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Been thinking about this for awhile now, but liked the idea of the Charles photos on fb - popping up in different places. Due to the size, must be difficult moving around, which made me think of a mini-Charles. Do a sort of "Where in the World is mini-Charles?" and tweeting the photos. They could enter their guesses in for a chance to win a Charles keychain (red-metallic eyes) or a mini-mini-Charles (aka small batch of 3D printing).


You know - drum up more popularity on social media, get the younger crowd interested in a challenge, merchandising...:LOL:


Of course, I think too much. :D

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I think it might be copyright infringement... After all, they seemed to have copied Charles identically (lookswise) from another robot Matt saw online. :chuckle:


copyright...ugh. I don't want to think about work, but it might be hard to claim copyright unless the original was a full 3D design.


Dude, wish I was going to Paris, because dying to know what's going to happen with all the twitter hints and the video requests.

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LOL!! I couldn't believe that! It's pretty funny, they just happened to run into one of the coolest drummers and had no idea....


Well, he is kind of hard to miss in those shorts, but come on. They're smiling pretty big for that photo. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Dom Anderson went on a twitter q & a spree today. Interesting answers. Did anyone else see that? Made it seem like a possibility that Charles may be coming for some dates in NA!




I want to see Charles in real life too! LOL!!!!!!

Oh, we should start a petition to bring Charles to the States.


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