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You Electrify My Life

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Status Updates posted by You Electrify My Life

  1. Haha I'll help if you like? :chuckle:


    :LOL: Where did you do it?


    Yeah, same... I was reading about this disorder before and I think I have it. It's about being shy, avoiding people and creating your own fantasies. Sums me up, haha :)


    Exactly! Yeah, the "Most awesome people in this world" award :p Errrm the ones from the board and then things like best costume at parties, or best karioke :LOL:


    Awwwwh, it'll be fine! It's only one subject after all :)


    It won't be, you'll have a great time! :happy:


    It was probably coincidence, but it's still weird :erm:


    :D Finals as in exams? I've already done them all for this year :happy:


    It seems that the more I come on here the more interesting it gets :p


    Hmmm Sorry You're Not A Winner, Solidarity, No Sleep Tonight, Adieu, Gap In The Fence, Labyrinth and Jonny Sniper :happy:


    Yeah it was amazing! I got too feed animals like a giraffe! And then I saw baby meerkats and they were so cute! :chuckle:


    SO TRUE! I guess it's cuz we go to bed late like bad asses :rolleyes:


    Gooood! How's Vermont?! :awesome: It was good thanks (:


    How are you? :happy:

  2. Ooooh :D How old will you be? :awesome: Haha yeah that's what I want to happen! :p Goood, and haha I always leave it too, in fact I have some art homework that needs to be done by tomorrow... Ooops :LOL: Awesome, how was it? :D Errrm I stopped at my friends house on Saturday night and we watched loads of Dirty Sanchez, then we had Monday off so me and a few friends went to the Safari Park :) How are you? :happy:

  3. Yes!!!! :D And you are too? :p awwwwwh, :( how are you? :D

  4. They should... Shame on them :noey:


    It was fun to read! And I could picture all of the singing which made me chuckle!


    I always get excited at things like that :( Oh well, at least we have active imaginations :chuckle:


    Yeah they could :p And he'd make a great ruler!! I know right? :/ We should automatically get SOMETHING for being awesome and creating this whole world right? ;)


    Oh no! That sucks :(


    Haha great, I hope you have fun! :p


    Awwwwh, I hope it doesn't hhappen to anyone else :indiff:


    Haha YES I CAN!! Thanks (:


    I posted a few times! I feel like I'm gonna use it more now :awesome:


    Wooo I hope I can keep it up too :p


    You're welcome! :happy: Haha they're not exactly a big band so I'm not surprised! And I think they're awesome, they're pretty heavy so if you like softer stuff they're not for you! :LOL:


    I didn't on Friday but today I went to a safari park with my friends :p


    Haha noon is good! Don't you like waking up late? :LOL: It was good thanks!


    How was your weekend? :p

  5. Thanks, I'm glad you are too! :D And I hope you have a lovely summer too!

    Goooood :) And yeah time will fly, I mean seriously. It's July already :stunned:

    How was your weekend? :p

  6. I'm jealous already! :LOL: I really want a slytherin scarf, I'm gonna buy one in the winter :p Oh my days you must have been really tired! :eek: Errrrm I think I'm going this weekend :)

    How was your weekend? :D

  7. You're welcome :D

    Oh it sounds lovely :happy: How did the prom go? :p

    More torture? :LOL: I think it's a better idea to stay on though since the teachers know you and you can just work straight away rather than get used to new teachers and a new environment :)

    Gooood! :p My day was okay thank you :)

    Have you had a good weekend? :awesome:

  8. :D And goood, I hope everything goes fine :happy: Oh that sounds suckish :indiff:

    Wooooo PARTAYYYYYYY :dance: Oooh it is? What's your dress like? :p

    Are you going to college or sixth form? :)

    How was your day? :happy:

  9. Yeah I'm fine, my mum booked me an appointment because I had two half days off school... There is nothing wrong with me! :LOL: And awwwwh, are YOU okay? :(

    Haha yay :D

    Wooooo, I feel your relief! :chuckle: 19 is a lot! And yeah I am :)

    You're welcome! And phew, that would suck if you had some :indiff:

    Goood, and lucky you! :awesome: I'm good thanks!

