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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Ok lol! I will have to send you some new material lol! I'm off now for some food lol! Speak to you soon ;) xx

  2. Cool I'm glad to see there are people out there like yourself lol! :p YAY for creative Muse fans!!! x

  3. Ignore that previous random statement lol! I was under suspicious influences lol :pussy: xx

  4. Er well I haven't been writing songs for very long! Ever since a girl I love moved to Germany I have been inspired by... my love for her I guess! :$ I guess its that feeling inside of us all that we can't control... love! x

  5. Here's a snippet: "A feeling of suspense, helplessness

    Alternating hope and despair, together

    But I’m hoping for an all time low

    Oh no not again...

    You can't resist the strain...

    I've lived through the pain

    Im not affraid to live this way anymore"

    ;) x

  6. I did write a song similar to Meglomania called signal anxiety, which alerts the ego to impending threats that might unbalance it lol! Most of my inspiration comes from muse!

  7. What like some of my songs?? I have a little book that whenever I think of soemthing... or someone I write it down :p x

  8. :$ :Love! Ha I know how you feel deep inside we think we really know these things...:unsure

    but we can't control our feelings... and we feel afraid!

  9. Sz for not replying my cat held me at gunpoint at took all the fudge from the fridge... honest! ;) x

  10. Hey how you been since we last chat?? I've updated my profile! :p x

  11. Thanks I've got some cool wmebley ones! :D

  12. Really! I wouldn't compare my team to that lol! Their in the 3rd tier of English Football but the league is called LEAGUE 1 (confusing??) I support NY GIANTS btw since 2004!

  13. Can't beat a good o'l bit of Yeovil Town lol! It was intense... can't imagine what Muse must of been like! x

  14. Yeah did you purposely chose that colour to make me read all that lol! $3000 is alot of money! I have a close friend who is currently staying in Germany! Btw added some gay ass photots x

  15. am or pm?? Do you know where it is that you go on this exchange programme?? :p x

  16. Hey I'm well excited I'm getting my hair done in the 18th!!! :p Getting it cut first then I'm gonna have black with a vampire red fringe :D! Hows things btw?? xx

  17. Btw what time is it stateside?? :p x

  18. WOAH! Psychedelic text! I'm good thanks tell me more about this international student thing it sounds like fun! Are you looking forward to it?? Big up Bleach... and full metal alchemy or anything on channel ANIME :D xx

  19. Matt love! LOL x

  20. I wanted an Ibanez Destroyer like Matt uses on the Hullabaloo DVD but couldn't find/afford one so I got this lol! I like your Ibanez tho!!! :)

  21. Which one lol?? My arty farty one?? :p

  22. Hey I was bored and found this on You Tube! :http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rN1WrymTiqo enjoy! :p

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