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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Ahhh well, I'd rather have boring Muse dreams than none at all :happy: Awwwh you've been ill too? :( I hope you're feeling better now! :)

    Thanks :D

    What did you get for christmas? :p

  2. I knew you would be :LOL:

    Yep :D

    It was nice while it lasted :chuckle:

    WHAT PRESENT?! :eek:

    How was christmas? :p

  3. How was your ChristMaff? :chuckle: I like it :D


    I'm glad to hear! :happy:

    Oh noes :supersad: What happened? :indiff:

    Awesomeness :D What did you buy? :)Why? :(


    I'm not too good :( I was ill on christmas...and still not fully reovered.


    Have you been up to much? :p

  4. Did they like their presents? :happy: Have you heard anything from the silly interviewers? :chuckle: Ahhh noes :LOL: So are you dying it purple for her?... Do you have red hair like Matt's? :awesome: I want mine blue.. but with my mum being a hair dresser she wont let me :(

    How was christmas? :awesome:

  5. Oh yes, because of the plane tickets! Ahhh you updated! Must read... :chuckle:


    Matthew Bellamy. It's such a nice name... :happy:




    Oh noes! :( I was looking at some pictures of them the other day and I have to admitthey looked...cute together :eek:


    Hmmm maybe it would be.. :indiff: The food was crappy there too so I think that's the norm :LOL:

    :D :D

    Goood :D I haven't been to good :( I was ill on christmas and I'm just getting past it now :indiff:

    How was Christmas? :awesome:

  6. Oooohhh yayyy! :D I look forward to reading! Why? :eek: What was the original plan? :chuckle:


    :eyebrows: Indeed!




    :D No problem! :happy: Did she have a nice birthday? :p Ughhhhh ... I wish Matt wasn't in that sort of magazine, just music ones! :indiff:


    We only do it once and then thats it.. and you have to pay like £80 to go :indiff: But it worth it :yesey:

    Thanks! :happy:

    Goooood, and It was boring :LOL:

    How are you today? :p

  7. Indeed :D Wooowwww :happy: Mattehhh is so cute! You should post it in the Muse Dreams thread :yesey: I haven't had a Muse dream in a while :indiff: That's how I feel now :LOL: I just watch films and go on the laptop :D Yeah I have a cold :(

    How are you? :p

  8. I haven't even done that :LOL: Awwwh I hope they like what you got them :happy: Silly interviewers... :facepalm: Good to hear! Awesomeee :awesome: Did you do a good job??

  9. Yeah same :LOL: I asked my mum for it so hopefully she got it me :rolleyes:

    It's on tonight too! :D 7pm!

    I was sat right by the teachers desk and while she was on the computer I was looking at the answer sheet :$ I only did it for about 3 questions though :LOL:


    Ahhh :indiff: Oh my days.. I only ever make things look tidy :chuckle: You might want it to be tidy for christmas :awesome:

    Oh noes :( BUT ITS CHRISTMAS EVE EVE :D You'll have an iPod soon!! :p

  10. You're welcome! :D I'm glad to hear :) Oh I got top marks in the class for it so I found it easy :happy:

    Maybe a concert of some sort.. even if it's not Muse, just a concert just not some rubbish like JLS :LOL:

    :chuckle: What a good send off ;)

    It did.. and I got told off :(

    Ohh yes the banshees? They were awesome :awesome: And the cute little aliens with the red or yellow shell thingys :LOL:

    Me toooo :D Yea same.. I hate school :(

    Ooooh yayyy!! :p Ahh the Kinect looks amazing, I wish my brther would get it :indiff: I'm getting clothes cd's books and then my mum has got me some "suprises" :LOL: I hope you do get Kinect! :)


    How are you? (:

  11. I don't think I'd speak.. save my self the embarassment :LOL: I'd just walk up to him with a pen and paper.. and try to smell him without him noticingfor the memories yanno :chuckle: And then run off screaming :facepalm: Awwwwwh :( I keep leaving my alarm on so I wake up at 7.15 everymorning :mad: Hmmmm what was the dream? :p I hope you feel better soon! It's been boring and I'm feeling a bit ill..

  12. I never watch Muse music videos on youtube :indiff: Always interviews and live performances :chuckle: But they're on again this week :D And the top 20 one is on on Christmas Day :awesome:

    No neither do I... and I cheated :$:LOL: That's how we won I think..

