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Great new track! Sort of reminded me of Bjork for some reason :happy:

Guitar riffs loved em! Only thing I'd say is the vocals seem panned to the right? Maybe it's my speakers.


Otherwise great new track :happy:


thanks :) im pretty certain they're panned centrally, although in one section they are intended to be panned left at one point.

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Hi all,


I've just put the latest album up to download for free.


http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karmafish/19158984789 Karmafish Facebook Page


http://www.myspace.com/karmafishmusic Karmafish Myspace Page


Here is the link to download the lastest Karmafish album - All These Voices - in its entirity, for free.


http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&batch_id=TTdHWUh0R0ZvQUx2Wmc9PQ Click here to download Karmafish's album 'All These Voices' for free.


Songs are up on the myspace page for listening to as well. (Did the acoustic cover of Supermassive Black Hole on muselive, if anyone remembers that).

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My internet connection is somewhat spotty, so I couldn't listen to entire songs on Myspace, but sounds good. Downloading it now, so I can listen to it's entirety.


EDIT: the vocals are a little too distorted for my tastes in a few places. Other than that, quite nice.

Edited by Fernando
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Hi all,


I've just put the latest album up to download for free.


http://www.facebook.com/pages/Karmafish/19158984789 Karmafish Facebook Page


http://www.myspace.com/karmafishmusic Karmafish Myspace Page


Here is the link to download the lastest Karmafish album - All These Voices - in its entirity, for free.


http://www.yousendit.com/transfer.php?action=batch_download&batch_id=TTdHWUh0R0ZvQUx2Wmc9PQ Click here to download Karmafish's album 'All These Voices' for free.


Songs are up on the myspace page for listening to as well. (Did the acoustic cover of Supermassive Black Hole on muselive, if anyone remembers that).


Hey man, that sounds great, I noticed you removed your previous yousendit files - is there any way the other stuff is still available for download?

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I play the drums (badly) in a band called The Premature Ejaculators. I have recorded etc an album, and it's available to buy on our myspace.


There are some free samples on the myspace, so if you want to give me opinions on the mix or master then please feel free. I always want to improve and am ready to learn and take on new ideas.



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I play the drums (badly) in a band called The Premature Ejaculators. I have recorded etc an album, and it's available to buy on our myspace.


There are some free samples on the myspace, so if you want to give me opinions on the mix or master then please feel free. I always want to improve and am ready to learn and take on new ideas.



Actually since you're back I kinda need your opinion on something if you're willing to give it?




I didn't do the over all mixes and the fucker who added 'ambiance' *cough* just fucking reverb *cough* has a way of making the tracks seem a bit dull. Need an opinion on what to do with the tracks up there to take them in a new direction mixing wise.


I'll give your stuff a listen though this afternoon as soon as I get my speakers working again!

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Hey man, that sounds great, I noticed you removed your previous yousendit files - is there any way the other stuff is still available for download?


Hi man, glad u liked it. I'll work on geting the previous albums uploaded at some point for you.


Feel free to spread the word on the other album, its free, no-ones got anything to lose, but the link will expire eventually!

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Actually since you're back I kinda need your opinion on something if you're willing to give it?




I didn't do the over all mixes and the fucker who added 'ambiance' *cough* just fucking reverb *cough* has a way of making the tracks seem a bit dull. Need an opinion on what to do with the tracks up there to take them in a new direction mixing wise.


I'll give your stuff a listen though this afternoon as soon as I get my speakers working again!


hey, i cant listen at the moment, as this crappy pc has no speakers.. but id gladly have a look at your mixes and try a slight bit of mastering if thats what you're looking for on the versions pre-ambience :p

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hey, i cant listen at the moment, as this crappy pc has no speakers.. but id gladly have a look at your mixes and try a slight bit of mastering if thats what you're looking for on the versions pre-ambience :p

:D That would be great Chris!

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