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Glastonbury set leaked!


01 // Pyscho

02 // Reapers

03 // Interlude + Hysteria

04 // The Handler

05 // Citizen Erassd

06 // Apocalypse Please

07 // Exo-Politics

08 // Starboobs

09 // Time Is Running Out

10 // Dead Inside

11 // Hammer to Fall (with Adele)

12 // Uprising


13 // The Globalist

14 // Mercy

15 // Knights of Cydonia (no Harmonica)

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Grounded Paris hopes:




Plug In Baby

Dead Inside


Interlude + Hysteria

Supermassive Black Hole





Time Is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome + Agitated




Knights Of Cydonia


I feel like Defector is probably a long shot but it's my last chance to see it :(

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1. Psycho

2. Reapers

3. Plug in Baby

4. Bliss

5. Dead Inside

6. Map of the Problematique + riff + riff

7. Citizen Erased

8. Apocalypse Please

9. United States of Eurasia

10. Sunburn

11. Starlight

12. Supermassive Black Hole

13. Uprising

14. Time is Running Out

15. Stockholm Syndrome + riff + riff

16. The Globalist



17. Supremacy

18. The Handler

19. Muscle Museum

20. Hysteria

21. Knights of Cydonia

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Something I'd have enjoyed more than the majority of the gigs they've played. Riffs not listed, nor extended outros.


[Drill Sgt]

1. Psycho

2. Reapers

3. Bliss

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Dead Inside

6. Interlude - Hysteria

7. Uprising


8. Revolt

9. The Handler

10. United States of Eurasia

[Drum & Bass Jam]

11. New Born

12. Supermassive Black Hole

13. Time is Running Out

14. Micro Cuts

15. Starlight

16. The Globalist



17. Knights of Cydonia (no harmonica)

18. Mercy

19. Sing for Absolution

20. Stockholm Syndrome

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Drones tour that would please everyone from casual to hardcore, to piano-lovers and not too long and fairly static



1. Psycho

2. Reapers

3. Plug in Baby

4. Dead Inside

5. Map of the Problematique

**Isolated System**

6. The Handler

7. Interlude + Hysteria

8. Supermassive Black Hole

9. Prelude + Starlight

10. Citizen Erased

11. Feeling Good

12. Hoodoo

13. Munich Jam

14. Madness


15. Deflector

16. Time is Running Out

17. Uprising

18. Stockholm Syndrome

19. The Globalist


20. Take a Bow

21. Mercy

22. Knights of Cydonia

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What I would've done if I was Muse @ this year's Glasto:


**some intro**

Knights Of Cydonia + Space Dementia outro


Bliss (ext.)

New Born

The Handler

Supermassive Black Hole

Starlight (Matt on guitar)

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Citizen Erased

Feeling Good (w/ Adele)



Interlude + Hysteria

Time Is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome


[JFK] + Uprising (ext.)

Mercy (fireworks + confetti)

Plug In Baby (ext.)


People might berate the idea of PIB closing but I think it'd go down pretty well with casuals and would be a nice change from the same old, same old. Personally, I'd be pretty up for it.

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What I would've done if I was Muse @ this year's Glasto:


What I would've done if I was Muse @ the three nights in Mexico at the start of the tour


  1. Reapers
  2. Dead Star
  3. Psycho
  4. Map of the Problematique
  5. Supermassive Black Hole
  6. Dead Inside
  7. Forced In + Muscle Museum
  8. Bliss
  9. Sing For Absolution
  10. Uno
  11. Butterflies & Hurricanes
  12. Hoodoo
  13. United Stated of Eurasia
  14. Ruled By Secrecy
  15. Follow Me
  16. Fury
  17. The Handler
  18. MK Ultra
  19. Starlight
  20. [JFK] + Defector
  21. Mercy
  22. Time is Running Out
  23. Unnatural Selection
  24. Ashamed
  25. Soldier’s Poem
  26. The Globalist + Drones
  27. Blackout
  28. Plug in Baby
  29. Knights of Cydonia
  30. WATU + Uprising
  31. Stockholm Syndrome
  32. Take A Bow


