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Everything posted by sventington

  1. Dag nabbit. Oh well, at least you gave it a go. I don't think they even prescribe it to people up in Labrador. It will be many moons before I track it down once more.


    When I didn't hear from you for awhile I feared you took the sleeping pill with it and thing ended poorly.

  2. Miss T sent me Les Miserables!

  3. did you finish your project on time? Did the redosing help?


    We are birthday brothas!

  4. Everyone should watch a little awkward Bowie dance if they want their day to go well.

  5. Here is Bowie playing "Stay" with...ADRIAN FUCKING BELEW. And Carlos Alomar, who I think is the most underrated of all people he played with:



  6. this is all false, Gil will never gain my affection.

  7. Yeah I found they didn't have enough oomph in the right places. I like how the Exogenesis songs are written, but even when listening to them on nice headphones I never feel like as immersed as I should be. It's disappointing.
  8. Thanks for Walden. Sorry about the delayed response, I was out of town for a few weeks.

  9. Happy Birthday. You will be old before you know it.


    Very old.

  10. I will assume the eel dragged you to the bottom of the ocean.

  11. I haven't yet, but it is on my list!

  12. What you don't realize is I already have over 100 unread books in queue in my room... I promise one day I will read it though.


    Yeah I have heard Naked Lunch is quite difficult, but I have also heard the construction involved a narrative that was cut up with scissors and pasted back together somewhat at random, so that it is difficult to figure out what the story was. I did read his book Junkie and enjoyed it though, so it might be alright.


    As for Islam I know nothing about it beyond people saying things about getting a bunch of virgins when you die and Mohammed being their boy and Mecca and Medina being important. I have an ok handle on Christianity now due to some apologetics I've read, so I figured it'd be worthwhile finding out about another. If I win the lottery I will head out West for the coast, but until then NO DICE.

  13. ok, but my list has over 200 items on it so it may take me 10 years or so to get around to it.


    Here is said list, and proof your book is on it: http://www.amazon.ca/gp/wishlist/IPJ3RBHPLDPF/ref=reg_hu-rd_add_wl

  14. only if you promise to read mine.

  15. I have not. Do you recommend it? I just finished a great book called Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis. I suggest you give it a go one day.

  16. I humbly submit the following, in my opinion the finest performance of The Mercy Seat:



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