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Rate / Rank Muse songs live


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Always one for an argument, Fabri and I were discussing what songs were and weren't shit live so I came up with this. Had a quick search and couldn't find a thread specifically for this so thought I'd make one.


Rather than just leaving this open to debate whatever you wish, I'll start specifically with the discussion Fabri and I were having about Starlight and Supermassive Black Hole.


I personally feel like Starlight isn't that bad of a song live and is a nice sing along even if it isn't the best song Muse have in their catalogue. Fabri seems to think it's shit, should die a horrible death and should never come back.


As far as Supermassive goes, I think it's a fair song live but nothing special whereas Fabri thinks it's one of their better song live (I'm sort of paraphrasing). I don't entirely disagree, I just think quite a few songs are a lot better.


Of course, you are welcome to debate this if you so wish as well as give your personal opinions on how good certain songs are live, etc.

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Cool idea


Starlight and Supermassive are both good and fun live, to me anyway. That's often the case with the better known songs; more people know them so the atmosphere is just waaayyy better for them



Best live songs (based on the gigs I've been to):









Guiding Light

Blackout (pains me to say that when I see it from Wembley 07, but it really wasn't great at the Emirates)


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I think that performance of Blackout was one where if you're closer to the cat-walk or the B-Stage, it's better because you're close to both the band and the acrobat so it feels a little more intimate whereas if you're further back, I can imagine you feel a little left out.

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Okay, I'll bite :LOL:


I like both Starlight and SMBH live, but I would definitely say that SMBH isn't anything special (though it's certainly good live), and neither is Starlight, but the sing-along is fun. It's just an awful closer :LOL:


Here are my personal lists for best & worst live songs I've seen.



Dead Star


Citizen Erased

Butterflies & Hurricanes

Knights of Cydonia

Stockholm Syndrome



Undisclosed Desires

Guiding Light

Explorers (though I do enjoy it on the album)

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Hate time :awesome:


Deadstar at Coventry surprised me with how generic it sounded. Maybe it was just the crowd but it didn't give me any sort of wow feeling compared to the first time i heard CE and Butterflies


Edit: Also nothing sticks in my mind more than the first (and only) time i've seen Map live. I wanna see it again to make sure it wasen't just first gig excitement but i hold it as the best song ive ever heard by any band live.

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I think that performance of Blackout was one where if you're closer to the cat-walk or the B-Stage, it's better because you're close to both the band and the acrobat so it feels a little more intimate whereas if you're further back, I can imagine you feel a little left out.


Yeah, that was something to do with it. But it generally just wasn't that great :erm: The acrobat and lightbulb was cool, but the fact that they'd done similar stuff before at the Wembley gigs kind of ruined the novelty of it... That and Matt just pissed Sammy and I off a bit during it :LOL:


"Ahhh, don't have to play guitar for this, GREAT" "In fact, let's have a lie down"

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Not playing the Guitar takes away from it for me too but I'd rather see the song that way now than not ever see it.


That's the way I look at it.


I definitely enjoyed it but I do feel like it could and should have been better.

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Would say at the moment Stockholm Syndrome was far and away my favourite live song from this tour. Bliss/Sunburn/Butterflies and Hurricanes were all really good as well


SMBH is alright but i always think it could be better and more lively, Starlight is a good enough live song just no guitar and closing the show on this tour is still a daft idea...

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Took all the songs I've seen live and ordered them from best to worst. (Not 100% on them but it's probably mostly right/close to right)


Stockholm Syndrome



MK Ultra


Dead Star

Unnatural Selection

Take A Bow

Butterflies & Hurricanes

United States of Eurasia

Knights Of Cydonia



Panic Station

I Belong To You

The 2nd Law: Unsustainable



Plug In Baby

Citizen Erased

Ruled By Secrecy

Map Of The Problematique

Liquid State


Supermassive Black Hole

Follow Me




Time Is Running Out

Space Dementia

Micro Cuts

Exogenesis: Symphony, Part 1: Overture


Hyper Music



Falling Down


The 2nd Law: Isolated System

Neutron Star Collision (Love Is Forever)

New Born


Undisclosed Desires

Feeling Good

Soldier's Poem

Guiding Light

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Not nearly as impressive of a list, and maybe a bit rushed, but I'll try.


Butterflies & Hurricanes

Stockholm Syndrome

Citizen Erased

Unnatural Selection


MK Ultra

New Born

United States of Eurasia

Plug In Baby


Knights of Cydonia


Map of the Problematique



Panic Station

Liquid State





Exo Pt 1


Follow Me

Time Is Running Out


Feeling Good


Guiding Light

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The verses were just kinda eh for me. Riff was decent headbanging but there's better songs for that.


Note that I don't really start to dislike anything until around TIRO. I was a bit torn on the middle section for that reason.

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Best: (no particular order)

Knights of Cydonia

Map of the Problematique


Butteflies and Hurricanes







Feeling Good

Undisclosed Desires

Guiding Light

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I prefer Supermassive to Starlight. That said, I'm not really bothered about either of them. I can see why they are in the set (aside from being really popular singles), but I wouldn't miss them if they were dropped for good at some point.


As far as best live songs go? Too close to call in a lot of cases. Muse have a very rich collection of songs that (for the most part) are fucking awesome. And obviously that's why we're all fans. Ranking their best live songs is really tricky because of that, because there are so many live songs that are absolutely incredible in their own way, and are -at least- as good as each other.

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Going mainly from what I've seen:



Dead Star

Hyper Music (surprised how little this has been mentioned)

Stockholm Syndrome


Butterflies & Hurricanes


Space Dementia

Ruled By Secrecy

Knights Of Cydonia

Citizen Erased



Guiding Light

Undisclosed Desires

Feeling Good


Save Me

Screenager (Hate to say it, but I was a bit bored. If so many people weren't talking through it, it might have been different but I guess I'll never know)



Soldier's Poem


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