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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Ahhhh I want the single!!!!! :D Your poor, poor lungs :chuckle: I agree!! We must make Matt win :yesey: Matt thinks Dom should have won last time :LOL: I'm glad to hear, awwwh have you found hm a present yet? :happy: I've been fine, just chilled on saturday and then went shopping on sunday :)

    How are you? :p

  2. Well done! :D They are really good marks! I hope you get more good ones! :p Ahh I had to do a German listening mock exam.. it sucked! :LOL:

    Why thank you :chuckle:

    Yes it is :p I'm sure there will be something :D

    SHEEPZ IZ COOL! :awesome:

    I agree.. the other day, I was about a metre away from the door of my school bus, and it drove off :eek::LOL:

    Yeah yu had to try and knock them out of the car :chuckle: I liked the snowy/icy place on the first Halo... it's fun to skid on the ice! :D

    Same here :( Everythings good, schools boring but I'm in the christmas mood! How are you? :happy:


    What do you want for christmas? :p

  3. Yayyy :D There should... and we should invent it! :chuckle: It would be funny :yesey:


    :LOL: You learn somethibng new everyday!


    You're welcome! :D 9th January but according to my mum, my unofficial birthday is the 9th of June :awesome: It is amazing isn't it?! I only like the ones with Makalie Culkin, he is a legend! Really? I didn't know that...


    Awwh I hope you get them!! :D I want books, CD's and clothes :p


    Gooood! I know, I love taking pictures in the autumn and the winter :happy: I'm fine thanks!

    Have you had a good weekend? :D

  4. I just don't have the time or patients :LOL: I bet I could do it if I put my mind to it...


    I love his singing voice :eek: I think it's so cute!! TOMFELTS IS AMAZING :D I'm sure you can! :LOL:



    I'm glad to hear everything went well! How was the party? :):eek: Did you get it finnished? It sounds amazing!!! :D I'm not going to ask about that, because you found it! :p


    I'm fine thanks! :) How are you? :D

  5. Awwwwh she sounds like a nice friend! :D I'm sure it will be :happy: I plan to update everything during the holidays!!


    We would indeed :chuckle:


    Goood for you! :D Well, Im sure that is helping the getting over him part too :LOL:


    Yes, that is a very good point, I don't want to be un-addicted :noey: Muse are a huge part of my life now :p


    :LOL: Well, we can't help but speak the twuth! *shrugs*


    I will... I must!! :D

    Mehh, it's still good either ay :LOL: I'm not a fan of going in the sea or ocean... I hate seaweed, and it feels like things are touching me :eek:

    Oh noes! :supersad: But it's kind of unfair that a close friend got with him, even though she knew you liked him.. but I see what you mean, you can't exactaly be "happy" for them :indiff:


    Gooood! :D I'm fine thanks, how's your week been? :p

  6. Awwwh, how were the performances? :awesome: I had to help Year 7's do an experiment and they kept asking for elp, even though it was all clearly written on a sheet and they asked me where a splint was... it was infront of them :facepalm: So I ran out of class :LOL:

    Ooooh how was the party? :D

  7. AHHH XFACTOR FINAL TONIGHT! :eek: Dom's still in the lead... *Must make Matt win* :chuckle: Ahh, we're badass :p Suprisingly, I get good grades :LOL: Goood, you are so lucky! :shifty: Im fine thanks :)

    How was your weekend? :D

  8. You're welcome times 2 :D:LOL:


    Awwwwwhhh!! I hope he loves you back :happy:

    It is :yesey: I love the wii fit, but I just can't do the ski jumping :LOL:


    It's actualy warmed up now :D All the snow/ice by me has melted :p

    Oooh how did the play go? :happy: Just school :LOL:

    How are you today? :)

  9. Ahhh your performance was tonight right? :D How was it?!

    Goooood! :p And I'm okay... absolutely rubbish day at school though :(

    How's your week been? :happy:

