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Exogenesis: Symphony Part I (Overture)


Knights of Cydonia

Supermassive Black Hole

The Star-Spangled Banner riff + Interlude + Hysteria + Back in Black outro

Unnatural Selection + Township Rebellion riff


United States of Eurasia

Ruled By Secrecy

Helsinki Jam

Undisclosed Desires


Undone - The Sweater Song riff + Time Is Running Out + Power of Soul riff + El Scorcho riff (watch) (watch)

Plug In Baby


Uprising (riff version)

Stockholm Syndrome + School riff + Endless Nameless riff

Take a Bow




I was there and wasn't sure what to think at first...however I thought it ended up being one of the highlights of the night in mid-set position. (No MwH though, which I felt was a good thing.)


I've also seen KoC as the first song of the night – also worked great.


Meanwhile, TaB ended both of those shows, which made the whole night in my opinion.

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I completely agree That they should switch closer (SS, TaB, Showbiz :3), but sadly I have to say that most bands have a closer that they use 95% of the time... SoaD have hade Sugar since they started in the 90's, same with RATM but KITNO instead, White Lies have their bloody bigger than us as a closer to... And KoC works better as an opener imo

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Regardless if most people care about it, would it really be THAT hard to put a different song at the end of the show? Even if it is one they play every show anyway (PiB or SS)


Not every song works as a closer. Take a Bow is not a good closer, PIB as a closer? no fucking way, the only song I can think being a good closer is SS but just because of the riffs they always play at the end and that wouldn't be a surprise anyway :rolleyes:


Spoiler alert: KoC will be the closer at 99% of the gigs next tour.




Shit joke.

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Take a Bow isn't a good closer unless they physical close the show with destruction. :LOL: If they don't destroy things, it's a good beginning encore song. Still, TaB is one of my favorites.



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Not every song works as a closer. Take a Bow is not a good closer, PIB as a closer? no fucking way, the only song I can think being a good closer is SS but just because of the riffs they always play at the end and that wouldn't be a surprise anyway :rolleyes:

Bliss? KoC, SS, Bliss. Three closers are enough to keep it entertaining.

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Ugh, the good majority of their discography are good candidates for a closer. Every song put into that position will suck if it lacks energy and a proper riff ending. All Muse has to do is fill the extra space at the end of the closing song to make it satisfying. Consider the riffs after SS or the destruction after TaB, it's like the dessert following a delicious meal.

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Take a Bow is an amazing closer! Seen it 4 times as a closer and once as an opener then once in the middle. Closing Reading and Wembley with it was after the ruckus of SS :happy: Especilly at Reading when he bowed after singing the 1st take a bow, the whole crowd erupted.

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Take a Bow is an amazing closer! Seen it 4 times as a closer and once as an opener then once in the middle. Closing Reading and Wembley with it was after the ruckus of SS :happy:Especilly at Reading when he bowed after singing the 1st take a bow, the whole crowd erupted.


He did that the first time I saw it in Madrid too. The song opened the gig but got lost under the excitement of the crowd. I love Take a Bow, but the only place where I see it working is as an encore opener, as a closer just lacks energy, at Wembley I was like "Is that all?"


To each their own.

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I know Koc is getting pretty redundant now, but if the stadium gigs were reworked to have their TaB performance close, it would have been pretty bad imo.


Maybe TaB used to be A LOT better.


the rare Aus gig closing with TaB likely only worked because of the thrill of even getting it at all.

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where do you like KoC? as an opener?


Nowhere. I don't like it in the set at all. If it has to be in there, closing the main set.


Thats because its their best closer......


One of, at the very least. It was back then for sure. They played it with such vigour...


Spoiler alert: KoC will be the closer at 99% of the gigs next tour.






Shit joke.


That's the fucking problem though, he's probably right.


Take A Bow is the best closer I have ever seen Muse use.


The two Wembley shows I was at, Take A Bow felt like it should have closed. It felt far more fitting as a closer than Knights did. Knights felt flat in comparison.


I missed a lot of discussion so...


Bliss? With balloons, yes.

Take A Bow? Yes.

Stockholm Syndrome? Hmm, on the odd occasion, yes.

Showbiz? No, can't see it being the force it once was.

Knights? See SS but I think it needs a break as a closer for a bit.

Assassin? Hmmm, interesting idea. SS theory applies here.


Space Dementia and Megalomania would work as closers too but, again, rotation is key. Don't get into the habit of playing the same song over and over and over as the close, mix and match.


Unnatural Selection is one that hasn't been mentioned, mainly because it strikes most that it wouldn't be that good buuuuut it's a live beast and I'd love to see it at least attempted. TR has not had a song close and that makes me sad. :(


Edit: I really hope the Plug In Baby suggestion was a joke.

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the rare Aus gig closing with TaB likely only worked because of the thrill of even getting it at all.


It probably was a little bit because we didn't know if SS or TaB would be closing..


But still, the cube visuals on the towers were epic and the build up of the song to the climax is awesome, great way to close the show...

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