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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Oh right, we haven't been with family for the last two years on Christmas so we thought it would be a good idea to see them this year :happy: I hope you get them all! :D I want some Muse prezzies for my birthday, like the Twitter poster and a mug :LOL: I haven't been on it much.. I went on it when they first made the current one, and I posted today :happy: I'm glad to hear! I'm okay.. starting t feel a bit ill for some reason :indiff:

  2. Why thank you! Yours is amazing though! :happy:

  3. :yesey: Really?! :LOL: I liked him because his voice made me shiver :chuckle: Well that's good.. and if you beg, I'm sure he'll give you a job :LOL: Yeah it is, but why are you nervous that it's you? :LOL: Goood, how much longer do you have to do it? The heating's on in the house, but my hand's are like blocks of ice :eek: I think everyone's tired now that it's the holidays :chuckle: Not really, just visiting the family and some friends, what about you? :D
  4. Awwh really? I wish I was that small again :p Sounds good, I guess it's tradition to do that for you then? :) Awesome! What Muse prezzies did you ask for? :awesome: PMT :dance:

    How are you today??

  5. heyyyy! long time no speak!

    how've you been hun? :happy:

  6. I wish I was a bit smaller.. I'm 5'6 and still growing :LOL: I'm sure it does! :happy: Ahh sounds good! With a few films or TV programmes chucked in here and there itt's perfect! :D Well why not? I love doing it :chuckle: Not really, just the usual wake up, presents, go visit family, dinner and see friends :p What about you? :D

  7. Okay :D I feel sorry for you.. you stil have school ): I bet the midle schol ones were better than our primary ones :LOL: You're welcome! Oohhh yayy! :awesome:


    You could! That would be so awesome :D Mmmmmm, Matt in blazers.... Especially the grey ones! :p


    The texting one is funny, and weird :LOL:.. but the Matt dying one is sad :( I had one once where me and Matt were ice skating, and he kept doing a move called "the chicken" (which he made up :chuckle:) and everytime he did it, he turned into a chicken.. my brain is messed up! I love Muse-y dreams though! (:


    No religion or mind virus, is there a hope that the facts will ever find us? Just make sure that you are looing out for number one! :dance:


    Hmmmpfh.. that sucks! :indiff: There is this place in Wales and when the tide goes out, it's like a river so it's not too wide... but I wont cross unless I have my brother to jump onto if I "think" there is something in the water :LOL:

    Well best thing to do is what you want, you'll know if you make the right decision! :happy:

    Awwwh cool! What is the place like? :)


    Goood! I'm fine thanks!

    How's your weekend been so far? :happy:

  8. I'm sure you will! :D Awwwh why? :(

    That sounds like an interesting conversation.. It made me lol :p Matt is a bitch! In the words of Chris and Dom: -(Chris)Who's the biggest bitch? (Dom) Matt is, and we're his bitches.

    Cuz that's the way it is :LOL:

    Awwwwh :( We both failed, but mine was more of an EPIC fail :facepalm: 8 MINUTES! :noey:

    Yeah I'm sure I did too :LOL: Oh well! :)


    When you asked I has half a day... We had 3 hours of pointless lessons :indiff:

    How are you? :p

  9. Yeah, your iTunes is fail.. poor you :(

    NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE IT ALIVE Especially while we are watching :shifty:


    ... < :awesome:


    Floccinauchinhilipilifications... :D

    Pwoclaim that this pwopa fuckin' wock and woll is vewy twue wock and woll indeed wif a sense of urgency and they will not fowce us wock and wollers even if they tie us to wailwoads and thewe is no-one to set us fwee and we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, take us away fwom here, pwotect us fwom fuwther hawm, etcetewa, because you and me fall in line to be punnished fow unpwoven cwimes but no-one's gonna take us alive and you could be mah unintended luf, so don't kid youwself, and don't fool youwself, it's unnatuwal selection I want the twuth and NO-ONE'S GONNA TAAAAKE MEEEEE AAALLLIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE, THE TIME HAS COME TO MAKE FINGS WIIIIIIIIIGHT and it's because you're the god of a shrinking universe in this forgotten space race under my contwol and I don't need another map of youw head cuz I has a map of the pwoblematique for when I get lost in the gwoove :LOL:

  10. Yes.. :indiff: But I got quite a lot of stuff so it was good! :DMeh, the latest Ivve slept to on a sunday is 3pm :LOL: I am LAZY!


