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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. I'll make something like that for you.. I just need to find a good picture :p


    Hehe "cheers" just remnds me of Dom :chuckle: Awwwh I wish I could do that :( It sound's fun! :awesome:


    That's quite a while away :supersad:


    What? Why?.. .because of Kate being pregnant? :LOL: Baby Bellamy... N'awwwwwh :supersad: ♥♥♥


    Have you had a good week? :p

  2. Awesome :awesome: Goood! I hate school.. It's so boring :stunned:Wait.. you're at school? On the message board? :chuckle: If I did that I'd probably be banned from school internet :eek::LOL: Yeah my week's bee okay boring but okay :)

    How are you? :D

  3. I'm actualy not :noey:

    Really? :LOL: What sort of things do you write, poems? :p Awwwh I hope you get a camera soon! :happy:


    No problem! :D


    I think I'd prefer manga too.. I don't like cartoon type things on tv that much anyways :LOL:


    Nahh just school, homework and on the computer :chuckle:

    How are you? :p

  4. They are aren't they? :awesome: Like SUPER awesome!


    I'm okay at it.. But I don't go on it much :indiff: I'm becoming a bit of an xbox addict.. I was on it for 4 hours yesterday :LOL:

    That sounds awesome! :awesome: I have to try that!

    Great! My nan is amazing at the bowling :LOL: I bet my nan would end up hitting the elly if she went on a kinect :chuckle: She almost does on the wii!

    Ahh nearly the weekend though! :D I'm great thanks :happy:


    Have you heard about Kate? How cute will baby Bellamy be? ♥

  5. Poor you :(


    I know :LOL: Yes it's amazing! I've watched it 3 times now :chuckle:


    YAYYY! :D Awwwh well done! Are you pwoud? :p I'm sure you will, if you get good grades now :happy: I got my science results yesterday :)


    Neither can I! Last years Spring/Summer was amazing and I really want a good one this year :awesome:


    I'm good thanks, what about you? :happy:


    Have you heard about Kate? :eek: But seriously, how cute will baby Bellamy be? ♥

  6. :yesey: And you're welcome! :D Good, is school good then? :p Awesome! I'd never guess what you were putting on... :rolleyes: Awesome! What's it like?

    Have you had a good week? :happy:

  7. Goooood! :D Awwhhh! How was it? I hate needles.. :stunned:


    Oh my days! :eek: Poor poor children :LOL: I'd die too!


    Yeah I was fine! I just laughed and then crawled upstairs :p I bet that was funny :LOL: Did you hurt yourself?




    Yes Spanish buzz is awesome! Haha in German class the other day me and my friend waited behind for a picture of Mt Potato to print off :LOL: Ooooh what's that? :)


    And Italian food is awesome! :yesey: Yeah I agree.. mmm Chinese!


    I owuldn't have known if I didn't come on the board :chuckle: Yeah I found a load too.. I know right! And I mean Kate's not bad looking, Matt's hot.. perfect! :D Yeah Dom Bellamy!!


    How's your week been? :)

  8. Oh noes! That'd be awful :stunned: Good! I bet it would have been :indiff: I saw a woman have a fit before.. It scared me :( I could go to bed now if I wanted.. I missed the bus so I don't have to go in :awesome: Yayyyy! It's so awesome isn't it? :D Football isn't that bad I guess.. I'd much rather go and see it in person than on telly though :p Goood! I read that too.. was a bit upset at first but now I keep imagining how cute baby Bellamy will be :happy: I'm great thanks! Have you had a good week?

  9. :awesome:


    I'll read it :D I'm guessing t's up now? :happy:


    That would be...it'd make my life heaven! :chuckle:


    You're welcome :p Well, I don't like it but it doesn't mean you wont... It could be your favourite :rolleyes:

    Great! :D I have one like every 2 months :dance:

    TR DVD is hilarious! :LOL: Nahh :indiff: Just stayed in and watched films :p

    Awwwwh, just try not to think about it :indiff:


    Well if he loves her, and he thinks it's right then I'm gonna respect that because he's happy :happy: I was like depressed when I first heard but then my mood went right up... I just hope she gives him'her a nice name :LOL:


    Have you had a good week? :)

  10. It's okay :D I haven't been on much :( I'm fine thanks, I had a bit of a sad monment earlier when I found out that Kate is pregnant, but I'm good now :happy: Yourself?


