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Fair point well made with regards to going over to Pheonix - I'd have been a bit pissed:LOL:. And like I've said, if I see them the next time they play here, and they prove me wrong, I'll gladly take it back. On the upside, we got Map :awesome:


Phoenix was an awful gig for so many reasons, and Vegas wouldn't have been much better had we not been so drunk.


Bearing in mind Oxegen was a bit of a Phoenix reunion, I think we deserved the set list we got! :LOL:


I saw MotP at the San Siro, so although I'd have liked to have seen it again, I don't feel too bad that we didn't get it this weekend.


I'm really pleased we decided against both Vegas and Tucson, to be honest...I don't think spending the extra money would have been worth it! :mad:

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Best live band in the world? We can certainly be the judge of that! Answer: Yes - right now, Muse blow all rivals out of the water. Their natural abilities are immense individually and they play to their strengths which creates an unbelievable sound and energy. It had everybody in great spirits as they completed Day 2 of Oxegen 10 - gosebumps galore!.


The new material, which sounds oddly flat on record, really came to life in the live setting. 'United States Of Eurasia' - a limp Queen imitation on 'The Resistance' - swooped and soared here, with Bellamy's trademark flashing piano keys providing a memorable moment, while 'Undisclosed Desires' sheds its underwhelming synth-pop origins to become another classic in the Muse live canon. Yet it was the older songs that really had the drenched crowd bopping away.


There was hysteria all around the Main Stage with only few Festival goers dotted elsewhere around the site during this rip-roaring set. There's a certain magic to these guys performing - no doubt about it.


It may have become a bit of a cliche in recent years to describe them as such, but it's on synapse-exploding nights such as this that you can only agree - Muse really are the greatest live band in the world. Sorry Bono!


by David Lyons

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If it was just the setlist being vanilla, then I wouldn't have a problem, but the two times I've seen them up here since the resistance (SECC, and T) have both... They have genuinely given me the sort of vibe that they didn't want to be there, or at least Dom and Matt have. They've just looked like they were going through the motions, if you know what I mean. I understand that it sounds a little melodramatic, but equally so, try and see it from my point of view - the first time (SECC), I thought they were just having an off day, it's okay, everyone has them. Limoges made me think it was just an off day. Seeing them at T (which, with no disrespect to Oxegen, is a huge festival to be playing in comparison) just going through the motions again makes me think that there's something more to it than just a coincidence. If I end up seeing them again up here (which I honestly don't know if I will or not) and they do play well, then I'll happily retract the above statement, but at the moment, everything I've seen of them up here has shown me they see playing in scotland as something they have to do, not that they want to do.

I just thought the crowd reaction to them wasn't that great. If you look at the TV coverage Matt looks like he's having fun

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Main stage headliners Muse probably think the lousy weather is a CIA plot. The musical equivalent of an 'Elvis is Alive' splash in the 'National Enquirer', their music is loopy, doom-laden and marinated in frontman Matt Bellamy's penchant for conspiracy theories. Accompanied by an eyeball-searing light show, it is, in other words, just the thing to banish all thoughts of mud and rain. Apocalypse wow, indeed.




At 11pm, thousands waiting around the main stage for the generally accepted best live band in the world, Muse. They weren't disappointed, as drummer Dominic Howard appeared first, in a bizarre feathered outfit, followed by Matt Belamy in a transparent plastic suit. It was a more gimmicky opening from Muse, as they drew out their introduction with creaking distortion and reverb before launching into the crowd pleasing riff of 'Plug In Baby'. We had just enough time to catch 'Super Massive Black Hole' before it was time to return to the 2FM/Hotpress Academy for Bloc Party's Kele Okereke's anticipated solo set.

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Naw, I would loved to have been further at the front with some Myoozers. But I was working 12 hour shifts all weekend, so I would of probably passed out. Glad everyone enjoyed themselves. I was so tired I kind of zoned in and out, but it was such fun, really brought up my spirits in spite of the rubbish people and weather. Yay for Lady DomDom , too bad I couldn't get my camera out in time.

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Got about several people back from the pit, wasn't in there.....was good spot though and sound was good too....


