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Funny...I just happen to dream last night of Matt being shirtless, wearing black leather jeans, and had lots of tattoos!! Not only that,but they brought along a psychobilly band..."Zombie Ghost Train" to open up for them and I was watching all of this on t.v with my friends... :stunned: weird I tell you!



Like the guy here in the background?

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I was carrying a bunch of rare Muse goodies (Hullabaloo, Deadstar/In Your World, Absolution Tour, the Japanese release of Origin...) and they kept falling out of my arms :facepalm: I got hungry, so I went into the supermarket. I couldn't buy anything, because it was an American store and I only had Euros :wtf: Then I fell into a time warp and my Muse swag was gone :(


... I was pretty pissed when I woke up, too :LOL:

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I was carrying a bunch of rare Muse goodies (Hullabaloo, Deadstar/In Your World, Absolution Tour, the Japanese release of Origin...) and they kept falling out of my arms :facepalm: I got hungry, so I went into the supermarket. I couldn't buy anything, because it was an American store and I only had Euros :wtf: Then I fell into a time warp and my Muse swag was gone :(


... I was pretty pissed when I woke up, too :LOL:



If only that dream was real, then time warps wouldn't exist, so you'd still have all of that Muse gold. :(

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Yes! I actually had my first dream about Muse today. It was pretty wierd though.


So basically it was that Muse decided to take a minitour around Holland and their studio was in Eindhoven( a small city i live in ;) ) near by my house. So I and a couple of my friends were driving through a field, and then I see Matt and Dominic walking towards us. I don't remember what Matt was wearing, but Dom was wearing black pants and a black teashirt, and his hair was dyed white color, like in the Feeling Good music video. So I stoped the car and we all went out. My friends just went off talking with Dom, not even saying "hi" to Matt. Then I came up to Matt (he looked very sad:( ) and I asked him if I could take a photo with him. He is like "Sure, Dom can take the picture". So I got in my car to find the camera, and I was searching for it like for 5 minutes. Matt was just patiently waiting outside the whole time, which made me feel really guilty... While i was searhing i was trying to ask Matt something about him liking Rachmaninoff, but my mouth just couldn't utter a word...But then I finally found the camera. Then Dom came to us, took the picture and then just walked off with my camera! Then I asked Matt why Dom took my camera and Matt answered, "Well, it's Dom, you can expect anything from him..."


And then my alarm clock went off :mad:

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^ :chuckle:

And like I said before.. alarm clocks are evil.


Bleh, I had a stupid school dream last night. :indiff:

Though there was a part when I was in a car and Chris was in the back and he showed me this DVD box set thing he bought for £95, and wouldn't stop talking about it.. but I was just like "k. don't care." and he got pissed off and got out of the car.


My mind really likes to piss Muse members off.. :erm:

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I had a dream that Ryan(ryno116) and i were sitting in a coffee shop together. The dream starts with me standing up from the table and starting to walk away but Ryan grabs my shoulder and turns me around and screams "REPONDS A MA TENDRESSE!!!" at me over and over but i cant move and then the dream blurs while redemption is playing and it goes to the KoC video. Wtf.

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I had this dream that I was in a casino and Matt was this cheesy gameshow host doing a quiz that I was loosing. Afterwards he came and sat next to me and we started talking about gargen snails.. then suddenly I was his hairdresser? He looked like he did in the Bliss video, only a lot more grey hairs and he had, eh, dandilions and daisies growing out of his scalp... WTF? Seriously, I think my brain finds a secret supply of crack when I'm asleep.

Anyway, I was laughing at the flowers on his head and cut them off for him. Then I went home and my little brother was crying because some kid at school was bullying him. I asked him who it was, and he said Matt Bellamy.


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I had a dream that Ryan(ryno116) and i were sitting in a coffee shop together. The dream starts with me standing up from the table and starting to walk away but Ryan grabs my shoulder and turns me around and screams "REPONDS A MA TENDRESSE!!!" at me over and over but i cant move and then the dream blurs while redemption is playing and it goes to the KoC video. Wtf.



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Yes! I actually had my first dream about Muse today. It was pretty wierd though.


So basically it was that Muse decided to take a minitour around Holland and their studio was in Eindhoven( a small city i live in ;) ) near by my house. So I and a couple of my friends were driving through a field, and then I see Matt and Dominic walking towards us. I don't remember what Matt was wearing, but Dom was wearing black pants and a black teashirt, and his hair was dyed white color, like in the Feeling Good music video. So I stoped the car and we all went out. My friends just went off talking with Dom, not even saying "hi" to Matt. Then I came up to Matt (he looked very sad:( ) and I asked him if I could take a photo with him. He is like "Sure, Dom can take the picture". So I got in my car to find the camera, and I was searching for it like for 5 minutes. Matt was just patiently waiting outside the whole time, which made me feel really guilty... While i was searhing i was trying to ask Matt something about him liking Rachmaninoff, but my mouth just couldn't utter a word...But then I finally found the camera. Then Dom came to us, took the picture and then just walked off with my camera! Then I asked Matt why Dom took my camera and Matt answered, "Well, it's Dom, you can expect anything from him..."


And then my alarm clock went off :mad:


:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: amazing.