  10. I have no idea... They must have weird minds :noey:


    You're wecome! :D I look forward to it!


    Really? :eek: It's a bad feeling isn't it?


    YES WE SHOULD! :ninja:


    Oh wow! What could Chris and Dom be? And we could have REAL Muser awards, not like the ones on the board, but ones where you actually get a trophy! :awesome:


    Errm I might next year... We have two "top sets" and the other top set has him, why oh why couldn't I be in that set?!


    Yeah it is... but at least if people do bad they bring the grade boundaries down :p


    I bet you are! :happy:

    No one I know has ever gone missing, but I bet it's awful :(


    Yeah haha, oh well :)


    The threads got a bit boring and I felt like I'd be out of place if I posted in them, I think I'm over it now though :p You're welcome *hug returned* :happy:


    I did it again, I'm on a roll :D


    Oooh awesome, I hope you have fun! :p And it's a live DVD by Enter Shikari, I can't wait!


    Gooood :happy: I'm fine thank you!


    How was your day? :)

  11. Stupid organisers are stupid :(


    I always enjoy it :p And oooh I look forward to it! :D


    It would wouldn't it?! I'm all excited for it, and then I snap back and think "Oh.. :("


    I want SOMEONE to get in contact with him, I used to enjoy talking to him! Weird :erm:


    Oh wow! And we could have bouncy castles in TR cover shape, and the sky would be orange like on OoS.. and there would be a place called Cydonia, and Eurasia :awesome:


    Maths... I don't have him as a teacher though, I can just see him through the door when I'm in registration, he comes in our room sometimes though :p


    Ahh good :happy: Oh noes! That's like people on the History test over here... a lot of them missed out the last question :noey:


    You are? :D Awesome!

    Oh good, I'm glad he's okay!


    I still have a month of school, consider yourself lucky :chuckle:


    I used to go on every day, but I dont now :indiff: And yeahh :$


    I'm annoyed for you! I ACTUALLY ANSWERED EARLY :eek:


    Awesome, where are you going? :D And nothing really, just school... I get a new DVD soon though, been waiting ages for it!


    How are you? (:

  12. Really? :LOL: Wow, it sounds awesome! WOAHH I bet Harry Potter was good :awesome: It sounds like you had a great time, and oh my gawd you an wear your uniform to the cinema to watch Deathly Hallows part 2 :eek:

    I'm fine thanks, what about you? :D

  13. Ahhh good :D

    I went to the doctors on Monday :eek: Haha keep up the record! :p

    Eeeep I'm really excited! I wish you could go too, see all the OoS stuff :indiff:

    Awwww yeahhhh :p Are you finished now? :happy:

    Gooood and 19?!?!?!!? :stunned: Woah. I had 8 I think :LOL:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAYY FOR ALMOST 3 WEEKS AGO!!! :party: Oooh naughty, will you have to retake? Well it's not caled retake if you didn't take it in the first place I guess :rolleyes:


    How are you? :D

  14. You do? :D And yeah I guess it is it's so quiet and green! Yeah, I'm so excited! I'm gonna see Enter Shikari too, looking forward to them aswell :p Awwwh I wish you could go :( You should be, I wish I could go to Florida, just try to have fun! :happy:


    How are you? :)

  15. Awwwwwh that sucks! :(


    So am I! Yeah I have, and the bonus chapter, I loved it!!! :D Sorry I didn't review, I wasn't supposed to be on the computer when I read them :chuckle:


    No you wouldn't :awesome:


    It is weird... I hope nothing bad happened :erm: He could have told us h was gonna leave if that's what happened!


    That would be amazing... Imagine all the get togethers and parites :stunned:


    Errrm I'd say mid twenties... I got to talk to him today, I nearly died :LOL:


    Awwww how did your exams go? :happy: I'm sure you did fine!