I was there on Thursday afternoon, got home an hour ago, campsite was fucking anarchy this morning.


As for Eminem and Jay Z, they were fucking unreal, pity Muse were playing in the middle, would have been a lot better if mostly rock fans were there, people only really reacted to their big singles and not CE Bliss etc.

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Glad I didn't stay last night, apparently some assholes started setting peoples tents on fire...


Fucking tw*ts. :mad:


Bearing in mind some of the fcuking idiots we had the misfortune to come across, it's not surprising to an extent. Pissed up people having a 'laugh', I imagine.

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Fucking tw*ts. :mad:


Bearing in mind some of the fcuking idiots we had the misfortune to come across, it's not surprising to an extent. Pissed up people having a 'laugh', I imagine.


Reading gets the burning tents too, its calmed a bit over the years due to increased security but still happens :/


Unfortunately Oxegen seems to attract the biggest twats in Ireland. So many of my friends tents were slashed and all their things were stolen. One friend went to get security after she found out everything was gone from her tent and came back to find some idiot walking out of her tent saying 'Shit someones already taken everything in this one' :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately Oxegen seems to attract the biggest twats in Ireland. So many of my friends tents were slashed and all their things were stolen. One friend went to get security after she found out everything was gone from her tent and came back to find some idiot walking out of her tent saying 'Shit someones already taken everything in this one' :rolleyes:


Poor girl :(


We spent ALL of Saturday fending off wankered (walking unconscious people, not just mildly drunk) idiots who were either constantly banging into us or trying to 'engage' us in conversations.


One bloke thought it was funny to hit me for some reason, but I got lucky as the next stranger he got near he pissed up their leg.

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Muse were brilliant at Oxegen, unfortunately they were beat by Arcade Fire...I touched Win Butler that made my weekend. :awesome:


I was at the camp this morning and the amount of tents on fire was unreal. It's alright if it's your own tent but we saw a bunch of guy jumping onto peoples tents and taking the covers off while they were inside. :rolleyes:

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Unfortunately Oxegen seems to attract the biggest twats in Ireland. So many of my friends tents were slashed and all their things were stolen. One friend went to get security after she found out everything was gone from her tent and came back to find some idiot walking out of her tent saying 'Shit someones already taken everything in this one' :rolleyes:


T was full of the cunts.


I think there's jakies everywhere unfortunately.

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Muse were brilliant at Oxegen, unfortunately they were beat by Arcade Fire...I touched Win Butler that made my weekend. :awesome:


They were amazing weren't they? Love all the new songs. I was on the barrier, I blew a kiss to one of the guys at the very end (I don't know what his name was:$) and he blew one back. :D


Win Butler: You guys are pretty wet?

Lady near me: Yer not to bad yourself :eyebrows:



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Yeah you're right. It wasn't my theory. Somebody else suggested it was "telling" I think that they hadn't played it last few gigs as it is their latest single. Perhaps they meant something else.

I'm pretty sure that was me, and I didn't mean anything by it other than what I said - didn't have a darned thing to do with the board ;)


It's their newest single and they're not playing it, I think that is telling. They've never skipped Uprising or Resistance, and have rarely (if ever?) skipped UD. To me, it hints that something is off with it, whether it be their enjoyment of playing it or the crowd's reaction or something else. I think it's strange, and not really like them, that they're leaving it off...

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I'm pretty sure that was me, and I didn't mean anything by it other than what I said - didn't have a darned thing to do with the board ;)


It's their newest single and they're not playing it, I think that is telling. They've never skipped Uprising or Resistance, and have rarely (if ever?) skipped UD. To me, it hints that something is off with it, whether it be their enjoyment of playing it or the crowd's reaction or something else. I think it's strange, and not really like them, that they're leaving it off...


Sorry for misinterpreting your post. Possibly there were things being said around your post that made me interpret it that way or it was just where my mind was. I can't be bothered to look now.


I suppose that in relation to the other singles you have mentioned, NSC is not an album track, so playing it isn't related to album promotion. All previous singles have been from albums. NSC is the only exception I believe. Thus the fact that they are not following the same pattern doesn't necessarily mean there's something specific off with the song. But possibly they just don't feel like performing it every gig.

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