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Tokyo Zepp DVD


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It would be so awkward if Muse (when/if off-Warner) uploaded rare stuff and Warner muted it. Did something similar ever happen with other bands?


Not really muting but Radiohead famously lost their pre-IR stuff to EMI. I somehow doubt Warner will go on a big rampage to their account unless they get a similarly bad deal. It is possible still though.

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  • 5 years later...

Absolutely massive bump. Not the whole gig but more songs being released this week.


......aaaand there’s still a part of this that hurts me so this actually isn’t a wholly positive present on the personal front tbh. Ya had to be there, I guess.

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16 hours ago, Claudia O said:

Ok, we‘ll get 4 songs next week. .. why not the full gig 🤔


17 hours ago, Claudia O said:

Ok, we‘ll get 4 songs next week. .. why not the full gig 🤔

Warner Music Group artists and songwriters join together for the first-ever PlayOn Fest, a virtual music festival supporting the COVID-19 solidarity response fund for the World Health Organization.

why no Muse Set?.

4 Songs is a poor effort.

best wishes, Sharky.

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considering they released the panic station music video bts, it's not surprising they are only releasing the pro-shot of the encore with the costumes and stuff. maybe they'll release the deep cuts later on, but they obviously want to keep the panic station theme. at least we are getting can't take my eyes off you :D

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4 (relatively irrelevant songs) in a day-and-a-half doesn't solve the "rainy day."   need the full gig to make people happy. i guess 5 total (including the Futurism "Christmas" gift is OK, but likely others want to see the others.

in the meantime, i think they're far along on a ST tour stream/DVD release by now, given how early Matt was working on it.  we'll see.

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What Muse fans want - Zepp gig in full

What Muse thinks fans want - 10 minutes of footage of the band trying on sunglasses, and four heavily setlisted songs from rarites gig...

I wish I was a bigger Radiohead fan, they're getting regular uploads of full gigs into YouTube...


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...did I slip into a coma and miss CTMEOY becoming ‘relatively irrelevant’ and ‘heavily setlisted’?

The 2nd encore is by far the most unique part of that gig. We have Futurism, so what else are we really missing out on?

Edited by Jobby
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XI'll give you Eyes but does anyone really need another video of Starlight and Supermassive Blackhole?


My memory was that the first part of the gig got more attention given the setlist included Fury, Futurism, Microcuts, Hyper Music, Dead Star, Yes Please and Agitated. You can dress up Panic Station in costumes but it's still Panic Station...

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13 hours ago, Silentgod86 said:

What Muse fans want - Zepp gig in full

What Muse thinks fans want - 10 minutes of footage of the band trying on sunglasses, and four heavily setlisted songs from rarites gig...

I wish I was a bigger Radiohead fan, they're getting regular uploads of full gigs into YouTube...


This.  Thank god the other bands I listen to have been putting out all kinds of content during this, it's really been a lifesaver and improved my mental health.

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2 hours ago, Silentgod86 said:

XI'll give you Eyes but does anyone really need another video of Starlight and Supermassive Blackhole?


My memory was that the first part of the gig got more attention given the setlist included Fury, Futurism, Microcuts, Hyper Music, Dead Star, Yes Please and Agitated. You can dress up Panic Station in costumes but it's still Panic Station...

Yes, at the time. Since then, we’ve had Futurism and pro-shots of all of those songs from other shows anyway. So they’re giving us literally the only element of that gig that we haven’t seen before, and the most ‘light-hearted’ part (to go along with the making-of) which they probably thought people might appreciate atm.

Sure, full gigs of anything would be nice. I’d happily keep a full catalogue of every gig they’ve ever played. But it’s peak ungrateful Muse fans to moan at them for giving us pro-shots of something that’s been in-demand for 7 years purely to throw people a bone during a shite global situation because “well, other bands have streamed full gigs”. They weren’t obligated to put anything out.

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I think your argument would hold more water if Tom Kirk didn't troll fans on the Zepp gig for so long.

Muse aren't obligated to put anything out, ever. I get that. But as a fan, I'm sick of Muse missing open goals.  I agree it's not really valid comparing to other bands, but Radiohead have been on a roll lately making their music and art available for all via their Public Library, whereas Muse seem to throw out a single pro shot (or less) once a year and puts Origin of Muse behind an expensive package and limited release. After 19 years it would be nice to get more than a bone and I'm more interested in Muse's music than laughing at them wearing funny sunglasses ... In terms of gratitude, I express it by buying albums and attending gigs, not by refusing to share my opinion when I don't like what they're doing, on a board that they might only occasionally browse. It's hard to excited about a Pro Shot of Panic Station...

Plus it's a discussion board, if people didn't moan, and others moan and people moaning, this board would be dead...oh wait...

Edited by Silentgod86
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Musers are sadly known for arguing, being upset, unsatisfied .. even the band know this. Muse are on a break between a tour and the next album, so I never expected them to do live streaming or sending messages to their fans. It‘s nice that they are giving us those songs, I enjoyed the documentary and had a good laugh! 
On the other hand, it would have been nice to just throw out this gig ... but maybe the evil Warner is to blame again 🤷‍♀️ 

or they just don‘t care ..

