perceived as good.
  7. New setlist generator. Exogenesis Pt. 1 Forced In Exogenesis Pt. 2 (lol) Crying Shame Panic Station Spiral Static House of the Rising Sun Uno Piano Thing Feeling Good Exogenesis Pt. 3 Sing for Absolution Pink Ego Box Prague Thoughts of a Dying Atheist Bedroom Acoustics The Gallery Glorious New Born Supremacy SMBH Take A Bow Dracula Mountain House of the Rising Sun The Gallery Panic Station Falling Down Dead Star The Groove Exo Pt. 3 Hidden Track City of Delusion The Small Print Liquid State Nature_1 Uno Hyper Music Assassin Uprising Glorious Showbiz Isolated System Map of Your Head Micro Cuts
  8. I thought Uprising was great, and I generally liked the bright red and blue stuff. Yeah every night same video but assuming not everyone watched it over and over. With you on Stockholm though. The old one had so much flashing and intensity it fit really well whereas the TV screens weren't as great. New Born also should've kept the R/L visuals.
  9. I always liked the balloons for PiB, it made the song look more fun and all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIPfP-bliss&t=2m43s Funny enough the URL has the world "bliss" in it so clearly God thinks I'm wrong. EDIT: Is it just me or are the ampersands getting replaced with pound signs?
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