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Still doesn't equate to the producer being a magical fix all, or indicate that the album's going to sound like Nickleback.


Of course not. But something about his track record must have appealed to Muse, he must have some quality that they wish to inject into this album. The AC/DC stuff was over 30 years ago, so I hope it wasn't that. But then recently he's only done stuff that doesn't have anything in common with Muse, especially not with the idea of them stripping things down and going heavy.


So the question remains, why him?

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So, you think if Matt wrote a mixed bag of in cohesiveness for this album again, he's going to be sent home to redo it by a producer? Because that seems to be the general feeling of the "producer = cohesiveness" crowd, and it doesn't make sense to me.


Doesn't mean they're mixing it now, but they probably would have to book a big guy in advance, wouldn't they?


And my honest guess would be they announced it right now for attention, and it's working.


What :erm: I've already explained why I think that THIS producer being on board increased a bit the chances for LP7 to be more cohesive than The 2nd Law.


Lange doesn't even work as a mixer for albums, as far as I'm aware. Why are you so convinced of that :LOL:

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What :erm: I've already explained why I think that THIS producer being on board increased a bit the chances for LP7 to be more cohesive than The 2nd Law.


Lange doesn't even work as a mixer for albums, as far as I'm aware. Why are you so convinced of that :LOL:


I'm not, I'm just completely convinced that we have no idea what he's exactly going to be doing, and people are probably making way too much out of his influence on said album.


And sorry, but I didn't really read anything you wrote that explained your opinions more than "shouldn't be 12 genres this time" and "I didn't like these albums."

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I'm not, I'm just completely convinced that we have no idea what he's exactly going to be doing, and people are probably making way too much out of his influence on said album.


And sorry, but I didn't really read anything you wrote that explained your opinions more than "shouldn't be 12 genres this time" and "I didn't like these albums."

I think his point was more along the lines of "the fact that they picked this producer should mean that MUSE aren't planning on making an album that's all over the place, given the producer's history".


ie, if they planned on making an album like T2L and TR, they wouldn't have picked that producer. I could be wrong though.

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Matt wrote Debase Masons Grog/Assassin and Pee Candle/Exo Politics and look how much Rich Costey's involvement changed the direction of the song. Just because it's written doesn't mean the producer would be "sending Matt home to redo it".


There's plenty of room for intervention if it's necessary. Also from a creative standpoint, it's nice to have a third party involved.

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Matt wrote Debase Masons Grog/Assassin and Pee Candle/Exo Politics and look how much Rich Costey's involvement changed the direction of the song. Just because it's written doesn't mean the producer would be "sending Matt home to redo it".
I'm not sure what you're saying. You're giving examples of songs that have changed under the direction of a producer, but then your point is that having a producer doesn't mean the songs will be changed?
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I'm not sure what you're saying. You're giving examples of songs that have changed under the direction of a producer, but then your point is that having a producer doesn't mean the songs will be changed?


No dingle dorp, he's saying that a "redo" of a song is a radically drastic difference from injecting an additional idea to a given musical idea or guiding the song's growth. A redo would be essentially old Plug in Baby being told to become new Plug in Baby in terms of sonic change, whereas early live videos of BHAR songs in their Matt-composed infancy were "guided" to their more distinct live versions without a complete change in melody/riff/sonic idea etc.

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I think his point was more along the lines of "the fact that they picked this producer should mean that MUSE aren't planning on making an album that's all over the place, given the producer's history".


ie, if they planned on making an album like T2L and TR, they wouldn't have picked that producer. I could be wrong though.



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No dingle dorp, he's saying that a "redo" of a song is a radically drastic difference from injecting an additional idea to a given musical idea or guiding the song's growth. A redo would be essentially old Plug in Baby being told to become new Plug in Baby in terms of sonic change, whereas early live videos of BHAR songs in their Matt-composed infancy were "guided" to their more distinct live versions without a complete change in melody/riff/sonic idea etc.

Uhm, have you HEARD the early Assassin?


But yes, obviously no producer is gonna go "nah, change the lyrics, melody and main riff of this song and come back to me". But things we don't know are for example the number of songs Muse have actually written. It could be well above the number they're actually planning on putting on an album, thus making the producer's role a lot more important.

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I'm not sure what you're saying. You're giving examples of songs that have changed under the direction of a producer, but then your point is that having a producer doesn't mean the songs will be changed?


I'm saying they can change drastically without it being a total rewrite or a completely different song in the end lyrically/structurally. Simple changes like a recommended guitar effects/"add some background vocals here" or some mixing could be the difference between a good rock song and a bad rock song I'd imagine the producer would be working with what he's been given rather than telling Matt to go home and do something else.


I'm sure that they've written more songs than we'll ever see or hear. I'm sure he's going to have a major say in what goes on the album and he'll suggest minor revisions.

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inb4 Witz (because AC/DC)


As you can imagine I'm literally exploding, can't believe they're working with Mutt!! This can only be good he's worked with AC/DC, foreigner, Def Leopard and the blokes a vegetarian :D In all seriousness he crafted AC/DC at their best and he is a expert at producing very cohesive albums and this something muse need. They don't need to produce an AC/DC or foreigner tribute album that would be awful but a bit more continuity on there albums would do them good :D


And I agree with the comments on this page he generally is the sort of bloke who produces cohesive albums so this could be good but at the end of the day the actual songs are what matter!

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I'm saying they can change drastically without it being a total rewrite or a completely different song in the end lyrically/structurally. Simple changes like a recommended guitar effects/"add some background vocals here" or some mixing could be the difference between a good rock song and a bad rock song I'd imagine the producer would be working with what he's been given rather than telling Matt to go home and do something else.
Fair enough. And agreed.
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