    Goood, that's th spirit! :p

    Oh my days, I hope he's okayy... :erm: Yeah they do don't they? At least it's summer "break" soon :chuckle:


    Years you say? :LOL: I wish I could come on everyday! I think I'll try to come on a couple of times a week... I need to go on fanfiction more too, I only use it to read your story :D


    Ahhh, that really does suck... Why would they think to play 2 big bands at the same time? WHY?! :| I'm good thanks, sorry 'bout the late reply again m'dear :indiff:


    Have you been up to much? :)

  16. No it doesn't :LOL: I come on here like once a month... it's getting a bit boring :eek: Heyyyy :p I'm fine thanks m'dear, how are you? :D Yeah everythings great, and is everything okay for you? :)

  17. hi! thanks for the friend request :happy:

  18. It's okay :happy: I haven't been on here since I last messaged you anyways :$

    Gooood, I'm sure the downs will stop soon :D

    Oh good :chuckle: I haven't been for about a year... but I have been to the hospital :LOL:

    I didn't tell you did I?! :eek: I thought I'd told everyone :facepalm: Yeah I am going :D

    Glad to hear! Mmmmm haven't had a bbq in AGES! Just think, summer hols soon :awesome:

    Ahhhh no :( Are you okay now? :erm: Haha good :p How many exams have you got this month? :indiff: I'm good thanks :happy:

    Have you been up to much? :D

  19. Can I have a link? :awesome: I love waking up on a sunny day, it's the best feeling isn;t it? :D Awwwwwwh yes please! I bet he's so cute :p

    Goooood :happy: Lucky you, I have 2 more months :indiff:


    I'm good thanks :)


    Have you been up to much? :D

  20. Awesome! :D


    You're welcome :happy:


    Yayyyyy that's what I like to hear :p Ahh I bet you were loving it ;)


    Yep! Not long now :awes: I hate that it's Muse on the Friday though because I wanna save them till last :( It's on Sunday at Reading isn't iit? :)


    Thanks :happy: Errrm they're going okay I think.. Good luck to you too!


    Awwwwwwh, but you're okay? I hope so :) How did the swlstg trip go? :)


    I'm fine thanks :p


    Sorry for the late reply :indiff: Have you been up to much? :D

  21. Awwwwwh I wish you could go too!!! :( I only got to go because he pwomised when he was drunk :LOL:


    I absolutely loved it :D And I'm pwoud that I was the only one to guess who it was at the end :p


    That would be amazing :stunned:


    What if he doesn't? :eek: He's ignored people's messages from January even though he was on here in March :erm:


    They do :D I wish people I knew were like the people on here :/


    Yeah :$ He's so hot :|


    Ughh have you got exams coming up? :( I had one today, Chemistry...


    I hope so! You'll do great :happy:

    I hope she's okay :( Yeah they got past WAY too fast! :indiff:


    Sorry again :( Haha I don't really lurk anymore in threads, I do feel deprived but I feel like Im new again....


    How are you? :D

  22. Where are you?! We haven't spoke in ages... In fact, it looks like you haven't spoke to anyone :( I hope you're okay :$

  23. Sorry for the late reply :( Goooood and I'm sure you'll find something to do :D Same, I hate cold weather! :LOL: Errrm I'm going to Butlins with my friend, going to Wales and to LEEDS FESTIVAL :awesome: So excited!!! What about you? :happy:

  24. Where did you go? :)


    Well at least you've cut down!


    Awwwwh Rosy :( Doesn't this make you see that you aren't fat? You don't need the excersise, you'll just wear youself out since you're not eating, I hope you get better <3


    Have you spoke to him much lately? :happy:


    I bet you can't! Who else are you gonna see? :p I'M GOING TO LEEDS :awesome:


    Goood, and I hope you feel less lonely soon, feeling lonely sucks :(

    I haven't started yet, my first one is on Tuesday :indiff: Have you got any? :)


    How have you been? :p

    Sorry for the late reply :(

  25. Haha I know! I've been good thanks, what about you? :D

    Sorry for the late reply! :(

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