  1. Psycho
  2. Micro Cuts
  3. The Handler
  4. Bliss
  5. Supermassive Black Hole
  6. Dead Inside
  7. Futurism
  8. Interlude + Hysteria
  9. Animals
  10. Hyper Music
  11. Citizen Erased
  12. Redemption
  13. Sunburn
  14. Space Dementia (Guitar Outro)
  15. Supremacy
  16. Map of the Problematique
  17. Madness
  18. [JFK] + Revolt
  19. Mercy
  20. City of Delusion
  21. Time is Running Out
  22. Dead Star
  23. Yes Please
  24. Reapers
  25. Falling Down
  26. The Globalist + Drones
  27. Isolated System
  28. Uprising
  29. Take A Bow
  30. Showbiz
  31. Plug in Baby
  32. Knights of Cydonia

  1. Reapers
  2. Psycho
  3. New Born
  4. Supermassive Black Hole
  5. Bliss
  6. Dead Inside
  7. Glorious
  8. Interlude + Hysteria
  9. Sing For Absolution
  10. Assassin
  11. Citizen Erased
  12. Intro + Apocalypse Please
  13. Sunburn
  14. Megalomania
  15. Invincible
  16. MK Ultra
  17. The Handler
  18. Resistance
  19. [JFK] + Defector
  20. Mercy
  21. Time is Running Out
  22. Hyper Music
  23. Stockholm Syndrome
  24. Agitated
  25. Unintended
  26. The Globalist + Drones
  27. Overture
  28. Uprising
  29. Knights of Cydonia
  30. Unsustainable
  31. Plug in Baby
  32. Survival

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If I was Muse at Glasto this year:


1. Psycho

2. Reapers

3. Plug in Baby

4. Supermassive Blackhole

5. Bliss

6. New Born

7. Dead Inside

8. Map of the Problematique

9. Starlight

10. Feeling Good

11. Madness

12. Hysteria

13. Time is Running Out

14. Mercy

15. Stockholm Syndrome


16. Back in Black/Sign of the Times

17. Uprising

18. Knights of Cydonia

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Drones Tour setlist


Exogenesis Overture ( with drones)

Reapers ( with drones)

DS + Psycho

Plug In Baby / Resistance

Map of the Problematique / Interlude Hysteria ( with riffs)

Citizen Erased ( night 1 only)

Isolated System

The Handler

Supermassive Black Hole ( with drones)

Starlight / Bliss Long( with balloons)

Butterflies and Hurricanes ( night 2 only)

Apocalypse Please / Space Dementia guitar outro

Sunburn ( night 1 only)

Hypermusic ( night 2 only)

Munich Jam

Dead Inside

JFK Defector / Revolt

Time Is Running Out


Stockholm Syndrome / Newborn (both with riffs)

The Globalist



Survival/ Take A Bow


Knights of Cydonia

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Two night residency just to smash out a bunch of rarities/good Muse songs while still promoting Drones. Some really decent rotations possible.


{Drill Sergeant} / / {JFK}

Psycho / / Defector

Assassin / / Dead Star

The Handler

Map of the Problematique {Who Knows Who Riff} / / Bliss {Extended}

Dead Inside

Futurism / / Uno

Supermassive Black Hole

Citizen Erased / / Butterflies & Hurricanes

Space Dementia {Piano Ending} / / Ruled By Secrecy

Sunburn {Piano Version} / / Cave {Piano Version}

{Munich Jam} / / {Dracula Mountain}


The Groove


Micro Cuts {Sped Up Ending Riff} / / Hyper Music




Apocalypse Please

Stockholm Syndrome {Township Rebellion Riff + Execution Commentary Riff} / / New Born {Headup Riff + Microphone Fiend Riff}

Agitated / / Yes Please


Showbiz / / Muscle Museum

Plug In Baby

Take a Bow

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UK Rarity type tour, two set list templates rotating


