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Everything posted by deadstar78

  1. Hey hows yourself?? :) x

  2. Erm yes kind of?? I dunno I guess because I love her lol! I like writing songs though :) Почему мое сердце чувствует себя так плохо? x

  3. I wrote it for a girl I like *blushes*:$ x

  4. Oh and thanks for the comments btw!!! :D Do you have anymore pics of yourself?? x

  5. Ooh you like making videos lol! I am a film producer, 1ith my own production companies lol! :p I won an award for my first ever film! I'll have to put it up on You Tube!

  6. You are a very lucky person! will you form a Musette tribute band in his honour?? x

  7. I was in such a rush that day to find the costume shop lol! I barely know St Neots! My friend who was suppose to mee me and show me where it was didnt turn up! How you been?? x

  8. Ah cheers! :happy: I've gotta shoot off now crappy University/student stuff to do speak to ya laters!!! :kiss: xx

  9. Ha really?? looks like I've found the perfect person for advice! :p I think I've seen photos of your hair in every colour from the spectrum lol! All amazing tho ;) x

  10. Yeah I see what ya mean! Thats cool coz I can speak to my mums friend who is a hairdresser, once she gets back from hol! I did experiment with a red streak in my fringe but it didn't really hold in my hair! something to do with the colour "sliding off" so I was told! Wow its sounds almost like your my personal stylist or something lol! Thanks again!!! ;) xx

  11. Really? I remember when I was younger I dyed my hair green to match my football team I was playing for but it was a mess! :$ Isnt bleach bad for your hair tho or is that just a myth?? x

  12. Vampire red is what I'm getting! I was speaking to Mue about her hair and she said about bleaching it first! I think I need a haircut before although it would look pretty cool if it was red and spikey like my 'hullabaloo' hair lol! My mums got Purple Haze in hers at the min :) x

  13. Hey are you big into Muse stuff?? Wheres the profile eh?

  14. How are things in your part of the world?? x

  15. I wrote a song that songs similar to falling away! О ком - то специальный ... кто - то я люблю! :$ x

  16. Hell yeah! seriously I bet if I finally got the chance to meet them I'd probably choke or just freeak out!

  17. Aww Thanks!:$ Ma sexy hair lol! Its not a bad colour but I really love red so I,ll be dying it soon with that colour you mentioned! Oh but I'll prob need a trim first :p What's the shade of blue that you use?? It rocks! :D xx

  18. Hey I've been watching some more of your random vids! "this is for the memories..." lol! xx :p

  19. I play mostly Muse covers but I also like Punk/Hardcore stuff like the Gallows!

  20. Then there is no better hair lol! Matt is only 5ft 7 as well hes like short for a man... no a rock god!

  21. Im loving the new pics btw!!! Way too many to comment on all (although there all good imo!):stongue:

  22. :musesign:Yeah but if they headline Reading Festival 2009 then I'm sorted lol! Too many people have gotten lucky more than once! NO FAIR :(

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