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Still sounds like a fancy painter and decorator to me tbh.


Just tell it like it is, bloody good music regardless, I like both bands (Even though I adore Muse much more) and Radiohead are like a Tiramisu, layered, fancy and equal parts sweet and bitter whereas Muse are like a Sara Lee gateaux, big, filling, yet simple and satisfying :yesey:


Aye, they both satisfy in different ways :happy:

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I don't agree with that myself, but its definately one of the most recognised experimental albums out there.


It is not an experimental album at all, just a stupid term used by rock fans for anything a little bit different.


If it was an "experimental" album, it wouldn't be by one of the biggest bands in the world and certainly wouldn't be popular with a lot of people as experimental music is pretty much unlistenable noise.

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Muse are my favourite band but Radiohead at their best is just so well worked, layered and intricate that each listen gets better and you listen more carefully. Muse usually it's the first listen that's best, because of their style of big and bombastic and the instant WOW reaction.


There are those times you're hyped for a live show and get a rare play of something and proceed to spaff yourself silly ofc, but I just think Radiohead are just a more developed and more balanced band. Muse's creative ability is heavily dominated by Matt, and at times that's backfired.

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Their fans.


Muse fans can be fecking annoying and make useless threads, mostly to wind people up and then paste other people's aggravated and OTT responses to said threads in their signatures for lolz. Radiohead fans seem to be a lot less irritating :p.


Oh, and their music an stuff is a bit different!


Edit: Thom Yorke's dancing scares me :(

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Oh! I know the difference between Radiohead and Muse. Radiohead has played in Finland once, in 1995. Muse has played in Finland five times, twice during this tour. As much as I love Radiohead it's getting really frustrating being their fan in Finland :(

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Muse are my favourite band but Radiohead at their best is just so well worked, layered and intricate that each listen gets better and you listen more carefully. Muse usually it's the first listen that's best, because of their style of big and bombastic and the instant WOW reaction.


There are those times you're hyped for a live show and get a rare play of something and proceed to spaff yourself silly ofc, but I just think Radiohead are just a more developed and more balanced band. Muse's creative ability is heavily dominated by Matt, and at times that's backfired.


On a serious note, that's actually quite a nicely-rounded summary of the two. I largely agree :)

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Their fans.


Muse fans can be fecking annoying and make useless threads, mostly to wind people up and then paste other people's aggravated and OTT responses to said threads in their signatures for lolz. Radiohead fans seem to be a lot less irritating :p.


Oh, and their music an stuff is a bit different!


Edit: Thom Yorke's dancing scares me :(

Radiohead fans are worse.

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Their fans.


Muse fans can be fecking annoying and make useless threads, mostly to wind people up and then paste other people's aggravated and OTT responses to said threads in their signatures for lolz. Radiohead fans seem to be a lot less irritating :p.


Oh, and their music an stuff is a bit different!


Edit: Thom Yorke's dancing scares me :(


Quite a lot of the muse fans you're describing are either no longer Muse fans but still Radiohead fans or fan of both :p

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True - most claim to still be fans of both, but more of Radiohead than Muse now cos they think Muse have become rather shite, and so they do all the stuff I mentioned ;).

Radiohead fans are worse against other people, and more arrogant. You know the people who think they're smart and special because they like Muse? Well...Radiohead has more of those.

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Radiohead fans are worse against other people, and more arrogant. You know the people who think they're smart and special because they like Muse? Well...Radiohead has more of those.


True. They can be horribly elitistic.

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Radiohead fans are worse against other people, and more arrogant. You know the people who think they're smart and special because they like Muse? Well...Radiohead has more of those.


Oh, great! :LOL: I don't go on any other band's forums so I dunno how fans behave. But there are two kinds of elitists on these boards: the ones you mentioned and also the ones who used to like Muse back in the day and seem to think those who like them now are OTT and stupid cos the band are no longer 'great'. Good to hear some Radiohead fans are just as pathetic :awesome:

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Oh, great! :LOL: I don't go on any other band's forums so I dunno how fans behave. But there are two kinds of elitists on these boards: the ones you mentioned and also the ones who used to like Muse back in the day and seem to think those who like them now are OTT and stupid cos the band are no longer 'great'. Good to hear some Radiohead fans are just as pathetic :awesome:

I don't think people here look down on fans in general.



Ignorant or arrogant fans on the other hand...

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Oh, great! :LOL: I don't go on any other band's forums so I dunno how fans behave. But there are two kinds of elitists on these boards: the ones you mentioned and also the ones who used to like Muse back in the day and seem to think those who like them now are OTT and stupid cos the band are no longer 'great'. Good to hear some Radiohead fans are just as pathetic :awesome:


I used to know a couple of Radiohead fans who still think Muse are a Radiohead tribute band. They'd only listened to Showbiz and BH&R and refused to give the other albums a chance. :stunned:

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There are some that do though. Some of the ex-fans seem to think there's something wrong with you if you still like Muse.




I used to know a couple of Radiohead fans who still think Muse are a Radiohead tribute band. They'd only listened to Showbiz and BH&R and refused to give the other albums a chance. :stunned:


:rolleyes: It's shouldn't be surprising, really. Some people are insanely closed-minded!


Yeah well...that's a very small amount of people.


It doesn't feel like it lately. In fact, it feels like most of the board falls into one or the other of those 'elite' categories I mentioned and the rest of us have to avoid falling into either stereotype :chuckle:.


Having said that, it's not all bad - it's just frustrating when I see either of those types of fans posting something ridiculous, whether it's asking if you should be allowed to go to Muse gigs/be labelled a 'fan' if you only know one song or petitioning to have them split up :LOL::facepalm:

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:rolleyes: It's shouldn't be surprising, really. Some people are insanely closed-minded!


Not really. Don't need to listen to everything by a band to not like them.



I've never met any elitist Radiohead fans, I've received more abuse for being a Radiohead fan than a Muse one.

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There may not be that many of them but the ones who are are annoying. If you can't be a Muse fan on the Muse board then where can you be? It's almost like it's frowned-upon to be a Muse fan here sometimes. I try not to let it bother me but sometimes it does.

Like I said, I don't think anyone here frowns upon Muse fans, unless they are ignorant or arrogant, and can't take it when someone criticizes Muse.


"Muse can do no wrong" is not very uncommon.

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