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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

    Goooood! And I guess since my reply is so late (sorry again) that you feel much better than last time? :p

    So going to the doctors could make you have a cold or something, great :facepalm:

    It was like bright red/orange, thank Matt it was only a streak! She was okay with it actually :) Ahhhh damn! :chuckle: I think I might spray mine red for Leeds :D

    Did you enjoy your holiday? :happy: And I went to Wales and just chilled :p


    How are you? :)

  2. Ahhhh I'm sure they don't even know it's going on :chuckle:


    You have a blog? :awesome:

    I hate when the snow is melting and it's all slushy and horrible :indiff:

    Awwwwwh! Has it had the baby yet? :happy:


    How are you? :D


    Sorry for the late reply! :(

  3. Sorry for the late reply :(

    Haha sounds weird! I've been pretty good thanks, what about you? :D

  4. Awwwwh :( I'm going to Leeds!! My dad brought the tickets :D


    I haven't been on here in so long! Fanfiction either.. I'll check it out when I've answered my messages :)


    Yayyyyy :dance:


    I will, but I very much doubt it :erm: Woooo I feel honoured! :p


    YES! It's all because no one you know in real life likes it so you feel you're the only one and then BAM and you don't feel alone anymore :chuckle:


    Haha same! Yeah it is okay, everyone does it at some point :awesome: At the moment I'm obsessing over a teacher at my school who doesn't even know of my existance :LOL:


    I'll check if they have it at the library when I have time, all my exams are soon :indiff:


    Well done! You have next year right? :p

    Awwwh is she okay? :( How were the holidays? :D


    Goood and I'm fine thanks!


    Sorry for the late reply :$

  5. Haha I could have guessed.. I bet there was a lot of bitching about Muse, the whole OoS thing :LOL:


    Ahhh you posted and I haven't read :eek: I will tonight though!!


    Ahhh you could design me one too :awesome:


    I did too, I might message him now :happy: Awwh you did? Was I invited? :chuckle: It is too bad :(


    Yeah that and other things :LOL:


    Nahh not really :D


    I agree! Ahh I've never reead the book, is it good? :p


    Awwh hard luck :( At least you got to the finals :D

    Oh noes, why? :supersad: And no not really, just glad it's the holidys!


    How are you? :)

  6. No problem :D Ahh what was it called? :awesome: And happy birthday to her!! Woahh that is scary, I'd have ran :LOL:

    How are you??

  7. Awwh and ignore the figures, try to block them out :) They will go soon! :p

  8. Late again :( Sorry!


    Ohh haha I made my own rules :p


    Have you quit yet? :)


    Awwh Rosy :supersad: I hope you snap out of this phase soon, I don't like hearing you say stuff like this, I don't want you to get hurt! You shouldn't hate yourself, you are young and should be out having fun, enjoyng your life. Well bing obsessed with the moon isn't really a bad thing is it? The moon is beautiful! :) Awwh you're too good for him if he treats you bad, and he knows it!


    Lucky! I wish I was going to reading so bad, I'm sure you'll have great fun :D Yeah they can, because if they think that then it's obvious they aren't! Ahha you have a cool dad then, mine wouldn't let me! :LOL:


    It's okay thanks, what about yours? :p

  9. Well us Musers help people fit in straight away :rolleyes:

    Goood :) Awwwwh, is it better now? :erm:

    Yeah and being there could make you ill too! :noey:

    That is ages! :eek:

    I'm glad to hear :D

    Gooood! Well it always is to be honest :LOL: I'm okay thanks, a bit scared because I dyed a it of my hair and my mum hasn't seen yet :erm: I hope she doesn't kill me!

    Have you been up to much? :p

  10. sorry again :$ Has it? I bet the board sucks when it's quiet :LOL:


    Ohhh I'll read :D You don't have to write if you don't want to :)


    Yeah me too! People would be like whaddafuck? :wtf::LOL:


    Awwwh :(


    Haha bless him :happy: I think he's stopped talking to everyone now, I went on his profile and he hasn't spoke to Hanna since around Christmas :/ I think he does, he's been on the board this month... maybe he's just gone anti-social :erm:


    Yes, same here! I seem to have something in common with every person I talk to on here :pYou're welcome!


    Yeah... VERY obessive :chuckle:


    Ahh how was the wedding? ;) He is pretty amazing though! Oh my days I thought the dog was evil too and my friend was like "No it's not, he's good!" :LOL: Awwwwwh :p


    Goood! And well done! :D I'm fne thanks.

    Have you been up to much? (:

  11. Awesome! :D


    It is.. he's a zeta with mind control powers :eek:


    Awwwh you'll do fine iin them! :happy: Do you like writing then? :p Ermm just music and twitter-ing :LOL:


    How are you? :D

  12. Ha mines even later :stunned: Sorry about that!


    Awwwh why weren't you allowed to play? :eek:


    I really hope you quit soon, it's really not good Rosy!


