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Everything posted by kueller

  1. I have the performance video. It wasn't a bad one but I wouldn't call it standout. The Resistance Tour ones were a lot better I'd say as far as the post-Abso performances go. The common answer is typically Glastonbury 2004 CE, but I always take a chance to plug this performance which has been my favorite. [YT] [/YT] The Wembley 2010 one was also pretty good. EDIT: It's sad that there's probably a bigger chance of contacting the Japanese station and getting them to release a proper Zepp 2001 video than getting Zepp 2013.
  2. I was actually going to make a joke about Serj, but then I noticed people beat me to it. Then I noticed they weren't joking.
  3. There's no special mixing there. It's the studio track you just can't really hear the original guitar over her's.
  4. They did the HCM outro after Stockholm. I'd like to see something like that again, except extend the feedback stuff and add more noise. Do that for a long time. Go full MBV. Then play the last riff. I'd enjoy that, but I just have a thing for noise sections.
  5. It was actually hearing How To Disappear... as a closer (in their Japan video I believe) that made me think HCM would be a good closer. But similar to previous points I don't think it would work well in larger venues.
  6. The stems of the song are out there, can't find them on YouTube though. But those should give you a more clear description of what the guitar is like. I was never able to figure out the chords myself but I also haven't tried in a while.
  7. I mainly PC game. I still have my Xbox and use it but I stopped paying for Xbox Live. Might get a PS4 but can't afford that right now.

  8. Nah I was never about that kind of thing. Only thing I have is a twitter, same username as here.

  9. Oh hey, it's been fine. I'm still hanging around here a lot.

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