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I was at Muse's villa in Lake Como, because they were having people over to discuss how well they thought the treasure hunt went. I hadn't taken part in the first stage, because it seemed too embarrassing (you had to go up to Muse and ask them something, to get the key), but I had done 3 of the tasks. It wasn't the actual treasure hunt; it was set in towns in Italy, which I just happened to be in at the time. Anyway, I was talking to Chris about how great it was, but I felt slightly guilty, because he was talking to me like I'd been to all of the locations, when I hadn't. So I told him that I hadn't been to the first one, because I'd have felt like I was invading their privacy. He dismissed it, and said, "Nah, it's fine - it's nice seeing everyone so keen to get involved". The conversation was going really well; much better than it would in real life, no doubt. Matt and Dom were sort of in the background acting like little kids, and they were annoying me slightly, which was a bit peculiar.

Then the scene changed, and I was watching a video of a 'making of the treasure hunt', which had text superimposed over it, describing what would have been the clues, but it was of an argument between Matt and Dom and someone who at first I thought was a Muse fan, but then turned out to be one of Chris' children. I could tell this, because they were saying things like "...because Uncle Matt says you can't!" Matt was yelling at someone else for leaving notes everywhere and annoying him. Matt put them in the freezer to try and get rid of them, before realising it was a stupid idea. Then we were outside again, next to what was supposed to be a swimming pool, but had all these old concrete slabs (the kind you'd get in Walton Gardens, or similar parks), which a Muse fan was sitting on. Matt yelled at them for being risky. Then I woke up. At 5am. Again.

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I was at Muse's villa in Lake Como, because they were having people over to discuss how well they thought the treasure hunt went. I hadn't taken part in the first stage, because it seemed too embarrassing (you had to go up to Muse and ask them something, to get the key), but I had done 3 of the tasks. It wasn't the actual treasure hunt; it was set in towns in Italy, which I just happened to be in at the time. Anyway, I was talking to Chris about how great it was, but I felt slightly guilty, because he was talking to me like I'd been to all of the locations, when I hadn't. So I told him that I hadn't been to the first one, because I'd have felt like I was invading their privacy. He dismissed it, and said, "Nah, it's fine - it's nice seeing everyone so keen to get involved". The conversation was going really well; much better than it would in real life, no doubt. Matt and Dom were sort of in the background acting like little kids, and they were annoying me slightly, which was a bit peculiar.

Then the scene changed, and I was watching a video of a 'making of the treasure hunt', which had text superimposed over it, describing what would have been the clues, but it was of an argument between Matt and Dom and someone who at first I thought was a Muse fan, but then turned out to be one of Chris' children. I could tell this, because they were saying things like "...because Uncle Matt says you can't!" Matt was yelling at someone else for leaving notes everywhere and annoying him. Matt put them in the freezer to try and get rid of them, before realising it was a stupid idea. Then we were outside again, next to what was supposed to be a swimming pool, but had all these old concrete slabs (the kind you'd get in Walton Gardens, or similar parks), which a Muse fan was sitting on. Matt yelled at them for being risky. Then I woke up. At 5am. Again.

:LOL: thats a pretty cool dream actually! Had a bit of everything!


haha if I was Chris, matt would so not be allowed near my kids:p

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:LOL: thats a pretty cool dream actually! Had a bit of everything!


haha if I was Chris, matt would so not be allowed near my kids:p


Haha, yeah, it was really nice! It made me realise that if I ever met Muse I'd want to talk to Chris, because he's the least intimidating... :$

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I have forced muse on my sister so much that now she is having muse dreams. And they are better then mine:(


