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Certainly when a MuseWiki entry reads:


Il Merciano (L'Arena) intro + Time is Running Out + Power of Soul riff + Voodoo Child (Slight Return) riff


People of the Sun intro + Interlude + Hysteria + Testify riff + Back in Black riff


then one wonders if they have gone way too far with the amount of riffs.

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No, I think he's saying that if your favorite band release a song you really don't like, you shouldn't be like, "OMG, [band] SUCKS! I can't believe they made this! I'm never listening to them AGAIN!"


I don't think it's one song, the people I've found that stop liking Muse were disappointed with BH&R, The Resistance, and then Neutron Star Collision. It was probably that last song that finally turned them off the band. I also don't think it's "I'm never listening to them AGAIN!", rather "I just won't follow them anymore, I won't buy albums or anything."


I might be wrong, but that's what I've gathered from people who have said they're "done with Muse".

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Certainly when a MuseWiki entry reads:


Il Merciano (L'Arena) intro + Time is Running Out + Power of Soul riff + Voodoo Child (Slight Return) riff


People of the Sun intro + Interlude + Hysteria + Testify riff + Back in Black riff


then one wonders if they have gone way too far with the amount of riffs.


When they're doing gigs with just 15 songs, then yeah, they're doing far too many riffs. Going back to Hullabaloo, they did some riffs but still not the epic number they do on tours today. I think they could cut out most of them and add three or four extra songs, then things would be sorted.

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When they're doing gigs with just 15 songs, then yeah, they're doing far too many riffs. Going back to Hullabaloo, they did some riffs but still not the epic number they do on tours today. I think they could cut out most of them and add three or four extra songs, then things would be sorted.




There's no real point to riffs around Hysteria, TiRO or New Born really - they survived until this tour/the last tour perfectly well without them.

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I don't think it's one song, the people I've found that stop liking Muse were disappointed with BH&R, The Resistance, and then Neutron Star Collision. It was probably that last song that finally turned them off the band. I also don't think it's "I'm never listening to them AGAIN!", rather "I just won't follow them anymore, I won't buy albums or anything."


I might be wrong, but that's what I've gathered from people who have said they're "done with Muse".


Yeah, I think for some people, NSC and being featured in Eclipse were the final straw for fans who were already not liking the band's general direction.

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Uprising, Undisclosed Desires, and Guiding Light are all great songs and are major staples of the entire CD....including Unnatural Selection and MK ULTRA. The weakest song is Resistance with I Belong To You in 2nd.


h8-ers gunna h8. :phu::p

Edited by MattXXI
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I don't think it's one song, the people I've found that stop liking Muse were disappointed with BH&R, The Resistance, and then Neutron Star Collision. It was probably that last song that finally turned them off the band. I also don't think it's "I'm never listening to them AGAIN!", rather "I just won't follow them anymore, I won't buy albums or anything."


I might be wrong, but that's what I've gathered from people who have said they're "done with Muse".


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:LOL: Well, I just used a fake profile and figured a fangirl would be more believable. I'm Sarah Forbes.


Srsly what I found the scariest on this page is the number of people who are clearly not getting the jokes and whose lastname contains the name "bellamy" or "wolstenholme"...


Creepy :stunned:

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Srsly what I found the scariest on this page is the number of people who are clearly not getting the jokes and whose lastname contains the name "bellamy" or "wolstenholme"...


Creepy :stunned:

I know. And the whole 'pwoper' meme that occurs in every post. :erm:

I'm hoping that most of those people only have those names as a duplicate account, but somehow I get the feeling that's not the case...

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I know. And the whole 'pwoper' meme that occurs in every post. :erm:

I'm hoping that most of those people only have those names as a duplicate account, but somehow I get the feeling that's not the case...


No, a few of my muser friends on Facebook have Bellamy, Muse, Wolstenholme, etc. in their names.


God, I've never liked the whole "pwopah" deal, but now it's really getting on my nerves. :indiff:


This makes me more angry than it should. :stunned:

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I know. And the whole 'pwoper' meme that occurs in every post. :erm:

I'm hoping that most of those people only have those names as a duplicate account, but somehow I get the feeling that's not the case...


That makes me want to rip my eyeballs out.


And I doubt those are replicates. Some people :rolleyes:

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It's like being a fan of Twilight gives Muse fans the right to become horrible. :stunned:

I like how these Muse fans are placing themselves on this pedestal above Twilight fans, yet they really are no better than all the obsessive Twilight fans.

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Oh hai my name is Christina Bellamy Wolsten-Howard how dare you call Muse the Twilight band you bitch olol your name has the word Cullen in it you fangirl hurrrrrr

:LOL: Chuck a bit more verbal abuse in there and you've got the average post on that page.

Did you make up that name? Because it seems familiar...

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