  10. Didn't you? :LOL: Yeah, the final is the best time to vote :yesey: Thank you so much!! Has voted three times and is pwoud :p I know he is :chuckle: I'm not bothered which one wins, it would be good if Dom won, you know... it'd be like a late birthday present :chuckle: Yeah, I can't wait for the holidays :p I'm glad to hear you do :happy: Ooooh good luck!!!!! It was rubish! :LOL: I had to help year 7's do an experiment.... I got so annoyed and just left the room to find my friend :LOL:

    Hw are you? :)

  11. Of course it's a good thing!!!!! :awesome: Now I'm super excited! :D


    :chuckle: We would indeed :yesey:


    Just forget about him, best way forwards :)


    Oh yes, I know now :LOL: You know, I swear I put something along the lines of "Hi, I have a Muse addiction" in a private message! :chuckle: We totally should go on there!


    Because, yet again, we are awesome! :D


    I've never been... but it's my birthday next month, I might go then :awesome:

    Awwwwh, I'm usually too warm :indiff: I hope you warm up soon! :LOL:

    You're welcome :happy:

    Goooood! :p I'm glad to hear it! :D


    How are you?? :p

  12. I'm glad to hear it! :D:yesey:

    Yayyy, was it worth the journey? :LOL:

    Neither do I! :eek: Only Muse-y programmes :yesey: There is a Muse programme on tomorrow :awesome:

    The ones to Destabilise, Zzzonked and Solidarity :LOL: Yes, like the red sea :p

    I was in one today! :D

    God, and oh noes! I hope it goes soon! :(

    I'm great thanks :happy: How's your week been so far? :)

  13. Yayyyyyy :D Can't wait!!!


    Oh yes we would indeed :yesey: And we could be best friends with Muse :awesome:


    Poor you! :'(


    Aha, you are obsessed! :LOL: I don't know what that is :$:facepalm:


    Yayyyyy, awesome!! :D Me and my friend sung happy birthday :awesome: And we did for Matt and Chris!! :p


    I will I hope!! :p I really really wanna go tubing! :awesome:

    That's how it works here :LOL: And if I'm hot, everyones cold!...


    Awwwwwh, I hope everything goes fine and he realises what a total douche he is... karma will get him :yesey:

    Are you feeling better today? :happy:

  14. Haha, don't blame you :LOL: Goooood :happy: Oh noes, I'm sure you'll be fiine!!! :p

    How's your day been? :D

  15. I don't ever ring in :indiff: Last time I did was to vote for Chico :LOL: And that was only to annoy my dad! :chuckle: I don't know how to.. :$ Do I have to go on the NME website? :awesome: We will make sure he wins, don't worry ;) Awwh, it'll soon be over.. I bet once it is you'll want to go back! :LOL: I've been good, rather cold, but good :D

    How's your week been so far? :p

  16. :chuckle: I can't remember when I last updated :indiff: I will get around to it! I swear to it :LOL:


    We would be legends :yesey:


    Oh noes!!! :supersad: He sucks big time! :mad:


    I go on here when I get chance, but yeah, that's everyday :LOL: Hi I'm Ailish, and I have an unhealthy Muse obsession :chuckle:


    It's now! :awesome: No more wait!!! *has posted birthday message!* have you seen the new twitpics? :p


    Awwh sounds fun!! I wanna go now! :(:D

    Never ever :noey:



    Goood! And what about today :supersad:

  17. Yayyyy :D I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Break a leg! :chuckle: Oooh do you have to kiss him? :eek: And your family are there?! :p I hope you get over the nerves! :happy: I'm fine thanks, and you? :)

  18. Oh noes! :eek: Yayyyyyy!! :dance: How is your Muse day? :awesome: Yes, I agree.. Muse-y days are needed once in a while ;)

    Have you got it now? :LOL:

    Noooooooooo :supersad: At least you saw it once! I didn't watch it first time though :(