    Goood! Oh my... wow! :eek: That was just... breathtaking! But yeah, Matt has some very weird clothes :LOL: I feel like that! OH MY GOD I'VE BEEN A MUSER FOR ALMOST TWO YEARS!!!! :awesome: No.. they will never "fully" mature :chuckle:


    Awwwwh get better soon hun! :)


    I'm fine.. my fingers are numb while I'm typing, but I'm good :LOL:

    Have you had a good weekend? :happy:

  11. It's okay! :happy: School brings you down doesn't it? :(Stupid suckish place!

    I've been fine thenks :happy: What about you hun? :p I did! :dance: I wrapped it up in a towel and pput it on the radiator.. it worked :D It sucks without an iPod :indiff:

    Really? Most of my families/friends are next month :LOL:

    Mine's the 9th January but mum hates it being right after christmas so she said I can have an un-official birthday on 9th Jun :awesome: When is yours? :happy:

  12. It's fine! :happy:

    Goooood :LOL:


    I'm glad to hear! :happy:

    Goooood! :D It was boring.. school was pointless because you just watch films and do "fun" stuff :noey: But I'm glad it's the holidays! :)

    I'm fine thanks, tired though :LOL: What about you? :happy:

  13. Did you watch it? :awesome: We used to have discos at primary school.. but they sucked and I never went to most of them :LOL: Sounds fun! You get a lot of dances! :( Oh right! No it isn't ridiculous, I really enjoy reading it :D


    It would indeed :yesey: And they'd ask your opinion on things like outfits :eek::awesome:


    It is a pleasant surprise.. yeah when Muse are in my dreams they always get super strange they're usually weird, but I mean overly weird :LOL:


    The lucky don't care at aaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllll !!


    Ewwww, that must have been horrible :eek:

    Awwwwh that's nice to hear! :D

    Awwh but it's not that long to be fair... you just have to look forward to it! Is a retreat where you go on a trip somewhere? :$

    Tired Musers are tired.

    Cool :) How are you? :p

  14. Awwh he is pretty good looking to be honest :yesey: I don't love it when I have to carry bags :chuckle: Ahhh that sucks :( I hope you can get it!! Hmm is it really busy? :) Ooooh I'm sure you'll do fine at it! :happy: My mum's a hairdresser... FREE HAIRCUTS! :dance: I bet it is :indiff: I'm glad to hear :p How was work? I've been fine, cold and tired, but fine... what about you? :D

  15. Awwwwh :LOL: Oh none of the year sevens stand a chance at being taller than us... they come up to my elbow :chuckle: Ahhh good!! How was the last day? :p And not much, school sleep and that sort of stuff but school's finnished now :D you??

  16. It's fine hun! :happy:


    I couldn't get her treats :( But I gave her a really long walk! :D

    'Tis indeed! :yesey:

    You're welcome!! :D


    Really?! :LOL:

    I hate coming back to loads of notifications :noey: Awwwwwwh, it's ice to hear! :p What's he like? :D

    You are welcome!!Ohh yayy, and good luck with the piano exam :)

    It was a pretty boring day though, which is the stupid thing :(


    It was good! (:

    Oh noes! I hope you get ne soon! :supersad:

    Oh my days I love Pendulum :eek: I'm glad you had fun at everything! :D Nahh not really.. went shopping the other day and brought a Muse calender :awesome:


    How are you?? ^.^

  17. Yep :) It is.. I hate having a birthday near Christmas though :indiff:Yes.. I am looking forward to it! :D


    They do! And it gets the message that family is imprtant on Christmas through :happy: An awesome legend :yesey:


    Thanks! :pI would too.. but I ca't get anything off the website because it wouldn't be here in time :indiff: Maybe for my birthday? :chuckle:


    That sounds amazing :LOL: I wish I could have done that! :( Yayyyyyy I can't wait.. TOMORROW :dance:


    It was okay.. Saturday was just chilling out, but on Sunday I had to get up at 9 am (seriously, who gets up at that time on a sunday?) and went clothes shopping :D

    It's absolutely fine hun! :happy:


    How are you?? :p

  18. Ahhh right :LOL: It's a programme (a very rude one with a lot of swearing in it :chuckle:) but it's hilarious! It's about these 4 boys in a school and they are the "inbetweeners" and don't really have many friends... it sounds awful when I say it, but it is really good :yesey: We don't have a "dance" until prom :( I'm gald you enjoyed iit though!! Awwh good :happy: It can.. but you'll be fine soon! :D


    Well, yeah... :LOL: I would absolutley love it, you could go to the studio with them, tour with them and all that stuff! :awesome:


    Wow. That's a whole lotta love :chuckle: Muse dreams are awesome though!