The thing about OOS is that it was a mistake they didn‘t tell us about it being limited. In my opinion it is not overpriced for what you get, and I think  they were aware that the music would find its way into the net  anyway.

Edited by Claudia O
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The problem with OOM could have easily been fixed by also releasing a CD only package for £60 at most. Not everyone is interested in coloured vinyls or paying for them just to get access to the new material. This is something that other bands do for such releases (and Muse do with their new releases), so I'm hoping Muse or their marketing come to their senses and re-issue a less extravagant package in the near future. 

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On 4/22/2020 at 5:41 AM, Claudia O said:

Who knows? Maybe one day we‘ll get the full gig 😎 

This is better than nothing, only took them 7 years 🤪😂


it begins ! 
making of Panic Station pt. 1 


I loved the Panic Station video the day I first saw it and I still love it now. I'm not sure there's any content Muse have released in the past decade that more perfectly embodies their hyper-imaginative brand of focused silliness. The making of videos are great.


I'm not huge on gig releases, I stick mostly to studio stuff. If they're going by their usual pattern of two studio albums followed by a live album, it does seem about time for the next one though.

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18 hours ago, Silentgod86 said:

I think your argument would hold more water if Tom Kirk didn't troll fans on the Zepp gig for so long.

Muse aren't obligated to put anything out, ever. I get that. But as a fan, I'm sick of Muse missing open goals.  I agree it's not really valid comparing to other bands, but Radiohead have been on a roll lately making their music and art available for all via their Public Library, whereas Muse seem to throw out a single pro shot (or less) once a year and puts Origin of Muse behind an expensive package and limited release. After 19 years it would be nice to get more than a bone and I'm more interested in Muse's music than laughing at them wearing funny sunglasses ... In terms of gratitude, I express it by buying albums and attending gigs, not by refusing to share my opinion when I don't like what they're doing, on a board that they might only occasionally browse. It's hard to excited about a Pro Shot of Panic Station...

Plus it's a discussion board, if people didn't moan, and others moan and people moaning, this board would be dead...oh wait...

Genuinely kinda staggered by the sense of entitlement. Don’t really know where to begin.

It’s literally 4 free videos of a silly performance that they’re putting out as a one-off because people have been asking to see it for 7 years and they thought it’d lift spirits a bit. If someone you knew made you a small gift during a rough time, would you also pick that apart because you wanted something bigger or something specific and pass it off as “sharing my opinion that I don’t like what you’re doing”?

Don’t really see what OOM has to do with anything at all either? It’s the only thing like that that they’ve ever done and has a hell of a lot in it so...yeah, it’s not gonna be cheap, idk what to tell ya. It’s also not exactly extortionate. They’re hardly the first to do limited edition collector’s items either, and they did put out more when it initially sold out. You suggest putting out another version for £60 but that’s still massively expensive for a music release, so you’d effectively be asking “would you like to pay the high price or the even higher price?”

Sure, you can wish Muse put out more gig content than Christmas presents and concert films every few years. Most of us have asked for that at some point in the past. But, in reality, they put out about as much as (if not more) than the average band. But this really shouldn’t be the thing you choose to voice that gripe over. Radiohead are one band, they do a lot of things other band’s don’t and they’ve also literally only just started this public library thing. The gigs they’ve streamed on YT, tmk, are also pretty standard gigs.

The board’s dead anyway, at least until the next major release (hopefully). Stuff like this ain’t gonna revive it. For the record, I don’t even wanna watch the footage myself, but moaning that it’s not good enough for one reason or another is just unnecessarily wanky right now imo.

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1 hour ago, Jobby said:

Genuinely kinda staggered by the sense of entitlement. Don’t really know where to begin.

Easily staggered then. It's not as if I'm directly tweeting the band or shouting that I'll boycott future releases.

1 hour ago, Jobby said:

It’s literally 4 free videos of a silly performance that they’re putting out as a one-off because people have been asking to see it for 7 years and they thought it’d lift spirits a bit. If someone you knew made you a small gift during a rough time, would you also pick that apart because you wanted something bigger or something specific and pass it off as “sharing my opinion that I don’t like what you’re doing”?

It was Tom Kirk that hinted/promised that the full gig would be released. That's where the expectation came from so this release is a step down from that.  I'm not sure if it's true to say that fans have been explicitly asking for just the 2nd encore for 7 years either. And yes there have been times I've been underwhelmed by gifts and as I've done here, not pushed it directly into the givers face. 

1 hour ago, Jobby said:

Don’t really see what OOM has to do with anything at all either? It’s the only thing like that that they’ve ever done and has a hell of a lot in it so...yeah, it’s not gonna be cheap, idk what to tell ya. It’s also not exactly extortionate. They’re hardly the first to do limited edition collector’s items either, and they did put out more when it initially sold out. You suggest putting out another version for £60 but that’s still massively expensive for a music release, so you’d effectively be asking “would you like to pay the high price or the even higher price?”

