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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. :LOL: It was good! :p


    That sounds really bad :( And saying that is just not right! My mum always says she's gonna send me to private school or boarding school if she wins the lottery and it just causes big arguments because I don't want to be like the people who go there :indiff: Does she ever give money to charity? If not that's mean :noey: She can afford it and she doesn''t.... Anyway, she doesn't seem like the sort of person to be hanging around with if she acts like that :indiff:


    Mmmmm mints :awesome: Ooooh what's it like? :D


    My mum said it might have been flu :(


    I'd love to go horse riding! Well done for staying on! :D Was it scary? :eek:


    Nahhh I've just been in the house sleeping and on the laptop :LOL: I have a boring life...


    How are you? :p And in advance:


    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :kiss:

  2. Good to hear :happy:

    Sounds nice! Awesome name :chuckle Oh noes! :supersad: I hope you do get something Musey :D What do you think you'll buy? :)


    Goooooood :D However you celebrate, I hope you have fun! :happy:

    I'm probably going to my nans :p She brought me some alcohol :LOL:



  3. That's probably it.. You can take as long as you like! It's your story and people can wait whether they like it or not :happy:


    Yes! And then put it on iTunes and sell it :awesome: We'd be rich!


    No neither could I.. but I doubt Matt would do that :rolleyes::LOL: I was listening to Screenager yesterday and it's SO EPIC :stunned:


    I'm glad to hear :D I know! :eek: I want to see my friends, but I don't want to go back to shool :indiff: Life is cruel. Oh noes! It's New Years Eve tonight, you don't have to write it! Spend time with your family :happy: Fred The Movie :LOL: That should still be fun :p


    I was up till 4 too :LOL: Sounds awesome :awesome:

    Hae you got anything planned for tonight? :p And In advance:



  4. Oh damn :noey: I'd be really frustrated if I coudn't get it right :LOL: I have no patience :indiff: Neither have I :supersad: My dad said he'll buy me tickets to the next UK gig :awesome: Oh noes! How can you not like bananas :eek::chuckle: Just going to see family I think :p

    How are you? :D In advance:



  5. Awesomenessss! :awesome: That's good then! How annoying would it be if they didn't fit? Do eenie meenie :chuckle: Best way to decide in my opinion :p I've not been too good :indiff: I was ill and had a sore throat, but now I just havve a nasty cough :( How have you been? :happy:

  6. I dunno, he probably sings all the time, but he only started recording mabye 3/4 years ago :erm: I like the first Muse songs! I have 3 of them on my iPod :happy:


    I don't have tiime for anything anymore :noey: I want to read all the time but can't and homework when we're at school, it suckks :( Oh right :LOL: I was gonna say, that' a lot for just 1 CD...


    Nahhh they suck to me, I prefer the night :D I woke up at 9.30am today to watch Muse Top 20.. but fall asleep at like 10.30am til someone (stupid brother) called me at 3.15pm :indiff:

    I hope you get to :happy: OMM that is so cold :stunned: The coldest we've had is like -15... Good luck staying warm!


    How are you today? :p And in advance:


    HAPPY NEW YEAR1 :kiss:

  7. Hehe.. I love Matt saying "pwper fish" :chuckle: Errrrmmmm well, there was this girl I used to be friends with and she had Knights of Cydonia (the HAARP version) and I told her to send it me. I guess I loved it a lot because then someone had SMBH and I told them to send that to me :D Then I found BH&R in the library and borrowed it, listened to it non-stop and then a few months later TR came out and it all just happened from there :awesome: How did you? :p

  8. Awwwwh thanks :D It's fine, did you have a nice time? :p

    Awesomeeeee :awesome: What else did you get? :happy:

    I got books, CD's, clothes the Absolution Tour DVD and a few bits and pieces like socks and money :D


    How are you? :p

  9. Awwwwh I hope everything works out alright! :happy: You're welcome! Ans yes, hopefully :D I agree, bright shoes bright hair = awesomeeee :awesome: I think for a Muse concert I might do my hair blue or red for Matt :LOL: Matt would also be proud if you were having pasta for dinner and banana for desert :chuckle: Goood to hear! :p I'm fine now :happy:

    Have you got anything nice planned for New Years? :)

  10. People that update everyday must be like addicts :LOL: Awwwwh of course I understand :kiss:


    I totally agree :chuckle::D


    Well then I'm glad you failed at it :LOL:The stuff that's more emotional and has deepr meaning? I think I can deal with that... as long as it's not cheesy :rolleyes: Hmmm OoS is good :yesey:



    Did you have fun at your friends house? :pI will read when you update :happy: Sounds awesome! I hope you have a good time :) I went to the cinema today, going to see family tomorrow for New Years and I might have a sleepover too with my friends Emily and Chelsea on the weekend :D


    How are you? :happy:

  11. Goood :D I've lost my apetite completely and never feel like eating :supersad: Awesomeeeee! :awesome: Which tops were they? :p Is one of the biographys "Out of this world: The Story of Muse"? I have that :D I had clothes, CD's, books, Absolution Tour DVD (hoping to get Hulla and TR DVD for my birthday :)) and then a few bits and pieces like money and socks :LOL:

    How are you? :happy:

  12. That's a good thing! I don't wanna go back to school :noey::LOL: That would be fun, I could try jumping out of a window into it :awesome: Ahhh that sounds weird and scary... :eek:Purple blazers? :wtf: We have a black blazer, black jumper with one red stripe one green stripe, white shirt and grey trousers. It's horrible :( Yeah they are! We have to just sit in the classroom :/ I love them at home when it's like 9pm so you can't see at all :D