Ok, my sister was in a room were Dom was signing autographs, Emma (my sister) and Matt were chatting from a couple of minutes (she can't remember what about) then Chris comes in with blues and white paint on his face (he was going to a game of football) Chris was showing off saying he did it himself but she was saying that it was too good to do it yourself. Then she stole Doms pencil and eraser so he couldn't sign anything (though he never noticed it was missing) so Chris leaves and Emma and Matt go outside nothing really happened outside, Matt was just talking to someone in a car. So Emma and Matt go back inside where Dom is in a swimming pool naked.:eek: Yes she said he was NAKED (I think thats because Dom is her favourite band member) He was just floating around. Oh and all through this dream Matt was showing off his boxers (witch she thinks has something to do with me telling her about when Zane said Matt was gonna rap in uprising) :LOL:


She said it was like they were all old friends:( why can't I have those dreams. The best I've ever gotten was seeing them on stag for like a split second. Although I did speak to Tom, its just not the same :supersad:

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My dream only involved a distorted, fading Muse song playing in the background. I couldn't quite figure it out, it sounded like unintended :erm:. In my dream, whilst the Muse song was playing, it was night time, and I was in this knee length silky redish/ purple dress. And I was circling the edge of a (city) building top. It was werid, I had my ear phones in with the Muse song playing, and my hair everywhere (it was windy). I didn't fall off or anything, all I could hear was Matt's faint voice.

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I have forced muse on my sister so much that now she is having muse dreams. And they are better then mine:(


Ok, my sister was in a room were Dom was signing autographs, Emma (my sister) and Matt were chatting from a couple of minutes (she can't remember what about) then Chris comes in with blues and white paint on his face (he was going to a game of football) Chris was showing off saying he did it himself but she was saying that it was too good to do it yourself. Then she stole Doms pencil and eraser so he couldn't sign anything (though he never noticed it was missing) so Chris leaves and Emma and Matt go outside nothing really happened outside, Matt was just talking to someone in a car. So Emma and Matt go back inside where Dom is in a swimming pool naked.:eek: Yes she said he was NAKED (I think thats because Dom is her favourite band member) He was just floating around. Oh and all through this dream Matt was showing off his boxers (witch she thinks has something to do with me telling her about when Zane said Matt was gonna rap in uprising) :LOL:


She said it was like they were all old friends:( why can't I have those dreams. The best I've ever gotten was seeing them on stag for like a split second. Although I did speak to Tom, its just not the same :supersad:



That must have been an :awesome: sight of Dom to behold!!! :eyebrows:

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I had a dream about Muse a few nights back!


Basically, I was at some sort of a talent show / performance of some sorts. Before it started, I was wondering around outside in the lobby for a bit. As I was heading back to my seat, I notice a guy walking in front of me. It then dawned on me that that man was actually MATT BELLAMY. Realizing this, I quickly sped up to catch up to him, tapped him on the shoulder and said "Hi I'm __________, I'm a really big fan of your music!" After giving me a brief glance, all he said was "Oh yeah? Thanks" and continued to walk ahead. Feeling a bit let down that our encounter was so brief and uneventful, I tried again and said something along the lines of "Good luck, You guys will do great!", to which Matt responded with a warm "Thanks!" along with a big smile, before hopping on stage.


Anyways, it doesn't sound quite as exciting as most of the other dreams posted on here, but it was, but I liked the way it ended :happy:. Plus it's been AGES since I've ever had any Muse-related dreams.

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ok this is really weird but in my dreams...french people can't swim. im sorry if you are french but they just can't.


well my cousin talked me into running a marathon with her and when w were supposed to start running i couldnt find one of my shoes. i kept running and i got to this farm sort of place. i got reallymad that i couldnt find my shoe so i stabbed my foot with a pitchfork...