So you say that £120 is not exactly extortionate but then say £60 is massively expensive. Odd... My point is that a lot of fans were priced out of the collection due to its marketing strategy especially those in less prosperous parts of the world. Personally I can easily pay £120 but I recognise I'm lucky. £120 is a lot more expensive for fans in Brazil or Mexico than it is the UK or US.  It's not unreasonable to gripe that Muse should have released OOM the same way they released the last four albums, with a tiered release structure. This gives greater access to fans, and  it puts more money back into Muse which rewards the hard work that went into the release. The only people who would lose out are people like me who would have one less thing to moan about.

1 hour ago, Jobby said:

The board’s dead anyway, at least until the next major release (hopefully). Stuff like this ain’t gonna revive it. For the record, I don’t even wanna watch the footage myself, but moaning that it’s not good enough for one reason or another is just unnecessarily wanky right now imo.

Unnecessarily wanky in relation to Muse? I'll take that as a compliment!

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You could say it to yourself in your room, it’s still acting entitled and you’re posting it on the band’s only official forum at the end of the day.

Muse have hinted/promised at a lot of things that haven’t come to pass or have taken a long time to come to fruition. A lot of it gets forgotten because that’s life and it’s very rarely a big deal. There was an initial demand for Zepp to be released because it meant pro-shots of modern Agitated, Yes Please, Futurism, Fury in its original key and Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, combined with the fact that it was a very unique show because of all these happening at once and the 2nd encore. In the years since, we’ve had all that (bar Fury) and more from other shows, plus Futurism. So, if we’re not missing out on anything, what’s even the issue? You’re not paying for anything, they’re just putting a special performance of a few songs out to keep fans entertained. They don’t owe it to us, nor do any of the other artists or people trying to keep people entertained atm, so why feel the need to point the finger and say “pfff, well x person did more”? Of all the times and cases, this really isn’t the one to whinge about. Full gigs or no, it’s more unique/special than the Radiohead content you reckon they should be aspiring to anyway. It’s literally the only thing left from that gig that we haven’t seen anything like before. If you’re yearning for Micro Cuts, Dead Star et al, Youtube’s a click away.

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1 hour ago, Jobby said:

You could say it to yourself in your room, it’s still acting entitled and you’re posting it on the band’s only official forum at the end of the day.

Muse have hinted/promised at a lot of things that haven’t come to pass or have taken a long time to come to fruition. A lot of it gets forgotten because that’s life and it’s very rarely a big deal. There was an initial demand for Zepp to be released because it meant pro-shots of modern Agitated, Yes Please, Futurism, Fury in its original key and Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, combined with the fact that it was a very unique show because of all these happening at once and the 2nd encore. In the years since, we’ve had all that (bar Fury) and more from other shows, plus Futurism. So, if we’re not missing out on anything, what’s even the issue? You’re not paying for anything, they’re just putting a special performance of a few songs out to keep fans entertained. They don’t owe it to us, nor do any of the other artists or people trying to keep people entertained atm, so why feel the need to point the finger and say “pfff, well x person did more”? Of all the times and cases, this really isn’t the one to whinge about. Full gigs or no, it’s more unique/special than the Radiohead content you reckon they should be aspiring to anyway. It’s literally the only thing left from that gig that we haven’t seen anything like before. If you’re yearning for Micro Cuts, Dead Star et al, Youtube’s a click away.

You've turned soft since getting OOM.

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13 minutes ago, Hat said:

You've turned soft since getting OOM*.

*Assassin @ The London O2 on the 14th of April 2016


(also I have been v stressed lately so it’s possible I may sound more passionate than I normally would be)

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1 hour ago, Jobby said:

You could say it to yourself in your room, it’s still acting entitled and you’re posting it on the band’s only official forum at the end of the day.

Muse have hinted/promised at a lot of things that haven’t come to pass or have taken a long time to come to fruition. A lot of it gets forgotten because that’s life and it’s very rarely a big deal. There was an initial demand for Zepp to be released because it meant pro-shots of modern Agitated, Yes Please, Futurism, Fury in its original key and Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, combined with the fact that it was a very unique show because of all these happening at once and the 2nd encore. In the years since, we’ve had all that (bar Fury) and more from other shows, plus Futurism. So, if we’re not missing out on anything, what’s even the issue? You’re not paying for anything, they’re just putting a special performance of a few songs out to keep fans entertained. They don’t owe it to us, nor do any of the other artists or people trying to keep people entertained atm, so why feel the need to point the finger and say “pfff, well x person did more”? Of all the times and cases, this really isn’t the one to whinge about. Full gigs or no, it’s more unique/special than the Radiohead content you reckon they should be aspiring to anyway. It’s literally the only thing left from that gig that we haven’t seen anything like before. If you’re yearning for Micro Cuts, Dead Star et al, Youtube’s a click away.

The answer to all your questions is that this is a Muse forum and if we can't complain about inconsequential things here, where can we go (I refuse to go to Reddit). My original post was pretty ineffectual before you paid it more attention than it honestly deserved. I could argue more but I never intended to troll someone into getting so irate.  I apologise I've upset you and will think not just twice but three times when posting here.

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