    I went on the 4th :indiff: What colour? :LOL:


    Yeah me too :$ I got excited for some unknown reason the other day and punched the air.. and I got unbalanced and slipped :LOL: Good, I'm glad you aren't hurt :happy:


    That's because they SUCK. And they split up like 6 years ago :LOL: He is! And he has a real stage presence :yesey:


    So do Lazy Spuds :chuckle:


    It's awesome right? I know iit is! I love how Mr Potato says "You saved our lives, we are eternally gratefully" :LOL: Awesome! My brother didn't get me anything.. and I didn't get him anything :p


    Oh noes! It was amazing, like really amazing too!! Sounds pretty fun! and I love pizza and chinese so that's a plus :chuckle:


    Yes I did.. I had my upset fangirl moment and then I started thinking about baby names and how cute baby Bellamy will be :p

  11. It's fine! :) Thank you so much! I did :yesey: Ahhh noes! I hope it doesn't die.. that would be sad :( But hair is already dead so yeah.. :LOL: Oh my days :stunned: That sounds horrible... is she okay now? Nahh mine hasn't either :chuckle: How was your lie in? :p *iz jealous* Awesome! I hope it comes soon, if it hasn't already :happy: It was good thanks, I didn't do much though. Watched 2 films and the Liverpool/Man Utd game :LOL:

    How are you? :)

  12. I KNOW! :eek: I had my rant over it and decided it doesn't bother me.. How cute will baby Bellamy be? Just think of that and it helps! :happy:

  13. THANK YOU! :D :D


    Indeed! I look forward to it! :p


    I would too... I'd be so happy it'd be unreal :D


    I know right! :awesome: Good luck being inspired!! :LOL:Gooood! :) I don't like that one then.. boring!

    I hae another holiday next month so it's all good :D

    I'm glad to hear! :happy:

    Gooood! :p It was good thanks! And yeah, I got Hullabaloo and TR with DVD :awesome:

    How are you? :p

  14. Yeah really :LOL: I just don't like carrying them... Sounds nice!




    I'm actually not but miss says I have potential :) I'm sure you will! Just keep at it :D

    Well I thought it went okay so far, I only did 1 hour on friday so still have 4 :indiff:

    Glad to hear! Awwwwh that must have been nice! :D No that's not stuck up, I'm like that too :LOL: If I talk in class they just leave it because I'm nice to them and if someone else does they get into trouble :chuckle:


    I love him in the film, but I don't really pay attention to the actor :LOL:


    Yes I have.. "Mmmm the Irish" I like it :awesome:


    I have a friend who really likes anime, but I haven't seen manga properly.. I'll have to look :D Is that kinda like when you get black and white pictures with a red letterbox or something? They are cool :yesey:


    Goood! :p Have you been up to much? :)

  15. First of all:

    THANKS FOR THE PICTURE :D:awesome:Do you think it's coincidence that it says DMC at the top? :chuckle: Dom Matt Chris


    Three cheers for the walking MuseWiki :p

    Mmmmmm I'd love to eat that many strawberries... with cream. NOM! :chuckle: It's fine my keyboard is fail too.. It misses letters when it feels like it :noey:

    Oh noes! :supersad: She sounds really mean! I hope she doesnt get her way, it'll suck if she does :mad:


    Awwwhhh :( I hope you get to see hiim soon!


    mush-ymush-ymushmush :LOL:


    Awwh poor you! How long did it last? :indiff:

    Did you do anything in the end? :D


    I was never excited :LOL:


    How are you? :p

  16. You're welcome! :D




    II just cant be bothered to come on anymore, I still love Muse and all but I just don't have time :( Awwh that sucks! I hope you get them done soon! :happy: I hope so!

    Ahhh well, you don't need a boyfriend :noey::LOL:


    You're very welcome! :D


    Everyone does from time to time :rolleyes: I wish II could have one every weekend!!!

