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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Lucky you... :D


    Oh I don't, wait what? Isn't he from the Beetles? :LOL:


    It was very boring :(


    Gooood :p Ahhh, did you get anything nice? :happy:

    Have you been up to much? :)

  2. haha :chuckle:

    I don't have a pwoper one :( It looks like a shovel, and it has a handle :LOL: It's good though!! :D Awwh lucky you! Our school never shuts in the snow :'( We only have 1/2 inches :supersad: I think we'll have about 1 cm :noey: *is jealous of your snow!* :LOL:

    How are you today? :)

  3. Awwwh poor you! I hate when there isn't enough snow :indiff: That sucks.. in our Pe classes they let us have snowball fights as long as they aren't really had :D

    What other bands do you like appart from Muse? :happy:

  4. I hope you enjoy it when it's posted! :) Ughh! Can't you like block their messages? Or is that not possible.. :wtf: I just try to ignore them the best you can :happy:


    :LOL: I would have done that probably... Ahh I'm dying to see them!! You have to get the tickets scanned? Don't you think Muse should get stamps to put on your hand, like at festivals.. that would be awesome! :p


    Wow that's pretty weird.. :LOL: But that would be amazing! I really really want it to happen! :D


    That is expensive!! :eek: Yayyy!!!!!! It's really exciting!!!! Everyone says it's the best one ^.^


    I'll take it as a blessing that I don't :LOL:


    OMG!! :D Advent calenders :dance: On the board and a chocolate one :awesome: What sort of calender have you got? I has a Cadbury's one (:

    Really?! :LOL: She should have been, it just shows how much she cares about the guests :noey:

    Goood :) And yeah thanks!!

    Have you been up to much?? :p

  5. Awesome!! :D:D Did you convert her then? :awesome: I have converted 2 people, but they aren't on the boards :( OMG I'm sooo jealous! We've had about 1 inch :noey: Ahh there's loads by me! :)

    Gooood! My school never closes :mad: But I didn't go anyway :LOL: I'm fine thanks :happy:

    What have you been up to today? :p

  6. Ahhh it would be awesome!.... I wonder what you'd learn to play :rolleyes:

    Not really. I went sledding today though :awesome: I didn't go to school, my dad said I didn't have to :p

    Yeah, but not that much :indiff: It's snowwing right now infact! :D I'm guessing you've had a lot? :chuckle:

  7. Ahhhh sounds awesome!! :D I haven't seen the new potter yet, and everyone else has! *is jealous* :( Awwh how was the Muse fan? :p


    I'm going Saturday, thanks God!! :awesome:


    Gooood :) Ahh the snow is awesome! :awesome: I'm fine thanks!

    Is your school closed? :p

  8. Gooood! :D Same.. I have a boring life and spend most of my time here :LOL: It's all snowy though so I went sledding :)

    Is is snowing by you?? :p

  9. It looked okay... :LOL:


    Gooood!! You don't? :chuckle: Shows how much I've missed! Awwwh, I hope he does! It does sound like it! :D Good luck!


    I don't need it now.. it's almost gone! :) Thank God!



    I wish I could do something like that, but I just don't have the commitment :facepalm: What's wash in-wash out? ^.^


    It's weird, I hope it doesn't happen again! Poor you :(


    Awwh, so you had to stay there for 6 hours... even though you weren't doing much? :wtf: That's unfair! I wouldn't dance infront of people anyway :LOL: What are the pyjamas like or don't you know yet? :chuckle:

    I'm glad the spts are going! Oh Rosy, don't mind them! You shouldn't care abut what you look like, it will just bring you down if you compare yoursef to other people! If you care about your weight, eat healthy and excercise, it's that simple :) Most of them are too thin :noey: I admit, I'm not exactaly "thin" but I'm me!! And besides, Gabriel likes you as you are :happy:


    I'm okay thanks, I has a day off school because my dad didn't want me to go in! Is your school shut because of snow? :p


    Thanks :kiss:

    I do that all the time.. so I end up putting "(:" or "^.^"... Doris is fail! :LOL:

  10. Awwwh thanks :chuckle::D

    Oh my days, that actually made me LOL :LOL: And it made my brther too, which is a shocker! He never laughs at Muse stuff! *save pic* :awesome:


    Yayyy!! Awesome Ailish is awesome? :LOL:



    I know, but I get really annoyed at it and then don't want to do anymore :$ But I'm sure you are amazing at it :happy:


    I'm glad you went to see it in the end! :p Ahh I'm so jealous! I'm a huge Potter fan! Did you enjoy it? :p I'm going to see it on Saturday!! Harry Potter is awesome.. but Tom Felton is the best looking :yesey:I think Rupert Grint is good looking too.. :$


    yayyy!! :D *is excited*


    Yes missing me.. it shows I've made a big impression on you and you are a computer additct now :LOL: Just kidding! I don't know why I put that sucks... :wtf:

  11. :D


    Teehee! I'm going to get her a toy, some treats and give her a huge walk! :happy:

    :LOL: I probably would! And who wouldn't be? :awesome:

    Awwh thanks! I hope you do too :p


    I just face away from mine because can't be bothered to turn the plug off :facepalm:

    Awwwh, yours isn't that late though.. Oh well, evens! :D x

    Wow, I hope you do well :happy: It would be awesome if you played them! :p Oh noes, neither have I!! But my dad let me have the day off school because of the snow! :awesome:

    It was cinderella.. it was actually really good :) And there were a lot of men in tights :eyebrows: And we went to watch Let Me In :p

    Gooood! I hope you get some good sleep! :chuckle:I'm fine thanks! Have you been up to much? ^.^

  12. Yes, I totally agree!! :D I'm glad to hear! :happy: Awwh she likes Muse too?! She is awesome, and I know.. I love da snow!! :p Not much, I went sledding :D

    How are you today? :happy:

  13. Goood, I hope she gets through it soon! :happy: Youu're welcome!


    You need to to understand! :LOL: I hope you enjoy it!

