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It'd defeat the purpose of them challenging the 'laptop' if they'd made it electronic :p They could be ironic and play it electronically live :awesome:

huh? I never said they should have made it electronic, I'm saying it LOSES against the same music done electronically. As you say,k they challenged it. And they obviously lost.

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The problem I'm having in judging this album is that it's the first new album I've heard from Muse technically. Since I got into them like a week after TR came out, I had the ability to cram all of those albums into my head at once and compare them to each other. T2L doesn't have that luxury to me. :p


I'm thinking it's gonna be in the 3rd-4th range, but i feel like it needs more time to sit with me. It has way higher highs, higher lows, and less frequent lows than TR I think. Though, it is certainly not flawless by ANY means. The album does have a surprisingly cohesive atmosphere though, which surprises me.


Not bad.

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I don't consider it a dub step song so the poor drops don't bother me.




I still don't see the whole 'underwhelming' thing. It doesn't sound like it's lacking to me. The strings bit is huge, so I can get that between the two that part is much bigger, better etc, but the dub-steppy drops don't drag it down, imo.


It's underwhelming because it could have been so much bigger.


My problem is especially with the second drop, it really ruins the song. I appreciate the fact that mixing orchestra with guitar-played brostep is something basically no one (that I am aware of) has ever done and I love them for trying it, but it should have been done better.

That being said, I still love the track until 3:10

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"Stand up and deliver

Your wildest fantasy.

Do what the fuck you want to

There’s no one to appease"


These are my favourite lyrics from the album so far because I'm sure they're talking about themselves :p

This album is a wild fantasy indeed.


In context of the other songs, I think they might mean that negatively. Individualist society and all that. (though I don't know the rest of the song lyrics). Perhaps they mean it in both a positive and negative sense.

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He was just pissing about :LOL:


Yeah I know.


Oh I think I know what the first part of Follow Me reminds me of now. It reminds me of feeling faint. How it all goes dark, voices are distorted or distant, and you feel woozy and slightly nauseous. If that is what it is meant to signify, pretty clever stuff. But maybe a bit too clever because the memories it creates do feel a little too real. :LOL:

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I feel somehow pressured to listen... Well, I'm at least going to wait for the US stream, instead of having someone profit from my listening illegally...
There's very rarely anyone gaining anything from illegal filesharing. That's the whole point. Free entertainment.
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It ISN'T a bad record. I can't let people get away with saying that, but in my opinion it's not anywhere near the standard they could be at. It's one that you could remove a few songs, shuffle and the order wouldn't matter one bit.


Although I don't hate the Isolated System samples I think a pure instrumental with no vocals of any kind would have been nice, especially if they did something experimental with it live.

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I feel somehow pressured to listen... Well, I'm at least going to wait for the US stream, instead of having someone profit from my listening illegally...


PS: comparing giving birth to getting kicked in the balls is :rolleyes:


I took it that Matt's experience was being compared to being kicked in the balls...:/

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