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I was in Subway this evening, and they were playing Exogenesis Part 1: Overture, and Exogenesis Part 2: Cross-Pollination. When I heard it, I got very excited and received a lot of weird looks :D:D:D:D:D:D:D


No way .In Subway???Thats pretty funny.It wasnt on radio was it??

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my friend went to the miley cyrus concert......... and they played MUSE.....................:stunned:


They played SMBH, and Uprising, Resistance, Undisclosed Desires in between the two opening acts at the Paramore concert I was at. It was :awesome:


Oh and...:facepalm::rolleyes::LOL: @ the hundreds of Twilight fan-girls unified shriek of excitement when SMBH came on. The most hilarious moment ever, as it was just random techno shit for 15 mins and then first SONG was SMBH, out of nowhere seemingly.

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I was flicking through the music channels today, eventually Uprising came on NME, straight after that I flicked onto Scuzz and UD was playing! Whoo! Two muse videos straight after each other! :awesome:


Oh yeah, UD came on again during the 10 tracks you have to hear on NME about 20 mins later.


UD on Scuzz? :LOL:


In Next and a Art Museum. :dance:


Which songs? :chuckle:

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I hate Next :noey:

Ah, something classical for a museum :yesey:

I heard them in my friend's mum's car today. Her mum wanted to listen to Celine Dion :eek: and my friend was like 'no, put Muse on!' So we listened to TR about 4 times in total :LOL:


I hate Next to.

My dad wanted to shop in there so I was just like fine, then I heard it and I wouldnt leave until the song had finished. :facepalm:

:LOL: Celine Dion or Muse? ;)

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I hate Next to.

My dad wanted to shop in there so I was just like fine, then I heard it and I wouldnt leave until the song had finished. :facepalm:

:LOL: Celine Dion or Muse? ;)


Tough choice, innit? :LOL:


I think it was Scuzz, might've been Kerrang actually. :erm: But it was number 3 on Today's 10 most wanted :awesome:


:awesome: It doesn't matter what channel, as long as it's played :happy:

I haven't seen it on TV yet :(

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Just today Uprising was played on the commercial for the tv show V, Knights of Cydonia was played over the speakers in the bowling alley, Uprising was on the VH1 Top 20 Video Countdown (it's #8), and Resistance was played on the Breeders Cup on ESPN. (I ran in from the other room when I heard that one. :LOL:)

That's a lot of Muse songs heard somewhere in one day in the US. :happy:

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I think that the very first song by Muse I listended to is ''Starlight'' on a tv ad.. :$


I'm fresh in rock's world :$


Welcome to the wonderful world of the Muse board :D


I heard Starlight on someones phone ringtone today. Spent the whole bus journey talking about Muse with this person. :dance:

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