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If Matt's voice has supposedly gotten better since 2007,then how come he can't sing Micro Cuts or Showbiz anymore?


There's more to good singing/voice than hitting really high notes.


And personally, if it means that I will never hear either of these songs live, then thank god he can't sing them anymore.

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There's more to good singing/voice than hitting really high notes.


And personally, if it means that I will never hear either of these songs live, then thank god he can't sing them anymore.


Of course, but the higher notes make for a much more interesting vocal performance.




I think his voice was at its best in 2003-2005. But that's not controversial at all.




His voice still sounded too boyish in 2003-2005 for my liking.


I like his "boyish" voice a lot more than his current deep, often nasally live voice.

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Personally one thing i don't like about muse is that stupid cheesy twilight song. muse is great don't get me wrong, but that song is like drilling nails into my ears.. Personally i just don't fall for the stereotypical mushy romance lyrics, or crap like twilight. [no offense to those who do like twilight. i just don't find the series very appealing that's all.]


and btw hope i'm posting my opinion here in the right thread, if not whatev

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Personally one thing i don't like about muse is that stupid cheesy twilight song. muse is great don't get me wrong, but that song is like drilling nails into my ears.. Personally i just don't fall for the stereotypical mushy romance lyrics, or crap like twilight. [no offense to those who do like twilight. i just don't find the series very appealing that's all.]


and btw hope i'm posting my opinion here in the right thread, if not whatev

Mocking NSC?! That's unheard of on this board. :stunned:

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NSC played on the radio at work the other night and my friend and I actually had a great time singing along to it. Because of that, I don't hate it quite as much as I usually do. If they were to play it at my gig, however, I would feel bitter and ripped off.

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Personally one thing i don't like about muse is that stupid cheesy twilight song. muse is great don't get me wrong, but that song is like drilling nails into my ears.. Personally i just don't fall for the stereotypical mushy romance lyrics, or crap like twilight. [no offense to those who do like twilight. i just don't find the series very appealing that's all.]


and btw hope i'm posting my opinion here in the right thread, if not whatev


your opinion is not controversial, although i do really like NSC :happy:

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Absolution is the worst put-together album. I just don't think it flows at all. I know people complain about BHaR, but I just don't like how it was put together.


Furthermore, I don't really like the heavier songs off of Absolution, like SS and Hysteria. They're really nothing special, though they're not by any means bad. The slower songs (B&H, SFA, Blackout, etc.) are amazing, though.

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Absolution is the worst put-together album. I just don't think it flows at all. I know people complain about BHaR, but I just don't like how it was put together.


Furthermore, I don't really like the heavier songs off of Absolution, like SS and Hysteria. They're really nothing special, though they're not by any means bad. The slower songs (B&H, SFA, Blackout, etc.) are amazing, though.


The latter have of Origin is not very good.



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His voice still sounded too boyish in 2003-2005 for my liking.




I can't listen to some of the old live tracks anymore because his voice irritates me and he killed a lot of live songs by using that fucking distortion effect. People can say what they want but I prefer their polished sound.

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