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Last week I had the most random dream ever! I entered the world of pixels! :LOL:


I was in this car park and there was no one around apart from one guy sat in a disgusting yellow Hyundai Atoz and it turned out to be Dom! :eek:

I went and said 'Hello' and shook his hand and everything and then he said 'Can I pay for you to go on the banana ride?' I was like :wtf: but said yes so he drove to this beach and there were these blue box things that you sit on. They were horrible to balance on (and not even yellow - don't know where the Banana bit came from :LOL: ) but I got the hang of it. It worked a bit like a Toboggan (levers to speed up and slow down). I was expecting Dom to jump on the one behind me but he didn't. Nevertheless, the ride started and all of a sudden I was on the mine rails in Minecraft! :eek: Awesome! Every so often you'd get a powered rail on the ground that would speed you up!! :LOL: Then I got to a bit where the rails had been destroyed and got stuck in the beautiful underground... :unsure:

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Well, I had this dream once that I was at this big, massive Muse concert on some sort of beach. It was really sunny, and it was outdoors, and the arena or whatever was massive and made of neon colors. I don't really remember much about it except that people started doing dives from the top of the stadium into this massive pool at the bottom, and Matt got all scared and started yelling in some ancient language. :LOL:

Except then the scene changed, and Dom was about to jump off a building. Right before he fell, Matt ran over and caught him, and held him crying. (Belldom, I know, but whatever.) He was all like, "Why would you do this? Why would you want to die?" but Dom wasn't listening. He struggled to get out of his arms and eventually jumped off. Matt ran over and started crying by the ledge, shouting, "DOM, NOOOO!!!!" and reaching his hand over in a way that reminded me of the Doctor after the Ponds had jumped off. But there was no paradox to save him; there was only Dom's body on the ground, broken and drowning in blood. Chris came over and held Matt, and Matt hugged him and they were both sobbing into each others' shoulders. It was terrible. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

I woke up with Jumper by Third Eye Blind playing in the back of my head, which just made everything sadder. It actually took quite a while for me to convince myself that Dom was still alive. It truly, genuinely sucked. :(

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Well, I had this dream once that I was at this big, massive Muse concert on some sort of beach. It was really sunny, and it was outdoors, and the arena or whatever was massive and made of neon colors. I don't really remember much about it except that people started doing dives from the top of the stadium into this massive pool at the bottom, and Matt got all scared and started yelling in some ancient language. :LOL:

Except then the scene changed, and Dom was about to jump off a building. Right before he fell, Matt ran over and caught him, and held him crying. (Belldom, I know, but whatever.) He was all like, "Why would you do this? Why would you want to die?" but Dom wasn't listening. He struggled to get out of his arms and eventually jumped off. Matt ran over and started crying by the ledge, shouting, "DOM, NOOOO!!!!" and reaching his hand over in a way that reminded me of the Doctor after the Ponds had jumped off. But there was no paradox to save him; there was only Dom's body on the ground, broken and drowning in blood. Chris came over and held Matt, and Matt hugged him and they were both sobbing into each others' shoulders. It was terrible. :'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

I woke up with Jumper by Third Eye Blind playing in the back of my head, which just made everything sadder. It actually took quite a while for me to convince myself that Dom was still alive. It truly, genuinely sucked. :(



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It would, but I don't think you'd like your dad turning into a Foo Fighter whilst you're swimming through underground tunnels with no air now, would you?


What is foo, anyway? Anybody have any idea?


Foo fighter are these things in WW2 where the planes would be flying and this ball-lightning type thing would be there, and they named it a foo fighter.

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I've been having weird dreams about Muse every Thursday night/Friday night for the past month or so, and they've been continuous. The weird thing is that the presence of Muse is there, but they have NEVER shown up as themselves in my dreams :( Anyway, the first time I was on the bus in the morning listening to I Belong to You and woke up. The second week, I was in the cafeteria with all of my friends and band teacher. We were eating breakfast and talking about all of Muse's albums and what we thought about them. Turns out that at school during the dream, it was Muse Appreciation Day. All of the teachers had their classrooms decorated with Muse merchandise and lyrics. The orchestra went around the whole school and played Muse songs for everyone. The media center was selling 2nd Law merchandise, and sold a weird picture book of Muse carrying the Olympic torch through Teignmouth. Just last night, I was in my first period Lit class and my teacher decided to put on Uprising to celebrate Muse Appreciation Day. We all danced and rocked out, but at the end of the song, an alarm went off the intercom. At the same time, United States of Eurasia was playing (the part where Matt sings Eura-SIA! SIA!) An apocalyptic emergency was declared through the whole school, and just when I walked out of the class room I woke up. I bet that next week, my dream will have a certain song by Muse about the end of the world and changing the course of history;)

