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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Realy? :LOL: We didn't take big bags... we took pretty small ones and then decided to got to asda because we got there too early, and brought too many sweets to fit in them :p It's brilliant! I did too! :eek: When Dobby died :supersad: Gooood! Awwh, how old is he? :happy: I've been fine thanks! :)

    What have you been up to this weekend? :p

  2. Does headbanging count? :LOL: I've bee doing that all morning! It's Muse Day :D


    My art teaher claims that she's weird because she's an artist and that all artists are wird :LOL:


    Oh my days, it was awful though... yeah at least he said that! :chuckle:


    Awwwh, I didn't say happy birthday :eek: HAPPY BIRTHDAY for te 24th :facepalm: I watched 'Home Alone 2: Lost in New York' yesterday :awesome: Ahhh neither can I!!! What d you want for Christmas? :happy:


    It was bad.. I got sooooo bored! :( But I have it now :p

    How are you?? :D

  3. Ahh it's your performance today! :eek: Good luck and have fun! :happy: Tell me all about it after :D Oh yes he is! I love all of his films... I hope he does a new one soon! :happy:

    How are you? :)

  4. I want it to be like yours! :( Swapzies? :LOL:

    You're welcome! :D I'm like that.. I have to do my art homework :indiff:

    Yeahh! :) Well at least you're excited! :happy:


    Ahh good luck! Wrap up warm :chuckle:

    Watching tv all day :chuckle: MUSE DAY FTW!!!!!!!! :p


    How are you today? :)

  5. I'm getting lazier and lazier about it... but I love writing! :noey:


    There are usually stairs next to them, I don't get why they don't use them! :mad:


    Yeah we better :shifty: I'm sure we'd get backstage passes too! :chuckle:


    Yeah it was amazing! And they didn't really miss much out, like all of the other ones :D I hope you go today!! :happy:


    *we're awesome* :LOL:


    I'm so glad I signed up! :p


    Yayyyyy! :awesome: Chris got loads of messages I bet! And it's Dommeh's turn on Tuesday :party:


    Meh, it's not that lucky... I wish I had a birthday in spring/summer! My mum said to me I can have an un-official birthday ono 9th June if I want :D So me and Matt (un)officially have the same birthday!! Seriously, there s nothng to do on a winter birthday :indiff:

    Awwh, you make christmas cards then? :happy: I hope you warmed up!!

    How are you today? :)

  6. :LOL: Charmed... I just can't be bothered to write!


    Uh have you ever had someone push past you to walk up/down an escalator? Even though it already moves!!!! :mad:


    And then we can be like :dance: when they do!! :D


    I saw it! :awesome: Awwwwwh, I hope you do. And have fun!!! :p


    Oh yes... *iz pwoud* :chuckle:


    Awwwh, it's nice to know people spend time on us! :D We're like one big (relatively) happy family! :p It is indeed :yesey:


    :awesome: I posted him a birthday message on twitter :p


    Sounds nice! :D Books, CD's, clothes, shoes etc :LOL: And then my birthday is two weeks after ;)

    Have you been up to much today? :)

  7. Tim Burton films are just awesome :D Wow, I hope you have fun! :happy: Gooood! I've been fine :)

    have you got much planned this weekend? :happy:

  8. :eek: :eek: That's sooooooo unfair! Guess what happened here? It rained. The snow melted :'( I thought it was gonna be really thich this morning because it snowed all night.... then it wasn't :(

    Awesome!! :D I ca't do mine based on Muse... our projects is on clocks and time :indiff: I bet it looks amazing :happy:

    Oh it's okay now! :p But the buttons stopped working (I have the nano chromatic) and then the screen just went white :( But now it's working :) I feel really sorry for you, I couldn't imagine going til christmas without it :supersad:

    *pways that it is safe* :chuckle:

    Gooooood! I'm fine thanks :p

    Have you got much planned this weekend? :D

  9. Your college suonds awesome! :D And so does your teacher... I don't think any of mine have heard of Muse :noey: Not a lot really :LOL: I went to see Harry Potter today! It was like mission impossible getting in :chuckle: Because at the cinema you are not allowed to take in your own sweets and drink in :mad: So we crammed loads into our bags and his things in our shoes :chuckle:

    How are you today? :)

  10. Thats good! I hope she doesn't ever again!! I do too.. I need to write new chapters, people keep reviewing, adding the story to faves or story alert and I don't update :facepalm: Good luck with the phsycho person :LOL:


    Awesome! :awesome: I don't think they have escalators in the arenas/stadiums here :(


    Yes, it's a plan! :yesey:


    Awwh poor you! :( I hope you see it soon! I can't wait!


