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Everything posted by alyssa_

  1. haha you can if you want! you're a cali enthusiast then! :LOL:

  2. lol, now I feel retarded! :LOL: and it's well justified.

  3. Btw, appologies to those I added that don't actually live in cali!
  4. ah crap--why did I always have the impression that you were?


    I think i was confusing the US muse threads with Cali threads! :LOL: god damnit

  5. i knowz j00!!111

  6. you have crazy skillz. :)

  7. south FTW! Â but we shouldn't quarrel young'ns! Â lol actually I'm quite fond of the north.
  8. w00t! SoCal musers FTW.

  9. girl gamers, ftw. :p

  10. j00 is too nice. :D

  11. suppp mah nig

  12. can i leave myself a message? lulz

  13. Haha, I just had a dream I caught up with Matt after a gig at an after-party and the red track suit, and I said everything that I promised myself I wouldn't say to him if I ever met him like "omg ur aweshum" and "you're an absolute genius!" and he was just like "yeah yeah cheers" Then while I was kicking myself for that, my sister comes and practically makes friends with him. Then we all started playing poker, even though we had no cash, and my sister and I ended up getting all the chips and Matt got sorta pissed and left. *sigh* ^^Haha and I just had a dream with Paul McCartney as well. I had a dream I walked in a recording studio and I walked in on The Beatles recording something and I was like "oh shit sorry" then walked out, but then I thought "wait, aren't they all dead?" and continued through my dream royally confused. O.o
  14. I had a dream I snuck into a small theater where Muse was playing after standing outside the venue in agony for KoC and Hysteria... Then Matt picked up a pair of drum sticks and started dicking around with another drum kit on stage and everyone laughed, but then he started soloing and starts a drum duel with Dom, and I think Chris jumps in there somewhere. 'Twas fucking great. How fucking awesome would it be if all three of them messed around with a drum set at one point in a set? Sorry, I'm a drummer, and that would just be purely orgasmic. I don't care if Matt sucks... Then one of the security guys started checking tix and I begged him to let me stay and I did. Then a whole backing choir + orchestra came on stage and I woke up.
  15. Yeah, as much as I like hearing Muse somewhere other than from my comp/mp3 player, I don't want people to be sick of Muse, like I am of everything else on KROQ! (the Foos, Nirvana, RCHP)... they're great bands, but I swear they have a playlist with 40 songs or something that they just cycle through...
  16. Haha, I was taking my final today and someone's cell rang with KoC as their rington starting at "no one's going to take me alive". Luckily for him, my teacher stepped out for a sec, haha. I just said "nice ringtone... no seriously. :happy:"
  17. I was listening to KROQ and they were playing "Smack My Bitch Up" by Prodigy, then about halfway through the song, it turned into a mash-up with Knights of Cydonia with the Prodigy beat going on then all of a sudden "NO ONE'S GOING TO TAKE ME ALIVE" pops in. It was a really nasty mash-up. I was happy when they played the whole ending riff without Prodigy.
  18. This isn't exactly a Muse dream, but meh... I was falling asleep listening to music, then I fell asleep and woke up to that state where you're awake and aware of your surroundings and The Gallery started playing and it sounded really, really fucking loud in my head--it hurt. It was freaky. The Gallery doesn't really bring happy thoughts to my head anymore.
  19. LISTENING TO MUSE ON US RADIO (KROQ) RIGHT NOW! New Born, Ruled By Secrecy, and Feeling Good have all gotten airtime! ...all of last nights gig actually, I think! Whee, star spangled banner/hysteria! edit: Apparently, House of the Rising Sun played on the radio after AAC!
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