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Girl got nice_pipes

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So muse's tour is over, correct? what are they doing now? is there a new album in the future?

Their "official" BH&R tour is over, but they've just recently finished some gigs in South America and Mexico. This week they've got shows in Dublin and at V Fest.


According to recent interviews, they've worked on new material, and have some songs, but they're going to go "full time" into the studio this fall to make the next album, which will probably be released in 2009 :)


I'm pretty sure they've also said they're not planning on doing any more gigs until the new album, but there are some rumors of gigs this fall, so we'll see ;)

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well im excited now...any idea if they'll be touring in the US in the fall? im assuming not likely

I don't think there's much of an chance of them touring the US before next summer, unfortunately. The rumored shows for the fall are China and Venezuela... but I'm pretty sure Matt said most recently that they weren't doing any more shows.


Oh, and there's no word I've heard on when on '09... I'd say probably not until at least this time next year...? But I guess it really depends on how much they've got done so far and how things go this fall :D Hopefully they'll be done early....

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Recording starts in the Autumn, and it will probably take about a year for the new album to come out, so I expect gigs will start again around this time next year, probably some summer festivals to play the new songs before the album is released. If recording goes well.

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