    Ahhh I'm really jealous! :p

    I just do stuff like "turn the oven on" or "stir the food" :LOL: But it kept me occupied! Awwh, would you like to help though?? :)

    I think we do too :D I hope so! And I'm sure you wont! :happy:


    You're welcome :) Awesome!!! :awesome: Not much.. sledding, school that sort of crap :D

    How are you hun? :p

  14. :D:D

    Gooood! :happy: Have you been up to mmuch?? :p

  15. Goood! :D And I'm okay thank you! Awwh nice name :happy:

    Have you been up to much?? :)

  16. Ahh awesome, where'd you go?? :p


    Sounds like a good plan! :chuckle: Oh yes ;)


    I know :( OMG! You have seen it three times, I haven't even watched it once yet :LOL: :'( I bet it was!

    Sorry fr the late-ish reply, I've been busy :indiff: How are you? :p

  17. :D

    Ahhh I can't wait to write it! I just don't have time :( It'll probably be arund Christmas time when I get chance... Private Messages? Weirdoooooooo... Do they send them like everyday? :indiff:


    It makes me so jealous to listen to live versions. I just wish I could have been there :LOL: Awwwh, you would know.. I'd still be buzzing if I'd have gone :chuckle: How did you feeel when you were queuing? :)


    :yesey: I wish it was!

    I would love a Muse concert where they played every song... that would be awesome! Like a 10 day concert :p


    Really?! :eek: How expensive? Appart from the food you buy there, they aren't that bad here :LOL: Ahhhhh I'm going to see Harry Potter on Saturday :party:

    Yayyyy! XD I knew you'd do better :happy: I don't know what a proof is... :$ I hope so! (:

    Ahhh, it's no big deal.. It's the time of year when everyone gains weight and pigs out :LOL: It's because of the cold and the festive feeling :p


    Ahh it is pretty awesome to be honest! And the stupid host actually thinks he's Matt :facepalm: How are you today? ^.^

  18. I love just having shuffle on! It is the best way :yesey:

    You haven't failed at life... you just put it on hold :rolleyes::LOL: I stayed up on 8th June till midinight, just to post a birthday message to Matt :facepalm::$


    I ran out too.... :facepalm::LOL::LOL:

  19. I did it again... I had no internet at all for over two weeks :( Sowweeeee!

    I listened... it kinda reminded me of Starlight, I'm not sure if that's what you were thinking :LOL: But it does remind me of it! Weird... :p

    Woooo, we are the official owners of it :D Take that (:vomit:) fellow Musers! :chuckle:

    Trust me!


    ... *agreed*


    Pwoclaim that this pwopa fuckin' wock and woll is vewy twue wock and woll indeed wif a sense of urgency and they will not fowce us wock and wollers even if they tie us to wailwoads and thewe is no-one to set us fwee and we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, take us away fwom here, pwotect us fwom fuwther hawm, etcetewa, because you and me fall in line to be punnished fow unpwoven cwime! :LOL: :LOL: *we are so cool*

    I have an Domsession with many albums that aren't Muse... it's not that bad!

    Ewwww, icky!!! :eek: I saw it the other day.. I had to wash my eyes :noey::facepalm:

    It would be seeriously awesome though! :awesome::chuckle: Yeah I do! :D What is your username? :p He never answers me.. I'm going to make something for his birthday, and take a photo so he can actually see it!!!

  20. Oh noes! That sucks, for both things :( Is your friend okay? I feel sorry for her... Awwh you're such a lovely friend for doing that! She's lucky to have you :)


    :LOL: Good film for you then! ;) Have you watched the first one? If you have, it will be easier to understand the second :yesey: I'll say no more - I don't want to ruin it for you! :p

    Oh my days, I'm sooo jealous! Where did you see them? I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D I don't know... I just helped my mum with dinner everyday :LOL: I might re-take one of mine from last year, but I haven't had the results for mine yet :( Oh I'm sure you didn't do that bad! You're welcome! :)


    Awwwh thanks! :happy: Jade is a lovely name! That might be why a lot of people have the name :D

    How are you?? :p

  21. Goooood! Really?! I couldn't survive without the cinema... I hate school :indiff: I have spent my whole life there. I'm fed up with it :mad: Did you have fun at your friends' house?? :happy:

  22. Thanks for the friend request! :D

    How are you?? :happy: I'm Ailish :)

  23. I'm sooooooo sorry for the late reply! :supersad: I haven't had any internet for ages -.-

    All three chapters are amazing, I am running out of words to describe how much I love it! Yayyyy!! Reviews make me happy too! It does count, a review is a review :yesey:


    I'M SO EXCITED!!! :awesome:


    Totally agreed!Stupid Argos is stupid :noey:


    Oh my days! That is just the best setlist ever :awesome: Because I haven't been on here in ages I thought that was an actual setlist :LOL: Oh well, you can have as many as you want :happy: Ahh yes... funerals are just depressing, except if they have a Muse song :chuckle: Neither do I to be fair :LOL:


    I know right :indiff:

    Awwwwh :( I'm sure it will come back up! Just try your hardest and you'll do fine :D I have loads of "B's" and it really annoys me :indiff: Because I'm aiming towards A*'s in everything and have to work harder now...

    Goood, and not really ):

    Have you been up to much? :D


    I love your ava! Drummer Matteh <3 :chuckle:

  24. Sowweeee for the late reply! :supersad:

    I'm fine thanks, and you?? :D

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