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Everything posted by alyssa_

  1. Boredom. http://soundcloud.com/glarbinator/basics Kinda choppy... and a bit retro sounding, haha. I just threw something together to play bass over. Awesome! <3 <3
  2. An electro house track I'm working on... http://soundcloud.com/glarbinator/random-song-original-mix-wip-2#
  3. Sounds cool--kind of like a dnb version of a mario boss track. It's sweet. I'm pretty new making beats, but I have a lot of ideas. I'm trying to polish out the cheese factor though. http://soundcloud.com/glarbinator/untitled-wip
  4. There isn't much there yet, aside from two Muse covers and a random thing I made in Ableton. Meh.
  5. Hey nice B&H cover dude. :)

  6. Lol your sig... what?! :LOL:

  7. Nice sig. :p I made that wallpaper you got that from, hahaha.

  8. Nice! Best of luck, stay safe, and semper fi. :p What MOS are you going for?

  9. Saw your EGA av--you a Marine?

  10. Your sig! :awesome:


    <3 Mythbusters

  11. Haha, yeah I did, actually! :awesome:

  12. noap. settled with some seats behind the stage. :) did you have one though? :eek:

  13. Oh shit! It's your birthday! Have a good one! :)

  14. Hey! You go to UCI? I know some people that are going/have gone there. :) Sweet.

  15. haha yep. that's always the case.


    my friends and i used to hang out at the drayson center a lot, as lame as that is. *shrug* i work there now, actually. but yeah, i really hate the fact that the only places to actually hang out are nowhere near loma linda. :p


    have you lived in LL for a while or you're just going to LLU?

  16. Here you go:



    Some fun in banter from a while ago... haha

  17. Awesome. =) It's stupidly boring out here isn't it, haha.

  18. Sweet, are you doing premed... maybe? :p I declared myself as a biology major but meh, I dunno. I want to go to med school but I don't know what I want to study for undergrad. :awesome:


    Where are you going btw?

  19. So I was in the "Muse Connections" thread or whatever, and I noticed your from around Loma Linda. Sweet! So am I.

  20. Sorry I didn't reply to you sooner but hey! Sup!


    Yeah I just started college and got a job today so you probably won't see me around anymore either, haha. Yay for growing up. ;) What are you studying?

  21. Hehe, fair enough! Cheers. And thanks, my day has been great so far! Hope yours is as well. ;)

  22. are you on a mission to befriend everyone or something? Haha.

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