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I get that a lot, because my dreams are usually kind of psychedelic and a lot of fun.


...or really confusing.


Haha, my dreams are usually insane, but I never get to save the world with Chris!

Anyway, I didn't dream last night...because I didn't sleep at all. I don't know how I'm still functioning actually.

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Haha, my dreams are usually insane, but I never get to save the world with Chris!

Anyway, I didn't dream last night...because I didn't sleep at all. I don't know how I'm still functioning actually.


Well, for the best sleep and to dream, one should apparently get at least 8 hours of sleep or so. I'm not good at that, though. Not when I have stuff to do. Like fffff, I have to get up in four hours... Aye.

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Well, for the best sleep and to dream, one should apparently get at least 8 hours of sleep or so. I'm not good at that, though. Not when I have stuff to do. Like fffff, I have to get up in four hours... Aye.


Really? I get crazy dreams even if I sleep two hours a night. :erm:

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... Matt wearing a green sparkling leotard which had a hood and was missing a sleeve... He started doing that "alien" thing, where you put your arm under your top to make it look like the alien was bursting out of your stomach...




Had a threesome with Matt and Dom last night, SCORE! :awesome:


*wishes my imagination would piece this together*

My dreams are far too clean :noey:



Last night, I was with a male friend who brought me backstage after a Muse show. There was this darkish room with lots of tables in it. Matt was there, and he shook hands with me and my friend. It was the best handshake I've never had. So strong, yet gentle...


Err... moving right along. :shifty:


We made to leave the room, but just as my friend walked out the door, I ran back and hugged Matt :happy:


End of dream/start of crappy day :indiff:

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Last night I dreamt I went to my old school to visit my friends, and I was sitting in a classroom with my friend but the teacher didn't believe that i was 'just visiting' so she made me do work. 2 other people arrived and for some reason I had to run up stairs into some sort of jungle room to hide from them because they didn't know i was visiting or something. Anyway I'm hiding behind a plant and Matt storms in and shouts at me for being sexist (:LOL: ?) and I gave him a good yell about how I flew from England just so I could see my friends and told him to fuck off. So then he just slammed the door and locked me in the jungle room. I was not pleased.


..random Muse cameos ftw. :chuckle:

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Last night I had a very enlightening conversation with Dom. We were both like "this is so amazing, you know exactly what I'm talking about!!" We talked at length about something called a "fluxbiotical flight disorder". :erm::confused: Yeah.


Somehow I became aware I was dreaming, and you know something is ridiculous when you wake up because you're giggling. But yeah, it was still marvellous. :awesome:

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Had a very disturbing dream the other night.


Can't remember the very beginning of it but I was floating and watching stuff happening in front of me. Dom was laying on some couch in the middle of the field, shirtless, and suddenly tiger was on top of him, but it wasn't a real tiger, it was Matt in disguise. :stunned: And I saw Dom being tied down and blindfolded and Matt had huge black sharp fingernails.

All of the sudden, Matt jumps up in the air and he has wings, does a flip in the air and starts falling down towards Dom, stabbing him with a huge dagger :eek: jumping back in the air, spreading wings, floating. Huge shrieking noise was heard as Dom died (like thousands people screaming) Then I heard narrating voice saying "Our angel hero Matt just killed an evil spawn Dom and is the only angel still standing and if he doesn't impregnate himself, he will die lonely" :erm:

Woke up there.



Had another dream with random Matt cameo appearance. I was walking down some rocky road, on some mountain, with nothing but trees around me and it was dark. I saw a helicopter flying in the distance, then I looked to my right and there was Matt looking exactly like in Bliss video, staring at me. He saw the helicopter, went :eek:, jumped in bushes and that was it. Helicopter turned it's light towards me and it all went into non Muse direction.

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I had a dream that Dom and I went to the mall and he wanted me to take him to Victoria's Secret because he needed a bra and he didn't want to go with anyone else because he was self-concsious about his small size. :facepalm::LOL:

Oh my God! That's hysterical!! :LOL::LOL:LOL:



Had a very disturbing dream the other night.


Can't remember the very beginning of it but I was floating and watching stuff happening in front of me. Dom was laying on some couch in the middle of the field, shirtless, and suddenly tiger was on top of him, but it wasn't a real tiger, it was Matt in disguise. :stunned: And I saw Dom being tied down and blindfolded and Matt had huge black sharp fingernails.

All of the sudden, Matt jumps up in the air and he has wings, does a flip in the air and starts falling down towards Dom, stabbing him with a huge dagger :eek: jumping back in the air, spreading wings, floating. Huge shrieking noise was heard as Dom died (like thousands people screaming) Then I heard narrating voice saying "Our angel hero Matt just killed an evil spawn Dom and is the only angel still standing and if he doesn't impregnate himself, he will die lonely" :erm:

Woke up there.



Had another dream with random Matt cameo appearance. I was walking down some rocky road, on some mountain, with nothing but trees around me and it was dark. I saw a helicopter flying in the distance, then I looked to my right and there was Matt looking exactly like in Bliss video, staring at me. He saw the helicopter, went :eek:, jumped in bushes and that was it. Helicopter turned it's light towards me and it all went into non Muse direction.


I think you may have been influenced by this: :LOL:


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I had a dream a few nights ago...

My friend and I were riding to my house in my car. My mom told me that my grandma and I started bawling rlly hard (WTF I don't like my gramma.).

