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You know what would help the server? Getting rid of threads like this


This. Resistance ellimination thread :(


And dont lie, everyone knows that teenage girls are treated like underdogs by certain people on here. Its like all the 'omg, anyone noticed how muses audience are all teenge girls?' Well thanks, because we clearly arent worthy to be muse fans by certain people.

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I love your avatar :ninja:


Thankyou ma'am.


This. Resistance ellimination thread :(


And dont lie, everyone knows that teenage girls are treated like underdogs by certain people on here. Its like all the 'omg, anyone noticed how muses audience are all teenge girls?' Well thanks, because we clearly arent worthy to be muse fans by certain people.


Or a vast majority of teenage girls are genuinely annoying

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Oh, and another thing.

Being a teenager, a female, a new fan, whatever, does not mean

a) you like twilight

b) you dont like the old stuff and b sides.


Stereotyping because of these features is really stupid.


Twas ever thus because you happen to be the owner of a vagina.


I was 15 when I posted on my first Muse messageboard (the red one people mention on here sometimes) and I don't think a week went by where I wasn't accused of being there just because "Matt is soooo fit" - I mean so what, I did kinda like him in that way at the time, but we all make mistakes ;)


The funny thing is, if those people had actually spoken to me they would've discovered I HEARD Muse before I SAW them. So Matt wasn't a factor in my deciding to post on their board.


And it's not just Muse that has this problem. If you're a female music fan and the band you like has a man or men in it that happen to be attractive then there's always a small fanboy element that will assume you can't possibly have a brain in your head and like the music. This accusation increases when a band becomes more popular and the fanbase seems to acquire more women. It's one of those double standards that has always annoyed me cos in my experience it's been perfectly ok for dudes to make comments about the appearance of a female musician.


EDIT: Also I think Guiding Light is complete gash but I don't recall saying anyone who likes it isn't a "true" fan. There's another stereotype that's annoying guys. Just cos people don't like a certain song doesn't mean they're all saying that shit ;)

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I'd be happy if Muse chucked some of the riffs they've played the most in recent years and used more of their own material, like "Execution Commentary". Only I'm not satisfied with the "EC" riffing they've done in the past; they should revisit the breakdown section and use that part especially; it's really heavy and it'd be a great substitute for the "Maggie's Farm" riff and maybe the "Headup" riff. See

: :50 - 1:12 for the first breakdown and 1:34 - 2:13 for the second. (Not that the original faster riffage isn't great too; it is, but I think the breakdowns would better suit what they've been doing for outro solos generally.)


Question: do they have to pay other artists royalties for the in-concert riffage?

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Uprising is one of the best tracks on TR.


Edit: Sad to see that other thread got merged with this one, seeing as how they were two completely different topics.


Agreed on both counts.


And I don't think they have to pay royalties, it's not like they're claiming the riff as their own....though I wouldn't know.

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Argh, I got so confused because I opened this page before the merge expecting to see... the other thing we were talking about, and then was like, "Since when was this so long?" And then I left it and was like, "What is the Controversial thread doing in OMT?"


...argh. I don't know what's going on anymore.

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Argh, I got so confused because I opened this page before the merge expecting to see... the other thing we were talking about, and then was like, "Since when was this so long?" And then I left it and was like, "What is the Controversial thread doing in OMT?"


...argh. I don't know what's going on anymore.


me neither :erm: what thread was merged with this? I'm so fucking lost :facepalm:


and who said they used to be a member of the big red forum? :eek: what was it like?

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Controversial Opinion, which was more a discussion on the state of the message board rather than the music of Muse.


I mean, it's not like we don't discuss the fanbase in here, but that got pretty extensive...


I'm also weirded out that it's in OMT now.

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me neither :erm: what thread was merged with this? I'm so fucking lost :facepalm:


and who said they used to be a member of the big red forum? :eek: what was it like?


Me. It wasn't that much different but people didn't get quite so defensive if someone didn't like a Muse track though you still did get that. Also I feel it was more elitist back in those days cos you had people posting who had seen them in some small pub in Devon in 1996 so being a teenage girl (as I was at the time) you were totally screwed in terms of being given a fair hearing by such people.


Also it was easier to meet the band and there was the video shoot for FG/Hypermusic so there was a small section of the board who suddenly acted like bezzie mates of the band and also one girl who hated any other girl who expressed an interest in Matt cos she'd pretty much called dibs on him.


In other words, it could be just as ridiculous as now...just for slightly different reasons :LOL:

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^^ And now you're a mod. :chuckle:


Because I never left :LOL:


They needed people who were on the board a lot and seeing as I was doing my A Levels then degree at the time...I tended to be about a lot in the evenings while trying to avoid homework or doing my research :LOL:

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