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Not really. They are rated for 64Hz at the lowest which is still a good bit of range for small monitors. The 6.5" version goes to 60Hz. I can buy a sub for these monitors later on but subs tend to complicate things and for now the current setup is good.


Anything I notice sub wise I can adjust via reference sources like my car sound system, different headphones, other computer speakers and what not. Nothing we make really requires the full detail of a sub anyway. I just want a setup where I can make things sound like a decent recording rather than just a home demo using one mic. It all helps. :)

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I'll give you a hint. On your budget like you mentioned before, expect that size. Well, new anyway. Not many people were selling older monitors around here or even in the larger cities :(


To their credit though, these are much better than older systems of this size. Worth trying a lot out if you can. I went for something that seemed bright in the store I tried it in but settles really well in my small room.

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I'm sticking with my sub and NS10 copies for now, until I get used to the new control room, so I probably won't buy for another month.


My mate has the little KRKs and they are very impressive. I like to hear the low end you see. It's not that important, it's just a personal preference. I'm also looking at Equator D5s etc.

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I can't find larger monitors!


I bought them to hear the details in the mids, which they're great at. I bought the sub to hear the details in the lows, which it's great at. I understand it's a frowned upon by pro engineers because of timing issues, but it's working for me so far.


Anyway, recommendations for larger monitors? I've been trying to bag some old 2nd hand ones but they're very thin on the ground. I can't afford more than 600 for the pair

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I did warn you it would be hard to find larger size monitors ;)


Jaicen will be right about the Mackie's. They were next on my list, followed by JBL's which fared well when I compared them to some higher end monitors. :)


Could always go the 6.5" Tannoys. They are larger than mine but great and could be possible to buy at your price.

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well I have some Mackie HR24s on my watch list, but the drivers are only half an inch bigger than what I have, so not sure if they'll have any more bass extension?


I did consider a PA rig but the room isn't big enough really. I'm heading up there later, they've just started building the wall to seperate live and control rooms. Maybe I'll get a better feel for it there

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What did you end up using for CreepJOINT? You seemed to get a good mix out of that even in the low end. I even ran that album through my monitors and thought it was good.


What you have on watch should do fine. The construction and ports will also help with bass. If that's important, might be worth checking some specs.

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well I'm just casting around for opinions really. There's no point buying anything until I'm actually in the room and can hear what my current rig sound like in there


The CJ stuff is done on the NS10 copies in conjunction with the sub. The sub is almost on zero, it's just adding that tiny bit extra. Obviously I'm used to mixing on that rig in that room, and I reference my stuff on a couple of shitty systems and cars so it should all translate pretty well. I'm more concerned about impressing customers with the sound in the control room. Anyway, shouldn't be a big problem, I'm going to set up one of those little transmitters so people can tune in in the car park and reference the mixes in their car.

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I would post some of my own pics but they're naff quality, so I'll steal Phil's instagram'd one




all lovely jubbly. Think I may need to get those fine tuner things as the bigsby is a ballache if you use it too much. Soundwise, so much brighter than the Reject, guess it sorta sounds strat like. Nice for Biffy stuff :awesome: Since it's my main guitar now will sort out my amp settings around it somepoint. Feels lovely, killswitch is cool, neck is a lot thicker and rounder than the Rejects as well


Not sure which I prefer of the three pickups settings, think it's the single bridge and parallel I use most

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I would post some of my own pics but they're naff quality, so I'll steal Phil's instagram'd one




all lovely jubbly. Think I may need to get those fine tuner things as the bigsby is a ballache if you use it too much. Soundwise, so much brighter than the Reject, guess it sorta sounds strat like. Nice for Biffy stuff :awesome: Since it's my main guitar now will sort out my amp settings around it somepoint. Feels lovely, killswitch is cool, neck is a lot thicker and rounder than the Rejects as well


Not sure which I prefer of the three pickups settings, think it's the single bridge and parallel I use most


....well....that...is...freaking...AWESOME :facemelt:

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