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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Yayyyyy :D Awesome, I'll accept :p

    Or Muse and 30STM :eek:

    I love it :awesome: Awwwh why? :supersad: Ahhh and only get up for food :LOL:

    They suck right? :(

    Gooood! And not really.. ice skating saturday as per :LOL: I went lastnight and it was a foam party, I got soaked :noey: What about you? :happy:

  2. Good!

    It's Kurt's birthday today! :eek: He would have been 44... He is awesome <3


    It's realllllllllllllly long though :LOL: Awwwh you should buy a pair :chuckle:


    I can't even say what I want to say pwoperly :$


    I have totally lost it and it's never coming back :'( :LOL:


    Good :D Ermmm it's cold and dull... boring britain :rolleyes:

    Have you been up to much?

  3. okay... :LOL:


    very pretty eyes :yesey:




    mmmmmmm :D


    yeah I guess!


    Awwwh :( Get well soon, it must be awful..


    I'm fine thanks :) hav you been up to much?

  4. I love it :D Haha same really... I went ice skating last night though, it was a foam party :p I got soaked! I'm fine thanks, you? :happy:

  5. Awwh good! :D


    Late reply again.. sorry :indiff:


    They were! Especially pokemon.. I used to collect the cards :chuckle:


    Smoking is bad, and even if it is for a good cause :erm:


    That sounds like a strange night :LOL: I hope you were feeling better after a while, it must have sucked being ill like that :indiff:


    How hav you been? :)

  6. Yayyyyy :D have you signed up? :awesome:

    Haha iit is :p

    It would be really bad wouldn't it? If it was Muse and a band like Young Guns who I like, but not that much it wouldn't be bad... but then Muse and Enter Shikari, I would actually cry :LOL:

    It's the holidays now so you have a week to do that :p

    I hate hospital/doctor/dentist appointmets, I'm always scared they'll tell me something bad :(

    I'm fine thanks, youu? :happy:

    Sorry for the laste reply :(

  7. I wonder about some of the stuff that does :LOL:


    Yeah like the perfect shade of blue... If I didn't love him so much I'd rip them out and have them as my own :LOL: Just kidding, now I sound like a sadistic tool :eek:


    I love it.. I get way too excited :p


    Wow that sounds amazing! What did he look like? :eyebrows: That sounds like a nice place to live :happy: I bet it is!


    sorry for the late reply :(

    how are you? :)

  8. Awwwh, I'm glad he came back! Is he still okay? :)


    Did it load in the end? Awesome film isn't it? :D


    OMG! You are so lucky, ours just does Wimboweh and crap like that! I can play the piano part of Resistance though :p

    How are you? :D

  9. Sorry for the late reply :indiff: WInter Holidaysssssssssssssssssssssss :awesome: So glad there is no school for a week! They started yesterday, when did/dp yours? :)

  10. You're welcome :) Well what do you enjoy, trust me.. I picked art thinking it would be relaxing and stuff... it's really not, probably my most stressful subject :indiff:


    Oh noes :( OH MY DAYS YOU ARE SO LUCKY!!! :eek: *iz jealous!* When is Download? :awesome:


    Mehh it was okay :) I really wanna go see I Am Number 4 :eek:

    Yeah they are good films :p

    I watched it!!!!!! It was really good! (:


    Awwh that sucks :indiff:


    Glad to hear! Take Me Out is amazingggg, I keep thinking it's on tonight 'cuz it feels likeSaturday :chuckle:

    I'm fine thanks :)


    Sorry again :(


    How have you bbeen? :D

  11. Hahaa :LOL: Is it done now? (Sorry for th late reply! :() It's like mind control football is :eek: I've been going ice skating a lot :p Even brought my own skates! What about you? :happy: I'm glad to hear you're good, I'm fine thanks :)

    Have you got any plans for the weekend? :D

  12. You're welcome :D No we can't, and a few months after it has happened it will be as good as forgotten :LOL:


    It would be so awesome.. And Muse would admire us for being such good role models to their kids :p


    I love when it feels like 2 minutes but it's actually 30 :yesey:

    You should be!! Awh thanks :D


    A girl called Coral (coralidor on the board) :happy:


    Hmmm I guess it would get boring after a while :indiff: Oh goood :D I did it again :( Sorry!


    I've been fine thank you :) Have you been up to much? :D

  13. I'm glad you did! :D Awesome! Was it the Tim Burton version? :awesome: Goooood :p I'm fine thanks, sorry for the late reply again :supersad:

    Have you been up to much?

