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I heard them recently on the TV. It was for an add for a movie I think. Can't remember which one but I was so happy when I heard it because I had only come back from seeing them live =D


Was it Smokin' Aces? I've seen the add for that movie on MTV2 and they have Assassin in it so everytime it was on I thought Muse were on tv and I turned around but it was only that add. :p

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I was in Forbidden Planet yesterday (Comic Book/Merch shop) and they play KOC. I've kinda gone off that song but it did go well with the atmosphere what with all the weird looking dolls and what not :LOL:


I absolutely LOVE that shop. I always end up spending more money than I actually have.

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Went into aol just now and:






you know you've made the big time when you're on the aol homepage


I heard Feeling Good being played at about 11pm in our union the other week, bit of a random song to be playing at that time on a friday

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i heard someone playing, ehem, trying* to play sunburn on the piano in one of the practice rooms here in my music college. he/she was going to fast and kept fukin it up. i know that they know that i know MUSE as well cause i sometimes play MUSE's song on the piano and sometimes i get real loud. :p i hope they aren't on this board. if so, im sorry :ninja:

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i heard someone playing, ehem, trying* to play sunburn on the piano in one of the practice rooms here in my music college. he/she was going to fast and kept fukin it up. i know that they know that i know MUSE as well cause i sometimes play MUSE's song on the piano and sometimes i get real loud. :p i hope they aren't on this board. if so, im sorry :ninja:


I play sunburn too fast on the piano, but I find it doesn't quite sound right if I slow it down (the first and third bars do, its just the 2nd bit)

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i heard starlight in topshop a while ago and then heard supermassive the other day in superdrug, i felt the need to hang around and listen to it for a bit.


seems that since the new album i hear it in ALOT of places. cant quite imagine hearing some of the stuff from the old albums in topshop...microcuts would sure be funny though. hehe

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I play sunburn too fast on the piano, but I find it doesn't quite sound right if I slow it down (the first and third bars do, its just the 2nd bit)

its not that it was too fast, its that she kept on fukin it up cuz he/she didnt want to take the time to actually learn it.

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I am watching a Boston Bruins (ice hockey) game as they are my favorite team in the world. Tonight February 6th they are playing the Washington Capitals and during the beginning of the 2nd period "Hysteria" was blasting through the rink. It was awesome, they are at the solo as they dropped the puck. I do indeed hope the Bruins win.


For those in the New England Region there will be a replay at Midnight tonight on NESN and tomorrow at 2pm I believe on NESN again. You will hear it when it cuts to begin the 2nd period.

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Here goes a REALLY random one, I think. Seriously, I was not expecting this one; one because of where I heard it, and two, because of the song itself.


I went to Spain a couple of weeks ago to see my family and I was half paying attention to the television. Then, this really weird programme came on. The programme was in a local tv station for the Canary Islands (crappy channel, I tell you) and it was really late, something like two o'clock in the morning or something. The programme was on Canarian culture or something, but it had a really surreal feel to it. While the presenter was talking about what the programme was going to review that day (sorrounded by white smoke and with a tacky black screen in the background), Map of the Problematique was playing in the background.


I doubt they even bothered to pay royalties to put it in the program because it has such a low audience that they probably thought they wouldn't get caught by anyone :LOL:

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Ahh, I remember now.

The Poundland Incident.

I was in town with a few mates, and me and one guy were talking in Poundland while we waited for the others... And then simultaneously stopped talking, looked quizzically at the speakers and exchanged worrying glances.

"Do Poundland customers like Muse, then?"

I wouldn't ever have expected three separate Poundland shoppers to start singing to Supermassive :LOL:

That stopped me being so narrow-minded :LOL:

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