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*high fives*


I don't think people who've been here 10 times as long could have said it better. I feel bromantic, I feel like making a peace club and braiding daisy chains. And I'm not being sarcastic, these posts actually have a lot of truth and it probably took a fresh eye to see that this board's not what it could be.


Fuck's sake, I used to like starlight before I came here! And when I went muse gigs, I belted feeling good.




anyways... :shifty: I came here to talk about 'in your world'. It's always been one of the b-sides I don't really listen to because it freaks me for some reason. It's not bad, but it just sounds so unlike muse its just disturbing. Anyone else feel that way or am I just off?

Don't let the boards ruin your love of Starlight and Feeling Good! There's nothing wrong with them imo. :$


As for In Your World... I like it more than Dead Star actually. :p On the album, anyway. :p Not sure if that's "controversial" or not, but still. And uh, I really hate Darkshines. Can't stand it. I really tried to like it, too, but it's not working.


My respect for Muse fans has just plummeted. Well, in general. The sad thing is, a lot of people on that page claim to be on this board.

Sturgeon's law keeps expectations low. :awesome:

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I hate Dark Shines too :awesome:


What is Sturgeon's Law? :$




Sturgeon's Law

Sturgeon's Law /prov./ "Ninety percent of everything is crap". Derived from a quote by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, who once said, "Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud. That's because 90% of everything is crud." Oddly, when Sturgeon's Law is cited, the final word is almost invariably changed to `crap'. Compare Hanlon's Razor, Ninety-Ninety Rule. Though this maxim originated in SF fandom, most hackers recognize it and are all too aware of its truth.

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Sturgeon's Law

Sturgeon's Law /prov./ "Ninety percent of everything is crap". Derived from a quote by science fiction author Theodore Sturgeon, who once said, "Sure, 90% of science fiction is crud. That's because 90% of everything is crud." Oddly, when Sturgeon's Law is cited, the final word is almost invariably changed to `crap'. Compare Hanlon's Razor, Ninety-Ninety Rule. Though this maxim originated in SF fandom, most hackers recognize it and are all too aware of its truth.


It's so true. :LOL:

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On second thoughts, most of the Muse fans who are being ridiculous appear to be about 13. With a few exceptions. So that would explain it.

Sarah has no clue about what she's on about. and if she does, she's a pretty good actress.

Thank you kindly. :happy:

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On second thoughts, most of the Muse fans who are being ridiculous appear to be about 13. With a few exceptions. So that would explain it.


Thank you kindly. :happy:


Yeah, that's what I said. I know it's not very "mature" of me to spar with teenagers, because I should be above that, but it's so hard to resist responding to such vile rudeness.


You, Taylor and many others "youngsters" (lol) on here are so much more polite and intelligent than those yahoos, so I keep that in mind when I feel discouraged by today's youth.

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You have a good point. I could also argue that AFI has also steadily been growing in popularity, though not quite as much as Muse. But I guess my main point is that if the "regulars" on this board change their attitude, and we simply ignore the people who come in and are negative towards each other and the band, this place could change for the better.

As much as I'd love to be as optimistic as you, I see messageboards in general as being total whingebuckets, with little wiggle room for exception.

Sturgeon's law keeps expectations low. :awesome:


That's what it's called! I couldn't remember when I was writing my original post. :indiff:

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Thank you for posting this, i can't agree more on what you're saying. Well, i think that it's unfair to judge people in here because of when and how you got obsessed... I mean, I've known Muse since back in 2005 i think by name and a couple of songs, but i got obsessed after The Resistance was released, and yeah, i know that some people might think that you're a wanker because of that, but... I'm ''only'' 15, so there's a reason why i haven't been a fan since Showbiz. And even though i got in that late, my favorite album is Showbiz.


And about the Pornogenic Threads... Well, if you think it's bad here, go visit other band forums, i tell you, there's alot worse things there! I like the threads, mainly because of all the good pictures and so on, sometimes it's quite funny to read what people are writing there.


That's just my opinion about all this, i haven't been in here for that long, so maybe I'm wrong.

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I must warn you, I made a post of a similar nature, and it was closed in several days.


I appreciate the argument against this. Discussion, debate and disagreement are good, we need to talk about something. But there does seem to be a general opinion on these boards. Whilst this isnt wrong in itself, it seems going against this opinion is to loose your status as a muser.

Many people will say 'fuck you, we love muse, and they arent doing what we like and we have a right to express our opinion', but actually, these people are stopping others from speaking their mind. For instance, barely anyone would dare to admit to liking Guiding Light, because a small amount of users will be aggressive and say they arent proper fans. People need to bare in mind that they were a newbie once.


Oh, and about the privacy thing... its your choice whether you want to participate, and its only light hearted. Whilst there might be *cough* a few psycopath stalkers on here, most people are just in it for the lolz. I'm sure Matt dreams about Lady Gaga taking him out all the time :)

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Lastly... And I think I'll get the most hell for this...

Alot of people talk about the band themselves on this site.. in a very... uncomfortable way. Some fantasize about Matt kissing them, Dom taking them on a date, Chris impregnating them. Now, I find it a bit disturbing myself but imagine the band! It must be uncomfortable for them to read what people say on their own site! I can understand being happy you met them. I can understand hero worship. I can understand even a crush (who doesn't have a crush on some celebrity?) but not to the point where it's embarrassing, unrealistic, and even downright pathetic. There's a difference between having fun and being a little weird. Even the band themselves (Chris I believe) has mentioned that they don't like the way they're discussed here.


Hey hey, don't diss Chris impregnation powers! :p but seriously, that is a joke because of Chris having too many kids, and you do have to see when people are making jokes or not (you know Chuck Norris facts? Chris is like Chuck Norris for the muse fans ;) because he is indeed epic)


and Chris said that we diss the band a lot, that was what he was mentioning ;)


(and yeah some jokes can be really disturbing for the band, like some of my cartoons, but hey, it's "cartoonist/comedians" jobs to make the others laugh, even if it disrespect/disturb the person they're talking about)

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For instance, barely anyone would dare to admit to liking Guiding Light, because a small amount of users will be aggressive and say they arent proper fans.


LOADS of people admit to liking Guiding Light in the Controversial thread, I don't know what you're on about.


Oh, and another thing.

Being a teenager, a female, a new fan, whatever, does not mean

a) you like twilight

b) you dont like the old stuff and b sides.


Stereotyping because of these features is really stupid.


No one has ever said this either.


Where are you getting this stuff? :erm:

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LOADS of people admit to liking Guiding Light in the Controversial thread, I don't know what you're on about.


No one has ever said this either.


Where are you getting this stuff? :erm:


exactly! :stunned:


I think it's a stereotype now that people here thinks and do all of that :LOL: oh god :facepalm:

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