  14. Gooooood :D I'm great thanks, really really happy for some unknown reason :p

    Have you been up to much? :happy:

  15. I will! :D I still can't seem to find it, and it doesn't help that I don;t have time to find it :(


    I might have to watch that :p Maybe after I've answered all my messages though :chuckle:


    Gooood :D Me too, it's really not nice having cold witer wind :noey: But at least we've had blue skies :) I'm glad you can feel it getting warmer!! :happy:


    I can't wait :D Lady Gaga and Muse :awesome: I'm am actually buzzing! What date are they on? Two weeks time right? :p


    Oh good because I haven't been on here since I sent you the last message :LOL: I feel bad replying late :$


    How have you been? :D

  16. Have you written anything you realy like? :D

    You're welcome! :happy:


    I can't even remember how I felt then.. sorry for the late reply :supersad:


    It's because we were awesome kids :yesey:


    Awwwh poor you :( <3


    Oh noes! Why? :eek: It's really bad for you Rosy, please try to stop! :erm:


    How are you? :p

  17. It's fine! Sorry for my late reply :supersad: How's it going, the whole decorating thing? Yeah I just want him to be happy, and if she makes him happy, then so be it :D It is really good isn't it? Once you get into it it's like "Go on!" "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" :LOL: I've been great, and yourself? :happy:

  18. Thanks :happy: I get to go home after it though, so it's like a whole day off seeing as I have it at 9! Good luck at your options evening!! Do you know what you want to do yet? :p


    I love Summer Boy and Starstruck :D I prefer the older stuff..


    Awesome!! :awesome: They so are! I guess it's because they have so many people :LOL:


    It's about this girl who is accused of being a witch and they have to journet with her to the place where the monks are to get a book so they can give her a fair trial, a trial that will prove if she is a witch or not... turns out shes not a witch, she's a demon :LOL: and it's set when the plague was going round so there's loads of gross people :erm:

    Ahh like Shaun of the Dead and Scary Movie? :chuckle: No I haven't! My brother keeps telling me to watch it but I can't find the time!


    You should be able to retake still, you just have to pay more... like double the price :stunned: That's what they do here :erm: They are really awesome though :p


    Cool :D

    Ive been ice skating most weekends and school..

    How are you? :p


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  19. Why would I scare you? :eek: But still, watch your screen :chuckle:


    Awwwwwhhh <3


    yeah but I'd prefer the eyes on a girl and the noes on a boy still :LOL:

    I'd kill to have Matt's eyes! :stunned:


    I don't mind football, or the commentary, just writing it all down is dreadful :( Not exactaly.. my brother had the key and he was right behind me on the way up from the bus stop, and when I got home he wasn't :wtf: Turns out he had to pop into town and took the key with him :noey:


    Ice skating, school, homework, repeat :LOL: youu?


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  20. Sometimes I do by accident and then I think, oh I haven't had a reply from blahblah *clicks on conversation* "Oh noes I haven't replied :supersad:"

    I bet it was! :LOL:

    Awesome! Does he have an accent? :awesome: Yeah friends first :happy:


    It would... I'd steal him if I could!!! :chuckle: Yeah and you have him in a sack like santa style :LOL:


    Nahh it's just school wearing me out :erm: I'm alright though!

    I've been ice skating 4 weeks in a row and went to the cinema, youu? :p


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  21. Me too :eek: Like if someone asks me to turn the volum up, I change the programme instead... and I nearly broke my brothers xbox microphone :LOL:

    Wow you have to pick so much! :stunned: We had to pic 4 things (or equivelant to 4 things) Triple Science and BTECs count as 2 and all the rest count as one... I hope you get the lessons you want :D

    I'm sure you'll do fine! I did quite well in my Year 9 science gcse's :)

    I'm going to work in a hospital, it's just paper work but it'll be cool :D

    Gooood :happy: I'm fine thanks!


    Sorry for the late reply, again :supersad:

    How've you been? :p

  22. You sould have been, it was really good! :D Yes we do, and once it's done, that's that, no ig deal :) You're welcome :happy: Awwwh thanks hun! :D


    I can totally imagine it :LOL::awesome:


    Yeah I do that.. you look one minute and then after what seems like ages you look again and it's been a minute or two :(

    Mine too!! :D OMG awesome, you have a special keep :yesey:


    Yayyyyyy :D


    It's amazing isn't it?! Awwwwh you should try and go sometime :p Was it fun? :)

    Lucky you! We never have snow days, ever!!! How did midterm week go? :erm: Sorry for the late reply, again :supersad:


    How have you been? :D

  23. Oh it's nice! :D They're not my second favourite... but they're somewhere in the top ten I'd say :LOL: Oh I listen to songs by them :p

    How are you? :happy:


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  24. Did you have fun at the ski resort? :D Awwwh and how was the waking up and journey? :eek:

    How are you? :happy:


    Sorry for the late reply :supersad:

  25. Thanks :p


    Awwwwwh :( Why? Wait don't tell me, I'll have to find it and watch :chuckle:


    I am too it sucks right? :erm: Poor you, I bet you are! I have no energy after 1 nevermind 2 :noey:


    That was a pretty good song :D I've never heard of that.. What's it about? :happy:


    I'm okay... you? :) It's fine, I haven't been on here too much anyway :$

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