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What's your favourite part of the HAARP DVD?


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I really like Hoodoo, I think it's one of the best moments of the DVD. I never really liked that song until I saw this performance. The piano,Chris on guitar, everything is great.. It's just amazing.


Also: Dom during the last chorus of Stockholm Syndrome.

Chris smiling on Feeling Good after Matt sings 'Freeer than you'.

Matt after Hoodoo smiles and says 'Cheers'.

The end of Take a Bow when Matt screams :ohmy::eek:


Oh, and: '..I won't let you smother it, I won't let you murder it, Yiha!' :LOL:

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It goes through two stages:


3:09 - "Holy crap, am I awesome or what?"

3:16 - "This is pretty damn awesome!"


That's a great moment indeed :LOL:

I also love the crowd singing the chorus for TIRO and the beginning of MOTP on these side stages.

Not to mention the Unintended performance. Mmh. Mmmmh. :happy:


Love the DVD :yesey:

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The whole DVD, although more parts that I loved were:


"COME ON WEMBLEY!" then fucking-BAM! that riff kicks in, holy !@#$ :stunned: thats AWESOME!!


On the CD, the part where Matt swells his guitar up after the epic piano intro. It's MUCH better on the CD than on the DVD because the guitar is SO LOUD!


Matt's face while he chugs on the guitar before they burst into SMBH.


Hoodoo, Invincible, Apocalypse Please, B&H, all of NEW BORN!! WOW!!!

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Difficult to pick just one favorite part... ("visual aids" by me)



- Stockholm Syndrome outro (esp. Matt's jump and kick as they launch into the Township Rebellion riff)



- Matt's jumping during the New Born outro



- Butterflies and Hurricanes piano solo

- Chris's smile during the Feeling Good outro

- The piano rendition of Hoodoo

- What I call "the tsunami warning siren" before Plug In Baby


Oh what the hell, the entire concert was one big favorite part. :D

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The Stockholm Syndrome outro :yesey:

The song is AMAZING, and it's outro is so fucking incredibe!

The outro was the best thing I have seen in a while, pure passion put into that music.

Also, another little tidbit I LOVE is after the last "you set my soul alight" during the first chorus of SMBH when Matt bangs his head twice backwards. I love that bit so much :happy:

If anyone could find the .gif, I'd appreciate it!

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Difficult to pick just one favorite part... ("visual aids" by me)



- Stockholm Syndrome outro (esp. Matt's jump and kick as they launch into the Township Rebellion riff)



- Matt's jumping during the New Born outro



- Butterflies and Hurricanes piano solo

- Chris's smile during the Feeling Good outro

- The piano rendition of Hoodoo

- What I call "the tsunami warning siren" before Plug In Baby


Oh what the hell, the entire concert was one big favorite part. :D


OH lord. Can I use that second one there? :p

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