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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey how you doing?? its been a while since I caught you online! ;) x

  2. Thanks! Still one of Matt's Mansons would be nice lol! :p

  3. Hey I haven't heard form you in a while! How are you?? xx

  4. Ha I haven't recorded anything yet but I write alot of stuff down would you like to see some of my material lol?? :p x

  5. Hiya! hows things lately?? :p

  6. Hey I added your friend request!!! :) er sorry its not in portugeuse lol! :p

  7. Hey Tom how come Matt never uses his profile to speak to some his fans?? I only ask because I have never been lucky enough to go to a Muse gig, therefore have never had the privelege of meeting Muse (which would fulfill my dreams and desires) and like all fans am just really curious about my idols. I know I keep pestering you for an interview opportunity but I would gladly settle for them to recieve a question from me or even catch some info directly from them! Sorry to keep on at ya! but I am afterall... a MUSE fan! :D

  8. Hello Matt! (if this is you or not) I read the article on MuseWiki on the whole qua@aol.com stuff! To be honest if I had known back then, I would have been one of the many thousands of people who tried to contact you (as I am now really) as well! Er if you are the real Matt (or someone who knows him well) would it be possible if I interview you, Chris and Dom sometime for my student Media company please?? I would love to find out the truth about the "globe incident" and other intriguing stories my mum's friend tells me (aparantly she was 'that' babysitter!) Although any response/info would be greatly appreciated! Please get back in touch even if it is just the once!

    btw I came across this on You Tube and it made my smile: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0aOXybM-ZzQ&feature=related

    Thanks for all those priceless moments and spectacular live shows (even though I've never been to them)

    A very ardent & passionate fan!


  9. Hey thanks for the friend invite & good luck in your quest for a muse interview! :p

  10. :musesign: Hey long time no speak! How have you been?? Did you have a cool Halloween?? I'm form the Uk and just so curious about you know... How the elections went?? What time is it over in your part of the world?? x:musesign:
  11. :) Hey how you been lately?? :p x
  12. Hey whats this I hear about you being a massive Muse Fan?? I myself would love to interview them as well for my media company... IT WOULD BE A LIFELONG DREAM FULFILLED!!! I'm planning on visiting Exeter Uni on there next open day!

  13. Your welcome lol! Yeah I'm kinda hoping MUSE headline next years Reading Festival coz my friend got pre-sale tickets lol! Be nice to finally see them live!!! x :p

  14. I have my first film do you think I should upload it to You Tube?? Its not bad... but my acting sucks! :p xx

  15. Hey I found a decent tab of citizen erased! I've just been playing it on a six stringed guitar (drop D) Bliss is my fav at the min
  16. Hey how you been since we last chat?? I'm fine btw did you have a good halloween?? :p xx

  17. " You love to hear this story again and again, about these young brothers from the city of Wind " I heard this in a song on the radio lol! Its about Chicago I think :p

  18. Hey soz no chat in ages! How you been?? Have a cool Halloween?? :p x

  19. Hey long time no speak!!! How you doing?? Did you have a nice bday & halloween?? x

  20. Aww sorry to hear you have braces lol they are no fun at all :( my deepest sympathy lol x How you been btw?? xx

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