    Yes I do indeed :p I really want to see them.. Muse too :(

    HIGH FIVE :chuckle:


    Goood! I ope you get some good rest soon! I'm fineee thanks! :) Have you been up to much? :D

  17. Yes it is :yesey::LOL:

    Oh I must go on it soon then! :eek: Awesome Halo is awesome :p


    I'm glad to hear! Awwwh poor him :chuckle: I remember when I couldn't even work the Wii :$

    Yeah it really does :( Thanks :)

    Haha it's okay too! :p That sounds fun! How were you trying to make it? :LOL: It was good! We went up to my nans and played on the Wii... My nan was hilarious on it :LOL:

    How are you? :)

  18. Ahh that sucks! :( It's ages away!!


    Oh my days thats not a lot of sleep :eek: I'd die if I had that much!


    YAYYYYYY! :D I bet you felt so relieved after! You're welcome :p


    The Hangover, Angels and Demons, The Rebound, Sherlock Holmes, Paul Blart: Mall Cop :LOL: Awesome! I hope you get chance to watch it soon! :D


    Yes I did thanks! :p



    I'm glad to hear it! :happy: I cant wait for the spring either! I hate cold weather, I hate it being dark early because I cant really go out much :( BRING ON SPRING! :D Have you had a good day? :)

  19. Ahhaa :LOL: Good one! Oh my days you only just started? :eek: I went back on the 4th! Ahhh come on 10 degrees isn't that cold.. well indoors it is I guess *shrugs* Nice to meet you :D I'm from Britain, what about you? :happy:

  20. I wish I could! It would have been amazing to know them from the start :p You're welcome! :D

    Thank you! :happy: Awesomeness! :awesome: Hmmm I don't know who your idol is... :chuckle: Well I hope the band goes well! It'd be so cool if it did :p Glad to hear! Yeah it was okay, I watched quite a lot of films and a football game :$:LOL:

    How are you?

  21. Thank you! :happy: Awwwh Nina is a lovely name :p Oh noes you too? Being ill around Christmas is nasty :( I'm glad to hear! :D How far away is her city? :indiff: Well yeah.. but I was like 3 :LOL: Thank you! :D

    Good! and you're welcome! :happy: I'm fine thanks! Awesome! What instrument do you play? :p

    Did you have a good weekend? :D

  22. Yeah me too! :( I have a holiday next month :awesome: Thank Matt! When is your next holiday? :happy:


    It really is... and the night before (well morning before) I didn't sleep till 4.30AM so I had 2.30 hours sleep :stunned:


    Cool! How are they going? :happy: I'm sure you'll do fine! But good luck anyway :D


    I've just been stuck in the house watching films :LOL: But it's been good... :D


    THANK YOU SO MUCH! :awesome::kiss:


    How are you? :p

  23. I'm fine thanks! And yourself? :D

    I'm Ailish by the way :p

  24. Well that was one good rant indeed :yesey: Is it still working? :p It really really does :LOL:


    Who wouldn't? :awesome: Working with Muse would be a dream come true!


    Poor you.. unless it's a good thing then great :LOL: Just think, it could inspire you to write a book... then you'd get famous and eet Muse when you ask for them to put a song in the film version :chuckle:I hope you see them soon to make up for it! :) I think that's the one where they go back to old Western times, I think that ones worst..


    Yeah I guess it is.. but another few years would have suited me fine :LOL:

    Awwwh noes! :supersad: Are you feeling better now? If not get better soon! I'm good thanks, tired but good :p

    Did you have a good weekend? :D

  25. I'd rather not have a bag at all, but sometime you need one :indiff:


    You do... Matt is the zeta master :yesey: Sneakiest of them all..


    Yeah, sucks right? :indiff: Lucky you, I had half of my art exam then.. 5 hours of the same seat and the same room :stunned: How's school going? :p


    It is... <3

    Yeah I have! AMAZING film + hot guy with Iriish accent = heaven :LOL:


    Awesome! I'm sure you'll get better if you practise :happy: Is manga Chinese/Japanese.. think a girl bought a manga book in not to long ago :) It was like anime style pictures :p

    Nahh not really, just school and on the internet /sad life :LOL:


    How are you? :D

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