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i had a dream last night..Muse were playing outside in front of a bunch of people near my street and i went outside and across the street matt was playing guitar and singing into a microphone in front of the his "house" and you can hear it all the way over there too so dom and chris were playing all the way in front of the crowd while matt was back here and nobody was there it was just me! so i had a chair next to me and i sat down listening and i realized "fuck i outta tell my friend mycheal" and i ran down to a different street saw him like helping out someone and i told him "quick hurry bellamy playing!!!!" he said "ok lets go!!!" and my friend mycheal does stupid shit in real life when im serious so he ran back to help out more and it took a while and i was screaming at him!!! then we finally went back and matt wasnt there!! and i saw him breifly in the house so me and mycheal were gonna go to his door and knock and ask for a autograph and pic and if we can hang out then my fucking alarm clock woke me up:mad:

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Muse are usually the background music, if there are any. But I once had a dream that my class was on a private-concert with only him; and then there was an interview with him later. Of course, I went over to him after and showed him a little fangirly girlish. But I got a hug and a kiss on my cheek. :LOL:

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I had this dream that I was in a casino and Matt was this cheesy gameshow host doing a quiz that I was loosing. Afterwards he came and sat next to me and we started talking about gargen snails.. then suddenly I was his hairdresser? He looked like he did in the Bliss video, only a lot more grey hairs and he had, eh, dandilions and daisies growing out of his scalp... WTF? Seriously, I think my brain finds a secret supply of crack when I'm asleep.

Anyway, I was laughing at the flowers on his head and cut them off for him. Then I went home and my little brother was crying because some kid at school was bullying him. I asked him who it was, and he said Matt Bellamy.



:LOL: That's fantastic!

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Its kinda weird, but


I had a dream last night that Matt was raping me on a bridge, and no one else was around except Dom and Chris. I was like screaming help and whatever but they were just standing there, kind of smiling at me while Matt was doing that. Dom was holding the Glitterati and Chris had a beer. It kinda scared me

and then i was like telling matt that he was hurting me but he just started singing softly to me. Freaked me out

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Its kinda weird, but


I had a dream last night that Matt was raping me on a bridge, and no one else was around except Dom and Chris. I was like screaming help and whatever but they were just standing there, kind of smiling at me while Matt was doing that. Dom was holding the Glitterati and Chris had a beer. It kinda scared me

and then i was like telling matt that he was hurting me but he just started singing softly to me. Freaked me out


:stunned::eek: well weird...

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Its kinda weird, but


I had a dream last night that Matt was raping me on a bridge, and no one else was around except Dom and Chris. I was like screaming help and whatever but they were just standing there, kind of smiling at me while Matt was doing that. Dom was holding the Glitterati and Chris had a beer. It kinda scared me

and then i was like telling matt that he was hurting me but he just started singing softly to me. Freaked me out


:stunned: eek


..I had another stupid school dream, but then when I got home, I went up to my room to find a pen so I could do my essay (yes, I dreamt I did my homework :facepalm:) and Matt was in there.. can't remember what we talked about but he seemed very ignorant and as I was talking he put headphones on and laid on my bed so he couldn't hear me.. so I just got the pen and left. worked on the essay (:facepalm:) and when I went back up, Matt and Gwen Stefani were playing Monopoly, and told me to get fuck out. of my own room. cheers Matt :indiff::LOL:

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I dreamt that me and my friend were at a pregnant mothers convention thing (why do I always dream that I'm pregnant? :shifty:) and we were listening to someone giving a speech, and I looked over to the corner of the room and I noticed Matt sitting there, so me and my friend sneaked over to him. He gave us autographs (which were for some reason just a massive ".T" :LOL:) and I annoyed him because I kept trying to get a nice picture but the camera kept blurring. we asked him why he was there and he said that he and Dom were waiting for Chris to hurry up. We asked him were Dom was, and it turned out he was in another corner of the room, sitting at his drumkit, so we went over to him for a while, his signature was the same :LOL: we asked Dom where Chris was, and he pointed. We looked over and Chris was the one giving the speech about pregnancy to all the mothers :LOL: and Dom said "You better go back to your seats and listen to what he says, that man is full of knowledge!" so we did. after we waved goodbye and then the dream continued into me having the child or whatever.

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I had a really stupid dream involving Muse the other day and I laughed so hard when I woke up I thought I had to share it...


At first my dream had nothing to do with Muse, I was buying candies at a market (yeah actually I dream quite often about buying or eating candies which is really silly but whatever...) , so as I was buying those candies I saw Matt and Dom coming towards me, I was with a friend and I told her something like "I'd better hide my candies or Dom is going to eat every of them", and then they started running very fast towards I don't know where and my friend said smth like "We should follow them, it must be an enigma..." (You know my brain was probably confounding with the USOE treasure hunt thing) , so we starded running after them, and at a point they disappeared , but then me and my friend heard a sort of siren song (you know a bit like in Harry Potter and the goblet of fire when Harry's in the black lake...whatever) and then we realised that it was Matt who was singing (he had a female voice but for some reason it didn't suprise me...) and we found that Matt and Dom were hidden behind a wall, they were sitting on the floor one beside the other, completely naked, with just a fig leaf you know where... and then I woke up and laughed....

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