    Awesome! :D I love it too!


    I know right... ew! :eek:

    Oh :( But her not being with him and him still liking her is like karma in a way, so maybe the best is yet to come! :happy:

    Mehh, just school and all.. but the holidays start tomorrow after school and I only have half a day!!

    Good, and I hope you get some sleep!! I'm good, just watched a film so I'm tired too :chuckle:

    How's school today? :p

  19. I WANT IT NOW! *but I has no moneh :(* Gooooood! :happy: Oh noes.. I'm sure you'll find him something soon! :D Awwh why not? :eek: And yeah, a few pairs of jeans, a couple of nice tops, some pj's and a MUSE CALENDER! :p Ahhh is it good there? :) Oh my days... that's a lot of standing :indiff:

    Have you had a good week? :happy:

  20. I agree, it's bad.. You are like the smallest there and you get pushed around :LOL: Goood! :D Awwwh, I hope you get it done soon!

    Have you been up to much? :)

  21. My dad is too! :eek: (yes I did, and it was very clever :chuckle:)


    I love it when it first snows.. it's just magical! :D Yayyyyy!! I hope there is LOADS!!! :p


    Goooooood! :happy:

    Oh noes! :supersad: I hope things are alright with you aand your mum now! I always have fallouts with my mum and my mum is a really argumentative person :indiff: Just try to forget about it hun! :)


    I'm fine thanks, tried though :LOL:

    How was your weekend? :D

  22. I'm glad to hear! I have a friend that has parts in my stories too :happy: Oh it's fine.. I haven't been on the internet much, and when have it was to watch The Inbetweeners :LOL: Awesome! Why were you dancing? :chuckle: Was it just a random moment, or were you with friends? :D I always bust a move somewhere :p Awwwh I hope you're okay now!!! I could never get sick of it! :D


    It would.. proving that I don't have much of a life :LOL:


    Aha, I feel like a saddo :facepalm: I have never ever felt this way about a band :noey: I LOVE MUSE.


    Unnatural Selection <3333 :D



    I haven't ever been a fan of it.. I had a phase about 2 years ago where I loved it, but now.. :indiff:



    Goood, I'm glad to hear! :D It was boring....

    How are you? :)

  23. :D It's nothing bad!!!

    We have seen to much (to young :chuckle:) :noey:

    Oh okay :) I hope you get it soon!! :happy:

    No.. Yes he is.. but an awesome bitch! :D:LOL:

    Wooo! Radiohead are pretty awesome to be fair :yesey: (but muse are awesome-er :D) :awesome:


    Ahhhh I thought I was the only one! :awesome: :awesome: :party: I sent one at like 00.08.. the interet failed :facepalm:


    Same... DORIS IS FAIL!!! :noey:

  24. It's okay!! I hate having no internet, but your reasons sound much worse :(

    Oh right... :LOL: iTunes is fail for me too!It copys the song onto my iPod twice :indiff:

    D-O-M-S-E-S-S-I-O-N! :dance:


    ... :chuckle:


    Pwoclaim that this pwopa fuckin' wock and woll is vewy twue wock and woll indeed wif a sense of urgency and they will not fowce us wock and wollers even if they tie us to wailwoads and thewe is no-one to set us fwee and we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuun, we must wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun, take us away fwom here, pwotect us fwom fuwther hawm, etcetewa, because you and me fall in line to be punnished fow unpwoven cwimes but no-one's gonna take us alive and you could be mah unintended luf, so don't kid youwself, and don't fool youwself, it's unnatuwal selection I want the twuth :D *indeed! :awesome:

  25. I'm glad I did, the class I went into was so much better! :) Yeah, once the teachers know you better they like you more :LOL: There is this one teacher at my school that hates year 7's :eek::chuckle: I'm glad to hear it! :D I'm fine thanks, what about you? :p

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