1. Psycho

2. Map of the Problematique

3. Bliss

4. Supermassive Black Hole

5. Fury / Sing for Absolution

6. Butterflies & Hurricanes / Citizen Erased

7. Drum & Bass

8. Assassin

9. The Groove / Hyper Music

10. Futurism / Micro Cuts

11. Plug in Baby

12. Muscle Museum

13.Stockholm Syndrome

14. Agitated


15. MK Ultra

16. Time is Running Out

17. Knights of Cydonia

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[Drill Sergeant]

1. Psycho

2. Knights of Cydonia

3. Assassin

4. Dead Inside

5. The Handler

6. Citizen Erased

7. New Born

8. Map of the Problematique

9. Butterflies and Hurricanes

10. Apocalypse Please

11. Ruled By Secrecy

12. Space Dementia


13. Defector

14. Revolt

15. Plug In Baby

16. Muscle Museum

17. The Globalist

18. Survival




19. Blackout

20. Aftermath

21. Glorious

22. Sing For Absolution




23. Bliss

24. Fury

25. Reapers

26. Stockholm Syndrome

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Arena gig/club gig pattern, if it were used during this tour:


***Isolated System***


[Drill Sgt.] + Psycho

Supermassive Black Hole

Dead Inside

Resistance / Interlude + Hysteria

The Handler

***Munich Jam***

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Apocalypse Please / Sunburn

Feeling Good / United States Of Eurasia



Map Of The Problematique / Bliss

[JFK] + Defector / Revolt


Time Is Running Out


The Globalist

------------- (Drones)

Blackout / Take A Bow / Prelude + Survival

Plug In Baby

Stockholm Syndrome



Knights Of Cydonia





***What's He Building?***


Hyper Music / Dead Star

The Small Print / MK Ultra

Supermassive Black Hole

City Of Delusion / Assassin

The Handler / Reapers

Muscle Museum / Showbiz / Micro Cuts

Citizen Erased

Cave / Falling Down / Sunburn / Space Dementia / Apocalypse Please

***Osaka Jam*** / ***Helsinki Jam***

Fury / Futurism / Glorious


Time Is Running Out / Interlude + Hysteria

Stockholm Syndrome

Agitated / Yes Please


Sing For Absolution / Invincible / Can't Take My Eyes Off You

Mercy / Starlight

Bliss (ext.)

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***[Drill Sergeant]***


Supermassive Black Hole


Interlude + Hysteria

Map Of The Problematique


Micro Cuts

Butterflies & Hurricanes

United States Of Eurasia

Apocalypse Please


Muscle Museum





Plug In Baby



“Dead” Playback Intro + Dead Inside

The Globalist


Stockholm Syndrome

Knights Of Cydonia



The 2ND Law: Unsustainable


The Handler


Unnatural Selection

Dead Inside

Panic Station

Supermassive Black Hole

Citizen Erased


Ruled By Secrecy

The Globalist

Undisclosed Desires





Time Is Running Out

Stockholm Syndrome

Take A Bow


***[Drill Sergeant]***


Plug In Baby



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1. Take a Bow

2. Map of the Problematique + riff + riff

3. New Born

4. The Hander

5. Hysteria

6. Assassin

7. Citizen Erased

8. Apocalypse Please

9. Hoodoo

10. Invincible

11. Starlight

12 .Supermassive Black Hole

13. Glorious

14. Uprising

15. Reapers

16. Psycho

17. Stockholm Syndrome

18. Agitated


19. Soldier's Poem

20. City of Delusion

21. Muscle Museum

22. Plug in Baby

23. Knights of Cydonia


In the old thread I found a set I did that did start with Take a Bow, Starlight, SMBH and MOTP just because. Didn't fancy doing a full Black Holes set, but did fancy one leaning on it.

Edited by forevermusic
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Blegh, think I need to get away from the board for a few days. Nowt to do with moaning about negativity, I've just been on a nice Black Holes hype since Paris and I wanna enjoy it for a bit without being reminded of some of the frustrating stuff that's rearing its head again :chuckle: In the meantime, here's a 'current mood/faves' set (watch me post again, like, tomorrow lmao):


Take A Bow

Map Of The Problematique

Supermassive Black Hole





City Of Delusion



Space Dementia

Plug In Baby (ext.)


