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Everything posted by DreamWalker104

  1. Your soo lucky!!! I'd love to wear my own clothes to school!!! :) What style clothes do you wear??? I'm going to my best mates house for a sleepover because it was her birthday on wednesday so i'll be shattered on sunday morning!!!! :LOL:

  2. Omg!!! That guy rocks!!! :D:LOL: My day was pretty good i guess, i just messed about with my mates most of the time :D We had some very, interesting, conversations :eyebrows: Their trying to persuade us to take a language but none of us want to because we misse don about eighteen months of french and spanish courtesy of having shit teachers!!! :( I hate my school :mad:

  3. I know the feeling :rolleyes: Friday is one of the bestest days ever, everybody just goe's mental!!! :D including me :chuckle: how are you today??? :)

  4. Art, drama, music and I dunno what to take for my fourth option :unsure: I don't really mind shopping, it's okay, but much better when buying Muse stuff!!!! :D I'm going to my mates house for a sleepover because it was her birthday on Wednesday :happy: How was your day????

  5. Biscuits are nice!!!! :happy: I write down most of my dreams, some of them are so weird!!!! :LOL: How are you feeling now???

  6. Pretty boring tbh :( Everybody is going mental over options!!!! You doing anything good over the weekend????

  7. Omg!!! I love dreams like that!!! :D I've been having a lack of muse dreams right now :( But instead I've been dreaming of my crush :unsure::chuckle: How was your day?? :)

  8. Ohhh, :LOL: my best mate is kinda into screamo stuff too, i can handle it but tbh i prefer stuff where i can make out what they are saying!!! :LOL: How was your day??? :)

  9. Hehe, lol, I don't know who they are but hey!!! What are they like??? :)

  10. Yay!!!! :dance: sorry if it was a bit big :unsure: haha :LOL: Is she the one who likes Heath Ledger??? :)

  11. Haha!!! :LOL: I've not been up to much really, just homework, school etc... :( You????:happy:

  12. Wow!!! I've never been skiing :( Was it fun??? :D

  13. Ooops, I'll try again lol, maybe i might succeed :unsure: how was your day btw??? :D

    johnny_depp_hippie.jpg Okay that might work, I tried a piccy of Johnny Depp this time :happy:

  14. Okay cheers :happy:


    So did that work?? That's Ben Barnes btw :D

  15. Can you only do the attachment thing on posting in the actual forum or can you do that here aswell???? :unsure: sorry, i'm really not good at this stuff :$

  16. So can you put a picture in that you have saved in your computer??? :unsure::)

  17. Pretty awful tbh!!! :chuckle: I barely spoke to the guy i like, and my science teacher almost murdered me :unsure: But never mind!!! At least I'm home now :happy: What's your school like???

  18. What's the whole image URL thing??? :unsure: I get confuzzled easily :$

  19. Agreed, i'm glad im not alone though!!! :LOL: How was your day or have i already asked that???? i get confuzzled :chuckle:

  20. OMG!!!! My mate told my crush that I liked him as a joke, she didn't actually know i did :rolleyes: and then when i said i did she was like "oh, well i jsut told him you fancied him," my face, :eek::mad::'( His name is Connor and he has the most amazing hair ever!!! Almost as nice as Billie Joe Armstrongs ;) Ben Barnes is in the second and third Narnia and soem other random films that i don't know :happy: He's gorgeous, I would have put a picture but i don't know how :$ How do you put pictures in??? :happy:

  21. I do that :embarresed: my friends have started worrying about some of the faces i pull, especially when i try to pull this one :stongue:, it;s becoming a serious problem :chuckle::unsure: I've even started drawing them in notes and stuff :LOL:

  22. Grrr, my friends 'have that feeling too' :unsure: apparently when he walked past my maths room he stared right at me!!! My mate who told me goe's "he made it even more obvious than us!" i was just like no :unsure: But... I'm going out with someone who i've been with for ages but it's just not going anywhere and i barely see him so i'm gonna end it, but i still feel like such a bitch :$ But the guy I liek atm I've liked on and off for three years so yeah :$ I've also developed a crush on the actor Ben Barnes :stongue: I bet this guy doe's like you, it's so embarresing when they find out!!!! What's his name???

  23. :rolleyes: it's always the way, they all seemed to be in other peoples forms :mad: I hope she is a Muser, I might scream with happiness :LOL: We have a lack of musers in our school :( My schoolwork has gone downhill because of this board :rolleyes: i blame all the KH news and everything!!! :rolleyes: I think i'm commiting smiley abuse, they seem to be taking over everything i write :$
  24. Hi!!!! Haven't spoken to you in aaages, how was your christmas??? :happy:

  25. I only got seven in my maths test, i blame the KH news and the drama on the board :chuckle: It was okay :indiff: i didn't really get to talk to who i like, we just kinda looked at eachother from across the classroom and then blush and look away quickly :LOL::rolleyes: So what's the deal with the guy you like?? :eyebrows:

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