    I was running down the aisles screaming Enter Shikari (it doesn't work with Muse songs you see :indiff:) and dancing :LOL: Everytime I turned a corner, shoppers parted like the red sea :chuckle:

    Goooood!! :D Happy moods are awesome! :happy: It was okay thanks, a bit boring though :LOL:


    How are you today? :p

  19. It's because we're cool :yesey: I love Matt too! I want him to win.. it gives me goosebumps when he sings! :p It was a good reason to scream tbh :D I don't like it, but I always feel creative when I listen to Muse :awesome: Oh noes! :supersad: That's so unfair!!!!! Gooood, at least you got some Muse! :happy: We don't put up Christmas decorations until the 14th :( It's been fine thanks :)

    How are you hun? :D

  20. Yayyyy! :D I'm glad for you!! :)


    I'm sure you'll look lovely no matter what colour you decide on :happy:


    Awwwh, his hair is amazing! Very precise on the age there ;) Good luck with him!!


    He seems like a lovely person! And original is good :yesey: I do fencing on the Wii :chuckle:


    Yeah it was :) I hurt my back a bit, but oh well :LOL:


    Oh noes! :supersad: I hope you are in a better mood now hun! Ahh, I'd hate to move rooms.. I'm sure you'll get used to it soon, although it won't be the same :indiff: I think a lot of people do.. I know how you feel, it was much easier back then! Ohh she is? :( Poor you! I'm sure it'll pass!! I just hope you feel happier now! :happy:


    I'm fine, a bit cold, but fine thanks :p

    Have you been up to much? :D

  21. Ahh well, we can all have our lazy days! (or months in my case... :chuckle:)

    Good point. Or... we could become crew members and organise the concert :awesome: And then people would be like "Remember that big Muse festival?" and we'd be like "Yeah.. we made it happen!" :chuckle:


    Oh noes! :( I hope it is too!!!!


    :D :D


    I signed up in June, but didn't really start using it till about august! Same!!!! :D


    Ahhh only 1 hour 44 minutes :chuckle:


    There is so much more to do! Theme parks and that sort of thing aren't open in winter :( I know! :D Awesome! I've never been snowmobiling.. what do you do? :happy:

    Gooood!! I hate when my room is too hot or too cold.. I'm strange like that :$

    Goood :) And I'm great thanks! :p


    How was your weekend? :awesome:

  22. I did two years of textiles and still couldn't do it... I just don't think my brain can handle sewing :LOL: I'm glad you can do it :happy:


    It. Was. Amazing! :DTomfelts was HOT! :p Everytime he was on the screen I was like "nom" :D


    It did indeed. IT WAS SOOOOOO LIKE HIM!! :D


    Goooood! :p I'm great thank you :)

    Did you do much on the weekend? :happy:

  23. How was your day off? :D *iz jealous* Is it open tomorrow? :(

    It snowed a little today, but not much.. it must be because we did swapzies :LOL:

    Did you get your magazine in the end? :p

    And did you watch it? :awesome: THEY PLAYED CE, SHOWBIZ AND MEGALOMANIA LIVE :eek::dance:

    Goooooood! :D I'm fine thanks, but everyone in the supermarket thinks I'm a weirdo :LOL:


    Have you had a good weekend? :)

  24. Goooood, aha, there's nothing wrong with that! I'm a member of it! :chuckle: Oh yeah, I forgot :facepalm: I was supposed to say "break a leg" wasn't I? :LOL: I'm fine thanks!


    I'm glad everything went well :D Did you have fun? :p Ahhh, when's the next performance? :happy:

  25. Poor Dobby! :( Yeah I always take way more than I can eat :LOL: Once I took popcorn, flying saucers, choclate buttons, m&m's and about 5 drinks... I was nearly sick :noey::chuckle: Awwwwh, I hope you find him something nice! :happy: Did you have fun at your friends house? :D I just watched tv and did my art homework all day :p It was MUSE DAY!!! :D

    How are you today? :)

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