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Regarding filming at gigs...


If you're stuck on barrier or far back where people aren't really moving, film away. It's always nice to have videos...unless your camera/phone/gizmo is shit in which case just fuck off


If you're in the main bit of the crowd then don't take your phone out at all. You know other people will be so there's always gonna be footage, and by worrying over your phone you stay static and it jsut deadens the crowd. Move to the outside if you want to film

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Been thinking it over an think I've decided why I'm not really that keen on it (Psycho).


Personal opinion but I don't quite think the drums have enough 'kick/power' to drive that huge riff. Too much guitar simply.


They could have upped the tempo a little too IMO


Drums haven't been that good since BHAR, especially in Knights. And agreed, faster tempo could've made the song a little more exciting. Maybe they'll try it live.

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Drums haven't been that good since BHAR, especially in Knights. And agreed, faster tempo could've made the song a little more exciting. Maybe they'll try it live.


Just sound-wise I think Dom's drums never sounded this good. The kick is huge.

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Apologies if this has already been discussed, but isn't Drones the shortest album, in terms of number of actual tracks? If the tracks with brackets are just sound bites, then it only leaves 10 tracks?


In terms of tracks, yes but it could still turn out to be their longest album. I'm expecting something along the 50-min mark though.

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Or maybe just let people record the gig if they want to and mind your own business instead of worrying that they're not getting the "full concert experience", which is obviously the same for exactly everyone.


This ^


everyone enjoys concerts in their own way

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Or maybe just let people record the gig if they want to and mind your own business instead of worrying that they're not getting the "full concert experience", which is obviously the same for exactly everyone.


people recording ruins my concert experience. I rather have people chanting with me than focusing on if their phones are getting the best shot or not.


I've attended Jack White concert where his guy stepped up at stage pre show and told everyone to not record and instead enjoy the concert, that they will be recording and will be uploaded on web for free. It was my best concert experience because the audience was AMAZING. Yes a few people still recorded it but not "army of glowing screens".

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people recording ruins my concert experience. I rather have people chanting with me than focusing on if their phones are getting the best shot or not.


I've attended Jack White concert where his guy stepped up at stage pre show and told everyone to not record and instead enjoy the concert, that they will be recording and will be uploaded on web for free. It was my best concert experience because the audience was AMAZING. Yes a few people still recorded it but not "army of glowing screens".


Alright everyone, put your phones down so this guy can enjoy his gig. Boo-fucking-hoo.


In case you haven't noticed, Muse don't upload their gigs anywhere, so audience recordings is all we have.

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Or maybe just let people record the gig if they want to and mind your own business instead of worrying that they're not getting the "full concert experience", which is obviously the same for exactly everyone.


I don't mind anyone recording the gig as long as their phone/teblet is not directly in my face blocking my view. even worse at Reading festival, during fucking PIB the girl next to me asked me not to jump infront of her as I was blocking her recording. ffs.

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Alright everyone, put your phones down so this guy can enjoy his gig. Boo-fucking-hoo.


In case you haven't noticed, Muse don't upload their gigs anywhere, so audience recordings is all we have.


recordings from seated audience are most welcome. preferably using something that gives a better sound than a cheesegrater.

assholes in GA blocking your view and forcing you to be careful not to touch them in the slightest so their precious apple products remain safe, are most certainly not welcome.

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I don't mind anyone recording the gig as long as their phone/teblet is not directly in my face blocking my view. even worse at Reading festival, during fucking PIB the girl next to me asked me not to jump infront of her as I was blocking her recording. ffs.


I was at a show a while ago and the lady in front of me was verballing people quite aggressively to move so she could see. Eventually they moved and then she pulled out an iPad to film the show, blocking everyone else. So frustrating

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What annoys me the most is the amount of footage that is recorded but left to rot in people's hard drives...obviously not everyone needs to upload their footage, but for the number of phones I see up in the air shockingly little ever makes it to youtube.

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He did at one stage when talking with fans in Vancouver, as well as a sequel/second part to CE. He separately mentioned trying to write songs like he used to, to see if he could.


Dead Inside could suggest that the character of CE has been left feeling empty, dejected, open to this conditioning/psychological abuse.


I'm not sure where else I'd see a CE2 fitting into the context of the concept album.


My interpretation of Citizen Erased was that the character died, or was close to death. CE2 might even be a b-side.

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