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Right party SHITER, but all this raving is making me remember how I felt this morning... and then recall how I feel now :LOL:


Have to say though, with this order -





Panic Station

Big Freeze

Follow Me


Save Me


Liquid State


Isolated System

- it works so much better for me, actually has some flow to it

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Liquid State reminds me a bit of Unnatural Selection, but apart from that it's like it is a different band. Actually it reminds me a bit of The Beatles. It's a good song though.


Completely love Isolated System!


It's going to take a while for the previous releases to feel like they have merged with the rest I think. It's like what's Madness doing there? Doesn't seem to fit somehow.


Back to Supremacy now! Amazing! :D

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Really liking what I'm hearing, definitely better (overall) than TR, in my opinion!


My favorites (after the first listen) are Supremacy, Animals, Big Freeze, and Liquid State. :)


But much as I'm loving the album, I couldn't help but notice how demanding Muse is getting with these new songs! "Save Me", "Follow Me", Madness tells us to "come to me" and "rescue me", Explorers asks "free me", Big Freeze says "heal me" and "feel me"... :LOL:

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