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You sure? ;)


I've been having weird dreams about Muse every Thursday night/Friday night for the past month or so, and they've been continuous. The weird thing is that the presence of Muse is there, but they have NEVER shown up as themselves in my dreams :( Anyway, the first time I was on the bus in the morning listening to I Belong to You and woke up. The second week, I was in the cafeteria with all of my friends and band teacher. We were eating breakfast and talking about all of Muse's albums and what we thought about them. Turns out that at school during the dream, it was Muse Appreciation Day. All of the teachers had their classrooms decorated with Muse merchandise and lyrics. The orchestra went around the whole school and played Muse songs for everyone. The media center was selling 2nd Law merchandise, and sold a weird picture book of Muse carrying the Olympic torch through Teignmouth. Just last night, I was in my first period Lit class and my teacher decided to put on Uprising to celebrate Muse Appreciation Day. We all danced and rocked out, but at the end of the song, an alarm went off the intercom. At the same time, United States of Eurasia was playing (the part where Matt sings Eura-SIA! SIA!) An apocalyptic emergency was declared through the whole school, and just when I walked out of the class room I woke up. I bet that next week, my dream will have a certain song by Muse about the end of the world and changing the course of history;)

That's awesome.

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There were two other dreams I had. I said earlier that Muse has never physically appeared in my dream, except I forgot one in which there was some murder mystery unfolding and Dom was being interviewed as one of the witnesses for BBC news.:p I also had one dream where I woke up, checked the time, saw that it was 8 am, turned on the radio, and Muse came on. When I woke up, I checked the time, saw that it was 8 am, turned on the radio.... and Muse came on :eek:

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There were two other dreams I had. I said earlier that Muse has never physically appeared in my dream, except I forgot one in which there was some murder mystery unfolding and Dom was being interviewed as one of the witnesses for BBC news.:p I also had one dream where I woke up, checked the time, saw that it was 8 am, turned on the radio, and Muse came on. When I woke up, I checked the time, saw that it was 8 am, turned on the radio.... and Muse came on :eek:


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I had a dream last night I was stuck in a room with a bunch of girls and Dom would appear every now and then and take a couple of us away and we never knew where they went :stunned: at the end of the dream he took 2 of my friends and left me behind and I stomped around in a rage before I woke up

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I had a dream last night I was stuck in a room with a bunch of girls and Dom would appear every now and then and take a couple of us away and we never knew where they went :stunned: at the end of the dream he took 2 of my friends and left me behind and I stomped around in a rage before I woke up


Ahhhhh that sucks! I would've have been pretty pissed off too! Last week, I had a dream that I was going to meet Muse in a small meet and greet. I was the first in line and one of the supervisors of the event said, "They're here! They're here!" Then....I heard Gangnam Style (my alarm in the morning) and I woke up. After realizing what I dreamt about, I pounded my fist into my bed sheets multiple times out of anger :(

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Muse were on DWTS, and there was a small stage cutout for them instead of the normal stage. They were on the normal stage talking to or about Chris, and then the dream kind of forgot about them. I saw Kate and Matt in the crowd. Matt was wearing his new glitter suit. Then Muse were playing a song that I thought was Animals, but wasn't. It had the same guitar tone in the intro. I thought it was a cover,but it was a new B-side about Kate. Kate was sitting in a seat right next to where the stage ended and was smiling, then talking to Matt. He was smiling and got distracted, forgetting to sing. The song ended and BHAR Matt said he had to go pee. I got the feeling that Muse weren't liked/ forbidden. Then Matt was back and they played Explorers. DWTS wanted Dom to play, so he went to the piano and tried to play a classical piece, but messed up a lot. I was in his perspective. He got really frustrated and I, as his girlfriend, said "Brie?" and and he smiled. I put 2 packages of brie on the piano. He talked about how I had to get the good kind, which I did. End of dream.

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