    Goood! :happy:


    I hope you don't, but try to eat and don't do too much excercise, it'll wear you out :( Ha you are way fitter than me! I can hardly do 50 :LOL: That's pathetic for me! I'm sure you don't even need to worry about your weight Rosy, I think you should just aim to be in the middle of thin and fat because that is whats best for everyone :)

    Just don't do anything stupid that you'll regret, because regrets hurt :indiff:


    I'm okay, thanks :) What about you? :happy:

  13. same!! Sorry for the late reply :eek:


    what did you have done? :p


    I know! The weather is dreadful, we've only had a couple of nice days and it's actually spring!


    Yeah I have :LOL: It was so funny, I laughed for ages! And yeah, they start half way through this year I think... Kate even brought a house in London to suit them :D


    Mine was later, don't worry about it :LOL:


    I'm okay, what about you? :)

  14. I'm glad you settled in well :D

    Awwwwwh, are you okay now? :( <3

    Yeah hopefully :) You dont wanna be wasting your time doing suckish things like waiting in a doctors :LOL:

    Ahh they are amazing! How long ago was your last one? :eek:

    They're what basic weekends are like anyways... but I hope you weren't in a lot of pain :(

    How are you? :happy:


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  15. Sorry for the late reply! :( I havent been on in ages.... have I missed much?


    It really would! :p I hope you get inspired soon :D


    It would complete my life I think :LOL:


    Awwwh she did? :(

    It's soo cute! :) That's the same as what happened to me... I hope he's okay :erm: But I even send him a Christmas message! And I once posted a message while he was online but there was no reply! But he still talked to that Hannah from the concert you guys went to :indiff:


    I love it too! It's like a big family :D Awwwh that will be awesome, I hope you guys have fun! :p


    Haha a life that revolves around Muse has to be a good one though ;)

    I saw it and it was amazingggggggggggg! He is isn't he, just like.... :stongue: I cried when the dog was hurt though :$


    How are you? :happy:

  16. I have a poster of him :awesome:


    Hahaa :LOL: We are, we lost it and now we can never get it back :'(


    Awesome! :D And at least you have imagination, I have none :LOL:

    How are you? :)

  17. It was awesome! :D Awwwh you should try to find one, it's so much fun! I don't, I deleted it a while ago because there are too many arguments and stuff between my friends :indiff: I have twitter and tumblr though if you have either of them? :D

  18. We have to do a 10 hour exam but we only have to do like 2 hours of coursework per week! :eek: It seems like SOOOOO much at your school!

    I hope you get what you want! :D


    And you're staying for all of that? LUCKY! :awesome: There are so many good acts this year!


    I watched it :D And Gullivers Travels, but awwwh I bet Paul would have been great! :LOL:


    Paddy McGuinness is just a babe :p


    I did it again :$ Sorry! I havent been on here in agessssssss :stunned:


    Goooood :)It isn't now :( I havent been up to much actually, what about you? :D

  19. Oh dear... I would have been so scared! :stunned: Ahh well, we can be techno-phobes together! :awesome:

    I'm gonna fail Art :LOL: I took it because I thought it'd be relaxing and a break from academic lessons...

    Yeah I hate being around people that I don't know, it's strange :LOL: I hope you don't!


    awwh how did it all go? :(

    Nothing really, I have a boring life... I can't wait till next month! We only have 9 days at school!

    How are you? :p

  20. I have no idea what so ever :LOL:


    awwh :D:awesome: glasses are amazing!!


    I can go without comunication for ages.. going to Wales helps this :LOL:


    ohh getting a bit adventurous there :chuckle: Nerds are cool, be proud :D

  21. neither have I... not since last month :$

    I'm doing okay, the last few days I've been really really down but I'm recovering hopefully :) What about you? :happy:

  22. *high five for being techno-phobic too :LOL:* Although it's not a fear, just a way of life.. I don't know.. I think I sat on it :chuckle:

    You're welcome! Haha I got the lessons I wanted and I'm gonna fail one of them :$

    In July sometime, but I have to rearange it because of Unifest :LOL:


    It's fine, I haven't been on really since I last messaged you :noey:

    Glad to hear! :p I'm fine thankyou..

    Have you been up to much? :D

  23. Unless the baby grows up to be as super-talented as his dad that is :rolleyes: I can't wait, I'm really excited :D


    Yayyyyy :awesome:


    Oh I used to play te Sims everyday :LOL: But you're right, time flies when playing it!

    Haha I love it too! Yeah I do.. No I don't think so, but he never answers my messages anyway so I don't go on his profile :erm: We used to talk a lot!


    It is :yesey: (and yeah, we're actually really close now because of Muse :p)


    I'm sure you do have a life :rolleyes::LOL:


    OMG how was it?! I'm going next week :awesome: He is really hot right? :eyebrows:

  24. Haha I hope you get it done soon! :LOL: I went to the ice skating foam party last night, it was amazing :D Can you skate? :) Awwwh did you have fun at the park? :p I had the ice skating lastnight and went to see my aunty today :happy: How are you? :D

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