    I want to see anyone decent! I haven't been to a concert since like 2003 and that was Robbie Williams :facepalm: I'm sure you'll get to sometime (:

    My mum and brother hardly walk Molly, it's me and my dad :LOL:


    Yeahhh, being lazy is the life :LOL:

    Morgansville Vampires series, the latest Vamprie Diaries, The Earth Chronicles, Rule by Secrecy, Alien Agenda, the Lovely Bones, Night World series are the books ^.^ 30 Seconds to Mars, The Blackout! The Blackout! The Blackout!, Take to The Skies, Common Dreads, Showbiz, BH&R, HAARP, RIOT!, brand new eyes, In Silico, Immersion, OK Computer (Collectors Edition), Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix, All Our Kings Are Dead :pfew that was a lot... Ahhh it's because we're so fun :rolleyes: Awesome! (Lemme think what song's you'll learn....:chuckle:) What books and DVD's did you get? :D:awesome:


    How are you? (:

  13. Heyyyyyy :D I'd love to be friends!!! :happy: I'll send a request and we'll keep on talking :p

  14. Oh noes :eek::mad: It's unfair... I mean you update like every weekend what more do they want? :noey:


    :LOL: That made me laugh! What a brillant duet that was :chuckle:;)


    Neither can I :chuckle: We can always "pretend" :yesey:I want the album to have stuff more like Abso on it, I don't mind if there isn't much of it, just a bit :p



    Goodgood :happy: I'm fine thanks!

    Have you go much planned this week? :D

  15. And you don't want to leave college? :indiff: Yayyyyy :D Good luck with getting it the right colour! :chuckle: I do too, if everyone was just the same life would be boring :LOL: My trademark is bright coloured shoes, everyone thinks they're weird, but I couldn't live without them :p I'm better than I was, just a sore throat now :indiff: Ahhh sounds awesome :D I got the Absolution Tour DVD, books, clothes, CD's, little things like chocolate (I got socks too :LOL:) iTunes card and money :happy:

    How are you? :D

  16. What Muse stuff did you get? :awesome: Yeah, just don't tell them that, you'll have loads more then :chuckle: A bit, sore throat still :indiff: How are you? :happy:

  17. :LOL: I thought that!


    Well he's from a different place for one, so that affects his voice I guess, the accent really shows through... but you're right, Matt = HQ :awesome:


    Gooooood :happy: I hope you get a picture soon, I can't wait to see :DI'm sure it's fine! If I tried it'd just be laughable! :facepalm: Oh noes! :eek: That sucks big time! How late was it? :indiff:


    Goodgood :p Ahh *jealous* :LOL: I'm okay, sore throat and tired... even though I woke up at 3.10pm :$:chuckle:

    Have you got much planned this week? :D

  18. :happy:


    You would indeed :yesey:


    About an inch.. maybe not even that much :( I wish we had loads! Really? That's cruel on a huge scale :noey: They wouldn't let us wear coats and hats indoors.. they like our uniform to be perfect :indiff: Neither does ours, we had one in the last week :LOL:

    *Iz jealous* I'm glad you got there alright :D I bet it was :p

    I have to, because my dad doesn't ask my brother to :mad: Goood, and gooood :D


    I'm okay, sore throat though :( I've been fine! (: Well school, sledding, and the usual day to day stuff :LOL:Boring life alert! I got books, CD's, clothes, Absolution Tour DVD and a few bits and pieces :happy: What about you? And that's to all of the questions :chuckle:


    Okayy :happy:

  19. No problem hun :D


    I like Maffoo, it's cute :chuckle: But no, definately not Maff :noey:




    Hmmmm, sucks that we don't like her because I bet Matt doesn't like us judging his life :(I am too :chuckle: I read that they are gonna all move to London halfway through 2011 to start on the album, so hopefully not too long! :happy:


    Awesome :D Clothes, CD's, books, iTunes giftcard, Absolution tour DVD money and a few little things :happy:

    How are you? :D

  20. Goood :D Ahhhh they make you wait for suspense... stupid interviewers are mean too :LOL: Oh noes :( I hope you get it to the shade of red you want :D I hate that people assume that only emos want bright hair colours though :indiff: Gooooooood :D Mine was okay, but I was ill :( What did you get? :p

  21. I loved it as always :happy:


    :chuckle: I don't like when people call him "Maff".. it's not nice :noey:




    I know... I guess he knows what's best for him, and if dating Kate makes him happy then so be it :happy:And I hope happy Matt makes good new albums :chuckle:


    Thanks! :happy:

    Goooood! It was great apart from the ill thing :)

    What did you get? :D

  22. Thanks! :D That's still good :happy: And yeah I know what you mean, happens to me all the time :(

    You do :yesey: There is an epic band that came from Devon ;)


    I love them too :D They are awesome! :awesome:

    It would... but he didn't :LOL:

    Goodgood :D I haven't watched that before :eek: I'm not too good, sore throat :indiff:

    How was Christmas? :p

  23. Yep :D Mattehhhhhhhhhhh <3 I'll be sure to say happy birthday :D

    Thank you! :happy: I didn't really :( I was ill... How was your christmas? :D

  24. Oh my god :eek: I am really really sorry for not replying! :indiff:?


    You should be like a Muse priest :LOL: Ive converted like 4 people :happy:

    Omg you had a lot of snow! I wish we did... And my school never closes for snow unless "the heating doesn't work" :( Ahhh what concert was it? :indiff:

    I actually didn't go out except to walk the dog :chuckle:

    How are you? :p Did you have a good christmas? :happy:


    Again, I am so sorry for not replying! :supersad:

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