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This thread is dramatic.


I hate everything about this single so far, I really do.


Having said that, one shitty track isn't going to ruin the band. This isn't the "end of Muse". :rolleyes:


Well, obviously it is not the "end of Muse", I'm sure they have at least another 2 albums in them. Only time will tell if TR really marked the beginning of "the end of Muse"(for me that is). Much too early to tell now, but Christ this preview is awful.

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Well, obviously it is not the "end of Muse", I'm sure they have at least another 2 albums in them. Only time will tell if TR really marked the beginning of "the end of Muse"(for me that is). Much too early to tell now, but Christ this preview is awful.


Both of the last two albums had at least 5 songs on them that I really like, and 4 or so that I don't like.


It's what they pick to play live that gets to me, it's like it's false advertising putting these great songs on albums and then playing (and releasing as singles) the crap ones :LOL:

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but on the plus side, 12 year old girls will "love" muse. great :stunned:


When I was 14 I knew a few girls in my classes (who would have been 13 or 14 at the time) who liked Muse, and back then they only had 2 albums and their current single was New Born.

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Sacrilege! :LOL: Exogenesis is wonderful! Probably one of the best things they've ever done! Why are you trying to limit them? I don't understand that.:erm: And why do you consider BH&R as OTT, self indulgence? I just think it's an album of great, catchy songs.


I didn't say anything about the quality, it's my second favourite Muse song. But calling it a "Symphony" is taking yourself WAY too seriously (it doesn't even come close to being a symphony), and that's what the discussion is about. (Limiting? WHAT?:erm:)


I classify BH&R that way because it is something to be musically much less proud of than of other work (purely from a musician's point of view - and I'm sure you'll disagree because I should "leave the boys alone/let them do what they like" - it's not about that!), yet it is polished and "feels" like some sort of anthem that's not worth the praise - praise coming from the musicians themselves that is. Call it being cocky through the songs... or so. BH&R shows how through the music Muse have taken themselves too seriously. And songs like SMBH and UD are nothing but underlining that.


But anyway... this is the Muse board and even the slightest critical note never goes down well:rolleyes:


So I'll leave it at this. Do with it whatever you like.

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I didn't say anything about the quality, it's my second favourite Muse song. But calling it a "Symphony" is taking yourself WAY too seriously (it doesn't even come close to being a symphony), and that's what the discussion is about. (Limiting? WHAT?:erm:)


I classify BH&R that way because it is something to be musically much less proud of than of other work (purely from a musician's point of view - and I'm sure you'll disagree because I should "leave the boys alone/let them do what they like" - it's not about that!), yet it is polished and "feels" like some sort of anthem that's not worth the praise - praise coming from the musicians themselves that is. Call it being cocky through the songs... or so. BH&R shows how through the music Muse have taken themselves too seriously. And songs like SMBH and UD are nothing but underlining that.


But anyway... this is the Muse board and even the slightest critical note never goes down well:rolleyes:


So I'll leave it at this. Do with it whatever you like.


You know it's the same with the slightest positive note, they never go down well here either.

So none of us can win really.

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The bassline might be, the piano even more, but not the fermented milk lyrics.


The lyrics are a little cheese, but since when have they been great? Generally, I don't listen to Muse for the lyrics barring a few songs(although some are quite entertaining!) Hearing the clip, I actually got quite excited having been prepared that it would be rubbish. I am a big fan of their older stuff, and while I like The Resistance, I much prefer OOS/Absolution era Muse, and this preview gives me reason to think that we may have a bit of a return to that older style Muse sound, and therefore reason to look forward to it!


I dunno, Just sayin' :p

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Yes this song is bringing back the older Muse vibe. Although for me it's more like something from Absolution (Butterflies & Hurricanes), except a romantic and dramatic love song version.


This. An uplifting version of Abso, with the unusual Basslines etc of Showbiz/OOS

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The lyrics are a little cheese, but since when have they been great? Generally, I don't listen to Muse for the lyrics barring a few songs(although some are quite entertaining!) Hearing the clip, I actually got quite excited having been prepared that it would be rubbish. I am a big fan of their older stuff, and while I like The Resistance, I much prefer OOS/Absolution era Muse, and this preview gives me reason to think that we may have a bit of a return to that older style Muse sound, and therefore reason to look forward to it!


I dunno, Just sayin' :p


I didn't have very high hopes either, but now I'm excited, it sounds good to me. So far, at least. I just hope the rest of the song isn't messed up.

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I didn't say anything about the quality, it's my second favourite Muse song. But calling it a "Symphony" is taking yourself WAY too seriously (it doesn't even come close to being a symphony), and that's what the discussion is about. (Limiting? WHAT?:erm:)


I classify BH&R that way because it is something to be musically much less proud of than of other work (purely from a musician's point of view - and I'm sure you'll disagree because I should "leave the boys alone/let them do what they like" - it's not about that!), yet it is polished and "feels" like some sort of anthem that's not worth the praise - praise coming from the musicians themselves that is. Call it being cocky through the songs... or so. BH&R shows how through the music Muse have taken themselves too seriously. And songs like SMBH and UD are nothing but underlining that.


But anyway... this is the Muse board and even the slightest critical note never goes down well:rolleyes:


So I'll leave it at this. Do with it whatever you like.


Oh come on! :LOL: There's loads of criticism on this thread and generally on the board. It's not about people not being able to make the slightest criticism, but when criticism appears to be full of contradiction, I think it's reasonable to query it (or if it's just downright insulting of course but I've grown to ignore that). I'm not trying to pick a fight, just interested in what you mean in your post. And I still don't understand the point you are making.


You are saying that BH&R is like a sort of anthem and not worth praise from musicians, is that it? Well I'm not going to question that as I'm not a musician though it sounds good to me. But yet you are saying that they are taking themselves too seriously?


Don't you think it might be the reverse. That if they were taking themselves too seriously they might be attempting long complex pieces musically, that no one wanted to listen to, rather than dramatic, catchy tunes?


To me the idea that Exogenesis is a symphony is just part of that drama. Matt said he was a "skinny pretentious wanker" back in OoS times. There's always been a element of tongue in cheek about Muse, but I would say that he's less cocky now, if anything! :)

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Oh come on! :LOL: There's loads of criticism on this thread and generally on the board. It's not about people not being able to make the slightest criticism, but when criticism appears to be full of contradiction, I think it's reasonable to query it (or if it's just downright insulting of course but I've grown to ignore that). I'm not trying to pick a fight, just interested in what you mean in your post. And I still don't understand the point you are making.


You are saying that BH&R is like a sort of anthem and not worth praise from musicians, is that it? Well I'm not going to question that as I'm not a musician though it sounds good to me. But yet you are saying that they are taking themselves too seriously?


Don't you think it might be the reverse. That if they were taking themselves too seriously they might be attempting long complex pieces musically, that no one wanted to listen to, rather than dramatic, catchy tunes?


To me the idea that Exogenesis is a symphony is just part of that drama. Matt said he was a "skinny pretentious wanker" back in OoS times. There's always been a element of tongue in cheek about Muse, but I would say that he's less cocky now, if anything! :)


With "musicians" I was referring to Muse.


The rest of your post is coloured in pink IMO:p

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With "musicians" I was referring to Muse.


The rest of your post is coloured in pink IMO:p


Well maybe you are reading it through blinkers then :p because it's not rose tinted praise but based on logical interpretation through observation of them, obviously using my perception which is all I have, as indeed all you have, too!:)


Maybe I'm being thick but I honestly don't understand what you are getting at. Are you saying that it's cocky of Muse to produce music they like? And then to say that they like it? :erm:

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