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Who is your favorite member of Define Tension  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who is your favorite member of Define Tension

    • Jorge (Bass)
    • Alex (Drums)
    • Eric (Vocals)
    • Beau (Guitar)
    • Chad (Guitar)

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Some Pop is actually awesome. Lady Gaga especially.


Indeed, nothing wrong with the genre, there are a lot of quality pop songs out there, I mean a lot of people call muse pop now (but then again a lot of people call muse shit now).


The main problem I see with the pop industry is the attitude that record companies or producers or whatever have towards it...as in they just want to market countless numbers of pretty faces writing for the most part bog average songs which are poorly produced just to make money. Doesn't stop some artists shining through though, and besides you seem to get that 'attitude' in numerous genres, even if it does seem most prominent in 'pop'


I'm sure haze or sippe will correct me on this :LOL:

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Everyone's going around saying this is THE worst cover of this song but I think everyone's being an overdramatic bitch. It's not bad at all, apart from some srs cheese from the twat from The Script and OTT wails, but what do you expect from a TV talent show for singing


For Jimbo <3



Brian Blessed has some mighty vocal chords


Oh wow How terrible that Will.I.Am is considered to be an authority on singing when he can't hold a note for more than half a second, that was fucking embarrassing, The guitar miming from the guy from the script was terrible, and he was flat in some places. Disgusting. The only hard bit of that song to sing is the chorus bit that they're not even singing.


I love some pop.

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Oh wow How terrible that Will.I.Am is considered to be an authority on singing when he can't hold a note for more than half a second, that was fucking embarrassing, The guitar miming from the guy from the script was terrible, and he was flat in some places. Disgusting. The only hard bit of that song to sing is the chorus bit that they're not even singing.


I love some pop.


The guitar was brilliantly shit, script guy did annoy me. And iuno whether Will is anywhere near 'qualified' to judge a talent show for voices, but at least he didn't have the autotune shit he had for I've Had The Time of my Life

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Everyone's going around saying this is THE worst cover of this song but I think everyone's being an overdramatic bitch. It's not bad at all, apart from some srs cheese from the twat from The Script and OTT wails, but what do you expect from a TV talent show for singing


For Jimbo <3



Brian Blessed has some mighty vocal chords


I want to hear Tom Jones singing chocolate rain.

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Indeed, nothing wrong with the genre, there are a lot of quality pop songs out there, I mean a lot of people call muse pop now (but then again a lot of people call muse shit now).


The main problem I see with the pop industry is the attitude that record companies or producers or whatever have towards it...as in they just want to market countless numbers of pretty faces writing for the most part bog average songs which are poorly produced just to make money. Doesn't stop some artists shining through though, and besides you seem to get that 'attitude' in numerous genres, even if it does seem most prominent in 'pop'

I'm sure haze or sippe will correct me on this :LOL:


This, however I'm pretty sure I dont like any pop songs... :$

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The guitar was brilliantly shit, script guy did annoy me. And iuno whether Will is anywhere near 'qualified' to judge a talent show for voices, but at least he didn't have the autotune shit he had for I've Had The Time of my Life


Yeah, you've got a good point there.


Surely you must like some songs, Jamie? I suppose it depends on what you define as pop, but either way, there's some legit good music to be found.

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  • 1 month later...
It's a girl singing Hysteria right?


or has the oestrogen level in drinking water increased?


I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly willy? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ****. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a poo-poo pants ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up. You can not compete with my intellect so I warn you to give up before you embarrass yourself further..

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I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly willy? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ****. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a poo-poo pants ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up. You can not compete with my intellect so I warn you to give up before you embarrass yourself further..


Why are you such an idiot? You jaundiced jumped up, vercordiously pusillanimous piffle. Your vileseome existence nauseates me beyond compare. It is politically correct when discussing your faults to use certain words to denote your humanness above your disability. But in your case, there is nothing human. You are just challenged, you are just different. Given a choice of stepping in something nasty on the sidewalk, or bidding you good morning, I would happily choose the former. Single-handedly, you have wrenched all meaning out of life. Congratulations. As I write this I try vainly to think of something, anything, which redeems in some small way your utterly pointless existence. The only thing that comes to mind is that you have taught me hate. Pure, unmitigated hate. I have had fantasies about attacking you with a machete, but I dare not. I once cut up a starfish, which was so neurologically simple that each piece grew into a clone of the original. Your coleopteron brain no doubt shares certain appalling similarities with such creatures. You, misguided as you are, might be asking yourself what you have done to deserve such a letter as this. Your misdeeds and villainous vampings can be described in just two words: you exist. And believe me, there is no reason on earth why you should. How do you justify to yourself waking up each morning and ruining yet another day? If everything in this world has some purpose, some grand plan behind its existence, then yours surely is to show everything else, whether it be a slops bucket in a fried chicken stand, or the gunk behind the fridge, how fortunate it is not to be you. I have tried, but clearly, I have failed. I must stand firm to the realisation that mere words cannot express my utmost and profound contempt and loathing for your person, your being and your existence. You are a blight against nature.

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Guest Batman.
I think you might have something wrong with your brain. Why are you trying to be all cyberbully on me. Do you really think anyone cares about you. You talk to people like they are trash. Why would you want to come off like that. Does it make you feel tough? Are you trying to make up for having a small smelly willy? You need to see a shrink. Have fun going through life wondering why people don't like you. I'll give you a hint though, you try to make others feel like ****. But you have failed on me. I know what you are. See, the thing is, I'm a nice guy. You on the other hand can't control your stupidity. You really don't even realize that you are a poo-poo pants ,do you? When your older maybe you can look back on times like this and see that you where unnecessarily rude to people you don't know. Right now you think you are being cleaver and it is just a fun time. Keep treating people like you do and see where you end up. You can not compete with my intellect so I warn you to give up before you embarrass yourself further..


Why are you such an idiot? You jaundiced jumped up, vercordiously pusillanimous piffle. Your vileseome existence nauseates me beyond compare. It is politically correct when discussing your faults to use certain words to denote your humanness above your disability. But in your case, there is nothing human. You are just challenged, you are just different. Given a choice of stepping in something nasty on the sidewalk, or bidding you good morning, I would happily choose the former. Single-handedly, you have wrenched all meaning out of life. Congratulations. As I write this I try vainly to think of something, anything, which redeems in some small way your utterly pointless existence. The only thing that comes to mind is that you have taught me hate. Pure, unmitigated hate. I have had fantasies about attacking you with a machete, but I dare not. I once cut up a starfish, which was so neurologically simple that each piece grew into a clone of the original. Your coleopteron brain no doubt shares certain appalling similarities with such creatures. You, misguided as you are, might be asking yourself what you have done to deserve such a letter as this. Your misdeeds and villainous vampings can be described in just two words: you exist. And believe me, there is no reason on earth why you should. How do you justify to yourself waking up each morning and ruining yet another day? If everything in this world has some purpose, some grand plan behind its existence, then yours surely is to show everything else, whether it be a slops bucket in a fried chicken stand, or the gunk behind the fridge, how fortunate it is not to be you. I have tried, but clearly, I have failed. I must stand firm to the realisation that mere words cannot express my utmost and profound contempt and loathing for your person, your being and your existence. You are a blight against nature.


..the fuck? :LOL::LOL:

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