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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. :noey::LOL:

    Awesome :p Do you like writing about anything in particular? Wow that's really nice! I love the style of it and the blue colour is lovely :D And that's not a bad price either, anything that's technlogy and decent is around that price at least :) I hope you get it!!


    I'm okay I guess..


    I remember the days when I used to watch Pokemon and Yu-gi-oh with my brother :$:LOL: Cartoons suck now though!


    Awwh why were you bad? :( Cool, what did you get? :D


    Have you been up to much? :)

  2. I have my laptop.. but if have loads of messages I feel I have to answer them all.. And then it just wastes my evening when I could be doing homework :noey: Yayyy, I bet you were relieved to get them done!

    Sucks :indiff: But there are more important things to me so I don't care at the moment :p


    Awwh thanks :D I look forward to it :chuckle: hahaa!

    No problem! :happy:

    I'm suree you will soon.. but both of your options are good :yesey:


    I'm okay I guess. Have you been up to much? :p

  3. Yes! :awesome: You totally should, then we can become friends on there :p

    I didn't do my English, German or Biology homework because I was on it all weekend :$ They were iin for today... :LOL:

    I'd actually hate to go to a festival and like 2/3 of my favourite bands are playing at the same time.. I'd cry :LOL:

    You'll have some good memories of it then :p

    Yeah, it is :( I did that too.. maybe even 1/2 if I was lucky :chuckle:

    That would be awesome! We could say how they all used to be good looking and the best live band... good times ;)

    Goood! Ahh my mum never gets appointments during school :indiff: Lucky you! :D I'm okay I guess.

    Have you been up to much? :)


    Sorry for the late reply :$

  4. Like a full fringe? picture If not then I don't understand :$ Yeah I do! I was gonna get City of Evil for christmas but I diidn't :indiff: But I do have the Nightmare album on my iPod :D What other bands do you like? :p

  5. I have it on the 8th Feb :erm: I have a really big phobia..


    She is pretty awesome :yesey: And she's different, doesn't care what people think :D


    They are!!! I got my friend (who used to hate even pop-punk or soft rock) into Slipknot :chuckle: I know, that was sad to hear :( At least they're still going, most bands would find it too hard :erm:


    I didn't think he was :LOL: If my brother said something like that I'd never let him live it down!


    It really is! And there's this hot Ice Marshall too :D And we saw Season of the Witch, it was better than I expected :) I'm glad you thought it was! :p I never think things like superheroes and action movies are my thing... I prefer horror or comedy :awesome:


    Goood! I'm okay too I guess. Awwwh :( Are you gonna retake it? Yes, blame Paramore and all of their awesomeness :phu::LOL:


    Have you been up to much? :D

  6. I am too.. that would deffinately ruin it :ninja:


    I have nowhere fun to go in summer, just to Wales which is the same as England but greener and hilly-er :LOL: I actually can't wait for summer, really!!


    Awwwh :( I was never close to my grandad, I'm close with my nan though :)


    If the kid has Matt's nose it has to be a boy :LOL: But it DEFFO has to have Matt's eyes or that's just insane.


    Sounds cool too :D


    Ermmm I'll talk about today since I can't remember that far back... (Sorry for the late reply :$) Today was okay, boring though. I had to listen to a football comentary for an hour and write it down word for word :stunned: And then I was locked out of my house and stood on a bench iin the back garden to look in the window, and it broke :( It hurt! How was your day? :p

  7. I just hope it never happens again to either of us! :p

    When technology goes wrong I feel bad because it's usually my fault in our house :facepalm:I really do, it's... GENIUS!

    Cool :) You have art corsework in year 9? :eek: What are you thinking about picking? :D

    I can't either, just one more year in may :awesome:

    I've been ice skating and to the cinema.. then just school, homework.. the boring stuff :indiff: I'm really scared because we have injections on the 8th of Feb, I have a phobia :( And stressed because I have to sort out work experience :erm:

    How are you? :D :D


    Sorry for the late reply :$

  8. It was a big thing indeed, I didn't see that coming :eek: Ahh, why do people have to bring it up all the time? I mean seriously, none of the story has anything about a pregnancy, not even Kate's! :noey: I always like it :rolleyes: It's just so good! Awwwh thanks :D


    We can! :eek: And we could even be Bellamy Juniors Godparents :LOL:


    I think it goes faster when you don't thiink about it, but it's hard not to.. school is so boring :stunned:

    Yes! In the making of UD when Matt is dancing behind Dom.. and when he pokes him in the neck with something :LOL:

    I hope it passes soon!