Stockholm Syndrome






Falling Away With You

Bliss (ext.)

Edited by Jobby
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Micro Cuts

The Handler

MK Ultra

Panic Station

Supermassive Black Hole



Dead Star

Butterflies & Hurricanes

United States Of Eurasia

Apocalypse Please


***[Drill Sergeant]***


Muscle Museum

Plug In Baby






Unnatural Selection

Stockholm Syndrome

Take A Bow




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Idea for a show that starts earlier and two sets with a 15-20 minute break between. Give them the hits in the earlier half and expose them to a different side of the band in the second half with a bunch of rock mixed in with some heavier hits.


[Drill Sergeant]


2.)Map of the Problematique/Interlude+Hysteria

3.)Dead Inside

4.)Bliss/Plug in Baby




8.)CE/B&H/City of Delusion




12.)"This one is a cover song" Lies/Sign o the Times/Can't Take My Eyes Off You

13.)The Globalist/Exogenesis 1/2/3 together



*15-20 minute break*

[What's He Building in There with silouettes on the 360 curtains]


2.)Hyper Music/Micro Cuts/Dead Star


4.)The Handler

5.)Muscle Museum/Uno

6.)Agitated/Ashamed/Spiral Static

7.)Endlessly/Falling Down/Megalomania

8.)Stockholm Syndrome/New Born/Unnatural Selection

9.)Assassin/The Small Print/MK Ultra


11.)Mercy (with confetti)

12.)Knights/Survival/Take a Bow

Edited by Alexander DeLarge
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Going back to the thread's original purpose. If Muse ever came to me and said "okay, you pick our setlist. What do you want?":


1. Psycho

2. Dead Star

3. Hyper Music

4. The Groove

5. The Handler

6. Citizen Erased

7. Ruled By Secrecy

8. Endlessly

9. Space Dementia

10. City of Delusion

11. Assassin

12. Map Of The Problematique

13. Bliss

14. Darkshines

15. Sunburn (guitar)

16. Butterflies & Hurricanes

17. Stockholm Syndrome

18. Take A Bow


19. Sing For Absolution

20. Eternally Missed

21. Knights of Cydonia


22. Hyper Chondriac Music

23. Showbiz

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Going with the 23 songs you went with


1. Knights of Cydonia

2. Dead Star

3. The Groove

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Sing for Absolution

6. Interlude - Hysteria

7. Citizen Erased

8. Apocalypse Please

9. Space Dementia

10. Ruled By Secrecy

11. New Born

12. Bliss

13. The Handler

14. Assassin

15. Micro Cuts

16. Hyper Music

17. Stockholm Syndrome


18. Take a Bow

19. Butterflies & Hurricanes

20. Muscle Museum

21. The Globalist


22. Plug in Baby

23. Showbiz

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23 seems a good number


1. Psycho

2. Supermassive Black Hole

3. MK Ultra

4. Map of the Problematique

5. Uno

6. Interlude + Hysteria

7. Citizen Erased

8. United States of Eurasia

9. Sunburn

10. Space Dementia

11. Dead Star

12. Darkshines

13. Uprising

14. Time is Running Out

15. Butterflies & Hurricanes

16. New Born

17. Muscle Museum

18. Bliss (ext.)


19. Take a Bow

20. Plug in Baby

21. Hyper Music

22. Assassin

23. Knights of Cydonia



Micro Cuts might feature but idk

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Sort of just did one :chuckle: but I guess this is more general and a bit longer:


Map Of The Problematique

Dead Star (ext.)

The Small Print

Hyper Music

Supermassive Black Hole




Butterflies & Hurricanes

Ruled By Secrecy

Hate This And I'll Love You (piano)



Dark Shines

City Of Delusion

Assassin (ext.)


Stockholm Syndrome




Starlight ('06 ver.)


Hyper Chondriac Music


Bliss (ext. w/ balloons)

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