    Good, you don't want to know either! :LOL: *blessed*


    That sucks :indiff: Yeah, you should... and then sell them :p Awwh do you know who made it? :)


    Ahhh the weekend :dance: Oh it hasn't? :supersad: It hasn't snowed much, but it's enough!!!! I know right.. It was Chris' birthday yesterday :party:

    Gooood!! I'm fine thanks :)


    What have you asked for for Christmas? :p

  11. You're welcome! :D:LOL: I'm sure you wouldn't! :p


    Ahhh we haven't had a day off :mad: Well, I had wednesday off but I wasn't supposed to :chuckle:

    Goooood! :happy:


    Ermm I dunno... What have you asked for for christmas?? :)

    oh my days, how awesome is the board advent calendar?! :awesome:

  12. Goooood :) Ooooh what panto are you in? Anyways, good luck hun!! :happy: I'm fine thanks!

    Have you been up to much??


    I love your ava btw, Corpse Bride is amazing! :p

  13. It's absolutely fine hun! :happy:

    Same same :( I hate being tired! But yeah, I'm good thanks :pWell, my iPod broke, so I'm sad... :indiff: Oh my days that is sooo amazing and cute! I posted a birthday message :chuckle: Buster <3


    Have you been up to much? :)

  14. Gooood! :D Yeah thank you :happy:

    Have you been up to much?

  15. Ahhh lucky :( I didn't go in on wednesday :LOL: It's snowing heavily!!!! :D *thanks to you*

    :D Awwwh what did you do? :awesome: Nahh not really... my iPod broke :'(

    How amazing is it? The oe today made me sad... :chuckle:


    How are you? :)

  16. Yayyyyy :D How do you think they went?! Ahh what is the one? :)

    It is facepalm worthy :facepalm: And this lad who supports Liverpool at my school wore a Liverpool scarf and even the teachers laughed at him :(.. :LOL:

    :chuckle: Yeah, but the glitterati is dead :supersad: so we could replace it...

    Yeahh :D I can't wait.. even though it's like 2 years away!!!

    They should make a sheep face on the board.. :afro: <that looks a bit like one :LOL:

    Oh my days, that must have sucked big time! I hate buses :mad:

    Agreed! :yesey: Same here, me and my brother used to go on a random map and play tag in the cars :chuckle: 'Twas funny!

    Yeah I am thanks! And goood! It is freezing!!! Yeah we had a bit, but not much :supersad: You? :D

  17. Indeed! :D It was an awesome picture :happy:


    I can't do it in a straight line, I do it wrong and I just have no patience :LOL: I'm glad you enjoy it! :)


    I'm happy to hear :p That's good... the 6th one left out soooooo much :( I hope I do too!! Thanks for the warning. I am prepared :chuckle: Tomfelts is hot anyways ;)


    Okay hun! I can't wait to see it! :)


    Maybe I was thinking about something else :LOL:

    How are you? :p

  18. :D Oh to block messages you have to block Private Messaging altogether don't you? :indiff: Well, she sucks... I'm glad I don't have anyone like that. Just ignore her, best way forward :LOL:


    Yeah maybe :p


    Awwwh, I always imagine it being their last ever concert in 20 years time :LOL: When they're old! But I doubt they will :(


    You've seen it?! :awesome: How was it? *jealous*


    :yesey: I've had 3 IAA's, and if you don't know what they are, you are also blessed :LOL:


    Awesome! :D I wish I could find a Muse one... the one on the board is great though! :p


    OMG fail... They should be ashamed! :noey:

    I am too... it's been a long week :( I went sledding :awesome: It's all snowy!!!

    How are you hun? :happy:

  19. You're welcome! :D


    Oh noes! :( I hope it goes soon! Awwh don't be.. I bet I have wayyyyy more spots than you.. I hope you feel better about it soon! :)


    Awwh yes! What colour are you going? :D


    :supersad: I feel so sorry for you! Just try to do things to take your mind off it, go out, have fun and try to be careless :happy: Then you will feel more confident! :)

    Tell me about him! :D


    Awwh, that sucks... :'( We haven't had much, but we've had enough to go sledding :p

    How are you today? :)

  20. Awwh, get better soon hun! :)

    I'm fine thanks, it's snowing here :D


    :eek: Really?!?!?!?!!!! I didn't know.... WOW * hopes they win!*


    Have you been up to much? :p

  21. He does not! :noey:


    Awwwh, that sucks... did you get anything at all? :happy:

    How are you today? :D

  22. :LOL: 'tis indeed!

    Yeah it is!! I'm really jealous :( Thanks for the snow!! :p

    Gooooood!! :D

    I'm fine thanks :happy: Have you been up to much today? :)


    OMG hav you been opening the board calender? :awesome:

  23. You're welcome! :D

    How are you? :happy:

  24. Awwh awesome! :D Ermm, well.. 30 Seconds To Mars, Phoenix, Pendulum, Green Day, Paramore, Nickelback, Linkin Park, Lostprophets,Tom Felton, Enter Shikari, Avenged Sevenfold, Biffy Clyro, Bullet For My Valentine, Paramore etc etc :p


    How are you today? :happy:

  25. Hellooo :D

    Long time no speak! :eek: How are you? :p

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