then this water balloon came out of the sky and healed my foot (?) after that i saw matt he was walking towards a lake and then he triped and fell in the water and drowned. i sat down on the ground and started crying. my cousin made me get up and keep running. then i got to my best friend's house i walked in and started asking all of her brothers and sisters where my other shoe was. i walked out of her house and my shoe was in my hand. i didnt put it on my foot but i did keep running. then i got to mexico. i ran up the side of a mountain and i jumped from the top of that to the roof of a hotel. there was a car on the roof so i got in. there were 2 old ladies sitting in the front seats of the car. my best friend was siting next to me. one of the old ladies said,"everyone's here...floor it." we went flying off the roof and i was screaming but everyone else was real calm. my friend yelled at me,"RELAX. it's a plane!!" so i stopped screaming. then the plane exploded and the ghost of another one of my friends told me to jump (she is alive though) i jumped out of the plane and then as i was falling i saw matt again and he was walking on the sidewalk. so i said to him," i thought you were dead." then he got really angry with me and said,"I'M NOT FRENCH I'M ENGLISH!!" then i landed on my back and i died.


real happy right?

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ok this is really weird but in my dreams...french people can't swim. im sorry if you are french but they just can't.


well my cousin talked me into running a marathon with her and when w were supposed to start running i couldnt find one of my shoes. i kept running and i got to this farm sort of place. i got reallymad that i couldnt find my shoe so i stabbed my foot with a pitchfork...

then this water balloon came out of the sky and healed my foot (?) after that i saw matt he was walking towards a lake and then he triped and fell in the water and drowned. i sat down on the ground and started crying. my cousin made me get up and keep running. then i got to my best friend's house i walked in and started asking all of her brothers and sisters where my other shoe was. i walked out of her house and my shoe was in my hand. i didnt put it on my foot but i did keep running. then i got to mexico. i ran up the side of a mountain and i jumped from the top of that to the roof of a hotel. there was a car on the roof so i got in. there were 2 old ladies sitting in the front seats of the car. my best friend was siting next to me. one of the old ladies said,"everyone's here...floor it." we went flying off the roof and i was screaming but everyone else was real calm. my friend yelled at me,"RELAX. it's a plane!!" so i stopped screaming. then the plane exploded and the ghost of another one of my friends told me to jump (she is alive though) i jumped out of the plane and then as i was falling i saw matt again and he was walking on the sidewalk. so i said to him," i thought you were dead." then he got really angry with me and said,"I'M NOT FRENCH I'M ENGLISH!!" then i landed on my back and i died.


real happy right?


:eek: :eek: :stunned::eek::supersad:

You stabbed yourself with a pitchfork?! :eek:

Bellamy died, then came back to life?! :'( :ohmy:



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:eek: :eek: :stunned::eek::supersad:

You stabbed yourself with a pitchfork?! :eek:

Bellamy died, then came back to life?! :'( :ohmy:




Maybe the dream has something to do with that horrendous Pitchfork review of USoE. And really, the dreamer wanted to stab the reviewer with a pitchfork, not her foot. :yesey: I don't really have an explanation about the Matt part. That's just spooky.

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my radio is my alarm... I had a dream or something as I was waking up that feeling good was playing on the radio.... so half asleep I started trying to turn on the radio by my bed... and being sleep deprived failed... and gave up and went back to sleep and then woke up and realized that I couldnt have heard it beccause the radio wasnt on in the first place :facepalm:... or maybe I dreamed the whole thing?:rolleyes:

meh... i want some real muse dreams!:p

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I don't have dreams about Muse so much as their songs play in the background of my dreams. Clearly, too. I know exactly what song is playing (and wake up singing it). Does that happen to anyone else?


has happened to me once. but i usually wake up singing some sort of song.

(mostly my own that i create in the previous dream)

but only one time a muse song.

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i had another muse dream once. they were playing a song at my 14th birthday (i was 12 at the time) and they were playing new born. Behind the sage there was a huge grocery store. I dont really know why but i was certain that they needed ice cube trays(?) i ran through the entire store looking for them and then i found an enormous line of people in an aisle loking for ice cube trays. A kid walked out of the aisle with about 12 in his arms and i stole all of the and ram back to give them to muse. when i got there they werent on stage but the were in the front of the store. i started walking towards them but the the little kid appeared out of no where and kicked me in the shin. I dropped all the ice cube trays and fell on the floor. then i tripped the little kid and he fell. then i woke up. no one got to meet muse in that dream.:(

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My friend said her mum had a dream that she went into a bank and Muse were there. So she said to them 'My daughter and her friend loves you guys! Can I have your autographs?' So they said yes, but they didn't have a pen. So she went outside to find a pen (?) but when she got back inside, Muse were leaving because they said they didn't want people to recognise them and cause a big fuss in the middle of town.