    I had a little help making it, but we don't have to mention that :ninja:


    It was :D

    Good, I'm okay I guess. How've things been sice we last spoke :D (Sorry for the late reply :$)

  9. Your friends seem like.. interesting people :LOL: But I bet it was funny to read them, they'll give you some good memories :chuckle:


    Uh, I'm glad I don't have history anymore! Awh lucky you.. you just get to go skiing whenever and I can't :'( Suckish Britain is suckish :noey:

    How are you? :D


    Sorry for the late reply :$

  10. Goooood! :D I'm glad to hear... yeah that does sound strange :LOL: What sort of things do they say? Yeah most of my friends are weird, it's normal :p Have you been up to much this weekend? :happy:

  11. I know right :( Awwwh I feel sorry for you, it really is awful! :(

    Oh my days that would have made me angry/confused/sad/scared all in one :LOL:Very amazing terminology indeed! Goood, I'm glad it's fixed! :D


    Good to hear! :happy: Have you been up to much? :)

  12. It's absolutely fine! Don't worry about it :D Everything's good, school is just a blag though :indiff: I can't wait to get out of there! Anyway, how are you? :p

  13. Goooood! You should be! :D Bio - A*, Chem - A*, Phys - B :p I was pwoud of them.. I got 40/40 on the Chemistry one! :awesome:


    Glad to hear! I have that on DVD but have never watched it :erm: Awwwwh is it sad? :( Ahhh you got to see it, awesome! :D


    My emotions went :supersad::(:eek::D:awesome: Literally! Yeah they are, I'm so happy for them! I just hope they last, for the sake of Bellamy Jr :)


    How are you? :D

  14. Awesome! They're mine too :eek: What a coincidence! You should totally join the Muse messageboard! it's like amazing :yesey:

    It's good! :D I have to admit, I used to only like 20-40 minutes on it and now I could go on all day :LOL:

    I have Robbie Williams, Muse and U2 :facepalm: That's good though, because then I wont be torn at what stage to go to :LOL:

    Just shows that height doesn't matter :p I bet it was so funny to watch! :awesome:

    So do I.. when you have a chill out one :chuckle: I had to get up t 10.30 today and yesterday :stunned:

    I am too :happy: I was saying how we could say to our kids "I used to be a big fn of his dad's band!" That would be epic :awesome: I hope that happens... hehe Bellamy Junior!

    How are you? :p

  15. Ahhh awesome :D Thanks :) What are they? (Sorrry for being stupid, I'm tired :erm:) I have that on my iPod, it's amazing! Ahh it's so sad that he.. passed away :( He was awesome :yesey: How are you? :D

  16. I read it.. it was so good, but so sad :eek: Is that the big thing you were planning? :stunned: It's like shocking. WOW.


    Yeah and give them all big hugs, just incase ;)


    Yeah, well... it might not be then :LOL:

    Awwwwh poor you! :( 3 months is ages... :indiff:

    I was drinking water while I watched it.. not a good idea :LOL:

    It's hard right? :erm:


    Awesome names! :awesome: I only named a boy: Mark Glennis Pastamy Hudson Ring-My-Bell-A-Me :$


    Meh, school was boring and slow but this weekend ws good :D I went ice skating and to the cinema :)

    How are you? :p

  17. That's a good thing right? Well in a way it is :) I have to have one soon.. somthing, tetanus and polio it's for :erm:


    Yeah Muse'll get them throug the humiliation :chuckle:


    Lady Gaga? :LOL: Good!


    Stuff like that's awesome, that's why :yesey: Oh awesome! :D Ahh Slipknot are win.. it's a shame about Paul Gray though :indiff:


    LOL! :LOL: But then again, girls always say other girls are pretty... But still, it's weird!


    Ahhh pretty much the same.. I went ice skating yesterday and to the cinema today though :D I've never watched the Dark Knight, is it good? :happy: Ahh well, people can have obsessions sometimes (like Muser's obsessions with Muse :chuckle:)


    How are you? :)

  18. HIYAAA :p

    Oh yeah, I know what you mean :LOL:

    Gooood! And mine was okay.. ill :erm:

    It's okay! Oh noes :eek: How did iit break? :indiff:

    I've been great, and yourself? :happy:

  19. You don't know what I'm going to do though :chuckle:


    Yeah.. hip-hip huray cheers :LOL: I hope you can too!


    Awwwwh poor you :( I'm sure you'll find time soon :)


    Oh right :LOL: Yes I am, completely over it!

    I hope it's a he, then he wont turn out like Kate :LOL:


    Yeah my weel was really long too :indiff: Ooooh what's it like? :D

  20. Gooooood! :D Okay, thanks :) Yeah falling over sucks, no matter where you are or who you're with :indiff: I've been great, thanks! Have you had a good weekend? :happy:

  21. You're welcome! :D I'm glad to hear :happy: Ahaa awesome, do you love your presents then? :chuckle: Your grandma is awesome :awesome: My nan says my music is a racket and that I hould turn it off :LOL: Ahh so you can go and take your grandma with you :p

    How are yyou? :D

  22. Oh damn :LOL: This is complicated... Luckily I was only with 1 person when I fell, it was during lesson so no one was in the corridors :p I'm fine, thanks :happy: Well, the floor was wet and my shoes have no griip so... SPLAT :$


    Sorry for the late reply! :supersad:


    I've been great thanks, and yourself? :D

  23. Cool! :Dsorry this is late... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!:party::awesome: Did you have a good birthday? :p

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