    Goodgood, I'm okay :happy:

    Not really, just walking my dog and on the laptop :LOL: you? :happy:

  13. I suppose :LOL: Awwhhh :( I'm sure she is :D


    Or the tinfoil suit... :chuckle:




    The word obsession springs to mind :rolleyes: I agree.. and it's so funny to imagine her like that :LOL: Way to go :p


    It was :happy: And everynight we had hot chocolate and marshmallows by the fire :)


    Goood to hear :D I'm okay, bit of a cold coming :p

    How's you're day been? :)

  14. Oh noes! :(:LOL:

    We had to work out a load of Maths puzzles.. and my group won :awesome:

    Well I ook forward to it :LOL::awesome:At first I thought it said OMGITSACHRISTMASTREEE :facepalm:


    How are you today? :p

  15. You're welcome! :D I hope you aren't either! Awwwhh I hope you have fun, just try to make it a laugh :happy: See that's a bonus! :D Awwhh sounds nice :p I'm glad to hear! :D I hardly ever paint my nails.. last time did it was red :p It was boring.. but still good :D

    How are you? :happy:

  16. Gooood! :happy: Ahhh good! I have been mean and haven't got people presents this year.. :LOL: Oh noes :eek: I hope it didn't mess up for you! :indiff: Ooohh that's good then! :p It's been boring and un-eventful :LOL: How's yours been? :D

  17. I'd have fainted.. even by just looking at his back :chuckle: Everything would come out like "Uhh.. a-aaa, ermmm" :LOL: Awwww I hope you feel better soon! And get some good sleep! :happy: I'm feeling ill too.. but I' alive so I'm good :p How's your day been??

  18. You're welcome! :happy: It would be to embarrasing :$ I will.. when I can be bothered to leave the house :LOL:And me :D It wouldn't be the same if it wasn't a family time :noey:

    How are you today? :p

  19. :D There is Muse: Top 20 on MTV Rocks at 2pm and then on Kerrang there is Total: Muse at 2.05 pm... I think I'll go with MTV though Ive watched the Kerrang one about 5 times :LOL::awesome:

    I did win some chocolate in Maths (reminds me of Matt :chuckle:)

    Yeah I'm sure you will be in a couple of days :LOL: For some reason, it felt like Christmas but then when we put the decorations up, it didn't :wtf:


    Awwwh thanks! :happy:

  20. Hmmmm... they're nice :eyebrows: Have you seen the twitpic of Matt with a snake? The women in the background are totally checking him out :chuckle:

    How are you today? :p

  21. Oh really? :LOL: Well they were suckish, and I never want to go to one again! :chuckle: I loved it! :p Poor Dommehh though :(


    Mmmm I do too... he has such a collection! :LOL: And he makes even the stupidest ones work! :p




    Come to think of it, so would I! :( I can't believe the impact they have on me :eek::LOL: Thanks! I don't mind that she was in my dream, it made her seem dumb :chuckle:


    Oh right :happy: Ahh that sucks :indiff: We went to this place called Coven and it's an "outdoor education centre" and you do climbing, canoeing, orienteering and that sort of stuff.. it was good :D

    Yayyyy! :PI hope it is! :happy:


    How are you? :)

  22. That is unfair... :eek: Your school is unfair :(


    You're welcome :D


    Gooood! :happy: Awwwwh sounds fun! :p

    How are you? :happy:

  23. You're welcome! :happy: C'mon, they had to be better than a dim room with crappy party songs like "Cha-Cha Slide" and a few colourful lights :LOL: Oohhh I'll read when I've replied to you :p


    Hmmm... here, have a couple of pictures... they'll make you happy! Blazer Even more blazer! :D


    Counter balance this comotionnnnnnn we're not droplets in the ocean, oooooo-ooooocean! :p


    Awwwh Mattehhh :supersad: I don't know what I'd do if he acyually got cancer... maybe die of depression :indiff: One night I had 4 Muse dreams :stunned: I woke up after each.. http://board.muse.mu/showpost.php?p=8420075&postcount=2750 here :) I think I has Muse-on-the-brain :chuckle:



    So do you do like ouotdoor activities as well? Or is it just indoor based? :happy:

    Awwwh I hope you get through them easily! :)

  24. He really does! :D Well good luck anyway! Yeah that's a good reason... I'd never want to face someone again if I did their hair wrong, I'd be too scared :LOL: But I'm sure you'll do fine! :happy: Yeah same, but I have no gloves so I have to suffer :chuckle: I have a friend that lives like two doors down form me so I'll see her :p I'm sure you'll have a good time anyway, I mean christmas is supposed to be a family time anyway :happy:

  25. Yeah I suppose it does.. and Christmas is a time for family :) I have loads of space for posters, but I haven't got any at the moment, but my brother is getting me two for my birthday and I have a calender so I'll put the pictures off there up :chuckle: I started off a "topless Matt" thing so there's a few on there :p I did fllow it, but then I had no internet for two weeks and I couldn't catch up :( Thanks :happy: I hope you're not, it'd suck being ill on Christmas :indiff:

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