When she told my friend that, my friend nearly strangled her :LOL:

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Last night, I dreamt I was listening to The Resistance.


And for the record, Undisclosed Desires does feature guitar after all :LOL:


Also dreamt about sitting next to some guys talking about Muse, when Matt suddenly walked up to him... they touched his face for some reason.

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Last night, I dreamt I was listening to The Resistance.


And for the record, Undisclosed Desires does feature guitar after all :LOL:



:LOL: thats good to know!:p you seer you!


Kay, um.

Don't know if I actually want to share this but ... oh well, I'm going to anyways.


I had a really messed up Muse dream (1 out of a thousand).

I was in my basement doing my laundry and when I went upstairs, Muse was in my kitchen. Apparently this was normal cause I just looked at them and waved. Then I went to go sit in my living room where I turned on the TV, then the phone rang so I answered it and it was my friend Emmy telling me about something my friend Courtney had said. Then something hit me over the head and everything was black. When I woke up (in the dream) I was in this dark concrete room that had one window. I could see the outline of Dom's face so I was like "What's going on?" but he didn't say anything. So I got to my feet and I could see the outline of Matt's face and I was like "Matt this isn't funny, what's going on?" he didn't say anything either so I started walking toward them and I could see Chris and I was like "Hey, this isn't funny. My laundry's probably done so let me out of this god forsaken room" He didn't say anything either, instead they all started walking toward me, so I started backing up and I soon backed into the wall, so I sat down on the floor and tried to cover my face. They all crouched down around me and Matt and Dom started pushing the hair out of my face and laughing and Matt was like "Oh yes, this one's gonna be good" and I was confused. Then Chris grabbed my face, and I thought he was going to kiss me but instead he started biting my face off. Matt and Dom started laughing even harder. I tried to get away from them by crawling but Chris pulled me back. Matt and Dom started touching the blood that was all over my face and Dom was like "Don't worry it's almost over" and then Chris leaned forward to bite me again but then I woke up.


That was the scariest Muse dream I've ever had.



:eek::eek: um wow! Who knew the subconcious mind was so creative... its like a horror movie:eek:

freaky though! I wish you good dreams (of the muse variety) from now on!:happy:

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I had a dream ages ago, pretty much a week before the album title was released, that I had the new album on my ipod and it was called 'No'. Clearly a much better name than 'The Resistance' :chuckle:


Kinda weird though, saying no to something might be seen as resisting something :awesome:

Edited by Citizen Erased
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So it was the day before Muse's gig in Tampa w/ U2, and I randomly met them at McDonalds. So I was talking to them, and I asked them: "Hey? Can I write out the set list for you guys?" and they said yes! I was happy, so I got to writing it, and I walked out of McDonalds, and I end up near my pool (Apparently McDonalds are in backyards). So I'm writing it, and then some jack ass jumps in my pool and gets the paper wet, and I freak out. So I go to type it out and I don't have any ink in the printer. So I find a pen and write this out.




The Small Print

Anti-Recess (Which is an Anagram of Resistance)


New Born

Pink Ego Box


Stockholm Syndrome

Drum & Bass

Exogenesis 1, 2, 3

Citizen Erased

Knights of Cydonia



Jimmy Kane

Knights of Cydonia (Again)



New one (A new song apparently, it sounded like KoC meets Muscle Museum meets Starlight meets some Jimmy Eat World,)


Then I saw them live and it was amazing. I was so sad it wasn't real.

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