So I turned to my friend to see her reaction to me and there's Dom, with nothing on except boxers with stripper sillouhettes(incorrect spelling, sorry. I'm tired..) in purple and blue/pink. He's smoking pot and drinking milk and looking incredibley stoned. Needless to say I stopped crying and just sat in awe, until Matt and chris dressed as ninjas somehow jumped through the moving cars window, grab Dom and run. I think the rest of my dream was like my grammas funeral and me playing redemption on the piano there and my drunk uncle pissing in the punch bowl. Ohhh my mind. Haha!

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Chris and I save the world on a regular basis. Except it's kind of coincidental every time. And we really just need to find Dom all the time.


haha amazing!


a few nights ago, i dreamed that i was at the "rock in rio" gig in lisbon. we were running to get the first row, but there were no barriers and everything was dark so we couldn't properly see where we here. but then we bumped into dom, who saw us running and told us something like "oh, hi, you should go into the stage trucks, they're over there". he was looking very lost too aha, and so i explained him that we wanted to be in the first row, and kept running while he was like "oh.", he seemed confused that we weren't interested by trucks. aha


first row obsession much? :rolleyes:

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Last night I dreamed I was watching a TV show. The host looked so much like Matt and I thought: you have to find out his name and post a pic of him in the matt lookalikes thread in the muse forum. When I knew his name I googled for pictures of him. In the first pictures that came up he had blue hair and I was like: :awesome: the people in the forum will freak out! The next pictures that came up showed the tv host with a manson and I was like :wtf: Can't remember anything else...

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I had a dream just last night with muse in it (first Muse dream ever, even though i've been a fan for, about, 9 years :facepalm:) I know that Dom and Chris were in it, but I can't remember any of it apart from one bit with Matt.... (Who I hope to god doesn't read this!)


He wanted to go out into the garden with me (I dont know why they were in my house-I think we were having a party or something), so I went into our conservatory to unlock the back door. As i was unlocking it (i hope i dont get banned or something stupid for putting this :$), he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and he was running his hands all down my body! Then he whispered something in my ear (sorry-I srsly am keeping what he said private!!:LOL:), his hands went, er, a bit lower :eek:, and when we went out into the garden he pulled me down onto the grass so that he was on top of me! :eek:

And, just then, one of my friends appeared from nowhere and interrupted us. :facepalm:

I was so pissed off! I really wanted to phone her and shout, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! down the phone :chuckle: (I actually did, but I had no credit. probably a good thing, all things considered)

It was very upsetting though.....all my dreams are hideously disappointing!! :LOL:

(I'm not a weirdo obsessive fangirl, honestly! I can't control what I dream about :facepalm:)

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I had a dream just last night with muse in it (first Muse dream ever, even though i've been a fan for, about, 9 years :facepalm:) I know that Dom and Chris were in it, but I can't remember any of it apart from one bit with Matt....


He wanted to go out into the garden with me (I dont know why they were in my house-I think we were having a party or something), so I went into our conservatory to unlock the back door. As i was unlocking it (i hope i dont get banned or something stupid for putting this :$), he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and he was running his hands all down my body! Then he whispered something in my ear (sorry-I srsly am keeping what he said private!!:LOL:), his hands went, er, a bit lower :eek:, and when we went out into the garden he pulled me down onto the grass so that he was on top of me! :eek:

And, just then, one of my friends appeared from nowhere and interrupted us. :facepalm:

I was so pissed off! I really wanted to phone her and shout, WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?! down the phone :chuckle: (I actually did, but I had no credit. probably a good thing, all things considered)

It was very upsetting though.....all my dreams are hideously disappointing!! :LOL:

(I'm not a weirdo obsessive fangirl, honestly! I can't control what I dream about :facepalm:)


Haha. Awesome dream!!! What did he whisper? Plz tell! An if u don't wanna, can u DM me with what he said???

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This is the first Muse dream I've had in months involving all of them


I was at this Muse gig in Sydney, and it was in some sort of big top. Anyway, it hadn't started yet as they were just hanging around in front of the stage talking, and I noticed this huge barrier where tons of fans were waiting. I turned around to talk to my friend and when I turn around, I see my dad (who unlike my mum doesn't really like Muse) shaking their hands and taking photos. My face was like :eek: as I walked up to them. Matt was the first person I came in contact with so I gave him a hug, but he pulled away after like 2 seconds:( I then go up to Chris who puts his hand out for a shake, but then realises I wanted a hug:happy: Then I was in front of Dom, and he does the same with his hand, but doesn't want a hug for some reason, so I said "Don't worry, I'm not going to touch you there", strangely in a slight English accent. He gives in and I get my hug, which lasted for a while, and I was touching the back of his neck when he pulled away. :LOL:


Next thing I remember was walking in this corridor with Muse but I stopped to check out all the fans behind us, who were talking to Muse (two pairs of Muse? :confused:) I gave Dom a kick on the arse and ran for it. He caught up and gave me one back:LOL: He walked back to the crowd, and so did I. This time I gave Matt a kick on the back of his legs, and ran faster. I told the Muse who were waiting for me to run, and we ended up at the end of the corridor where we stop...


Now, I have NO idea how this came to happen, but Matt came skidding along the ground and ended up crashing into Dom's crotch. :stunned:

Needless to say we were all cracking up :LOL:

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